My Life turned upside down for me yesterday..

Tamra, please know that we are thinking of you today and hopefully will have news that is not too difficult to handle... take care and let us know, please.
Hello to all my family of Diser's:

Last weeks MRI of brain and rest of spinal came back normal. That sure was GREAT news!!! However, we still don't know what is on C2 yet. The blood work came back with low Iron, thryroid is off, and an elevated antibody. He was asking if I had a rash anywhere etc. , he is trying to rule out Lupus. More blood was taken, I had an EKG and chest xrays. My next step is now the neurologist. I go on September 8 at 9 a.m. The doctor will have handed him all the tests that we have done and then it's up to him on how he wants to handle from there.

The other good news was that I am allowed to go on a plane and head to Disney on the 25th. Of course I have to watch rides on because he doesn't want me on anything that is going to whip me around. I don't go on those anyway so I am good.

Thank you to all of you who have kept me in their prayers. God Bless to all of you and your family.

I will continue to keep you all informed when I know more information at a later date.

Tamra great news! I thought you were already going to a neurologist. I am glad you are going to one only because that is their speciality. We will keep you in our prayers. HAve a great time at Disney!!!!
That is terrific news!!! Still keeping you in my prayers!!!
Tamra....good news.. have a great trip..

Just one thought and only because I am going through this... did they check for shingles? For some reason when you said elevated antibodies that is what the doctor said to me yesterday....those words.. I have elevated antibodies. I did have the rash, probably the reason he asked you, but you can get internal ones too and although people think it is an age thing, you can get them at any age. Chicken pox is around now and when you have had chicken pox before as an adult when you come in contact with chicken pox or are run down, you can get shingles.. Off my shingled soapbox, this is for everyone here as well as Tamra.

Also, how off was your thyroid, enough to take thyroid medication because if you need that, you should be taking it.. Another one of my things that I tend to harp on as that little thyroid regulates everything in your body and if it is off it can cause headaches, leg aches etc..

Anyway, take your time and smell the roses during your trip...
Tamra I agree with Mackey Mouse. I have also had shingles and I forgot about the antibodies. I have also had two blood transfusions that the dr told me could cause higher or more antibodies.
I take synthryroid for my thyroid. When forever what reason I forget a couple of days I can sure tell. I hope the dr put you on meds if your thyroid is off. Good thoughts Mackey mouse.
Macky Mouse and Kimis: I am going to rule out the shingles myself. I have no rash and no pain, fever, etc. or any symptons that would be shingles. Thanks for your thoughts on all of this. I think my doctor is just as stumped as us and is trying still to weed thru it all by process of elimination.

As for the thyroid. I have been taking thyroid medication for about 9 years now. I can't remember now how off it was. More blood was taken to test for that as well.

At some point yesterday's discussion has become somewhat of a blur. There was so much information being told to my DH and I as you can imagine. I was happy for the good news that the brain and rest of spine was good. Today, however, is a different day. I woke up thinking "yeah all is good but we still don't know what the spot is on C2" My DH and I talked about it and he is all positive that all is good and will continue to be good. My boss does have past medical background. He read the latest MRI report and said that this was good news and if it was more serious I would be going to the neurologist a lot sooner. He told me to go and have a good cry and let it all out. He said that for 2 weeks I have been trying to be strong for the family and myself and now with the good news from yesterday my body is wanting a release. He does have a point.

Thanks again to all who have been thinking of me and continue to do so. Thanks also for listening to me. This does help in writing all this down. Just another form of getting it out.

That is terrific news!!! Still keeping you in my prayers!!!

Thanks for your continued prayers. I see you you and the family will be in disney on the 29th. Where are you staying at? We will be there from the 25th to the 1st and staying at POFQ.

Hi Tamra!

I was wondering how you are doing? Have you gone on your trip yet? I hope if you did you have an awesome time (I know you did). If you didn't go yet than I know you will have a great time. WOW that is profound. LOL
Just thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers!
Kimis: Thanks so much for keeping me in your thoughts. I did end up pushing up the neuro appt and had it before I left for vacation. I had the appt. moved up from the 8th because all the blood work was coming back okay. He looked at the disc of the MRI and said that the “thing” on C2 is a lesion-white matter, it is not a mass or a tumor. The best news I could have had. He did some resistance testing with me and I apparently passed. He said that that the numbness and pins and needles sensation was caused by C2. I do go back for another MRI in mid October and he said that the lesion will be smaller than the 1st MRI. I asked how he would know that and he said because I have had no other symptoms. I guess we will wait and see. If it is the same size or bigger he will then do the spinal tap. He kept saying I was fine and to go enjoy my trip. I am still somewhat nervous even with the great news. I think I will feel better after October when it shows that it is smaller and is healing.

We did just come back from the "world" last night and I am back at work. We had a great time. All was good. I did meet 2 other diser's from the boards when we shared the Illuminations and met another in the hottub at the resort. Wonderful people!

Thanks again for your thoughts.



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