My "I will not be afraid of the camera anymore" journal


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2007
I've never done one of these before. But I think it would be beneficial for me. Kind of write about the ups and downs, daily eating and excercise habits as well as slipups and whatever else I encounter. I'm hoping for any support and advice anyone has to offer. Being able to talk to others dealing with the same challenges helps a lot.

About me, I'm 32 years old, I'm 5'7 almost 5'8 and I weigh 184 pounds. I've been married for almost ten years and we have one DD who is almost 6. I work full time in a job that keeps me at a desk all day.

Several years ago before I had DD I did weight watchers. Actually it was in 2001 because I started it just after out February Disney trip. By May I had gone from 165 to about 145. I had planned to go for 140 but was really happy at 145. I kept the weight off until about winter time. Then we started trying to get pregnant and I think I gave up. The thought was that I was going to get pregnant and fat anyway so I might as well enjoy myself in the process. I know, wrong attitude, but it is what it is. I can't go back. I think that was also when I switched back to regular soda instead of diet. Soda has been a huge part of my diet since highschool so switching to regular was a problem. I didn't put all the weight back on, but I probably ended up somewhere around 155 or so by the time I got pregnant in May.

After I had my daughter I lost most of the weight over the next few months. But never really got back below 160 and fluctuated between 160 and 165. Then in the end of 2004 I went through a devastating event in my marriage and betwen December 5 and Christmas I dropped almost 20 pounds and was back down to 145. Actually the events started unfolding in October and I probably started slowly losing weight then, but not like I did in December.

I kept that weight off until summer and really only got back up to the very low 150's. I stayed around there until the winter of 2006. I started on Nuvaring. I do truly think that jumpstarted my weight gain. Which was gradual at first. My eating habits had not changed but by summer I was at 165 again and by that winter I was topping 170. I switched birth control and lost about five pounds but that was it. I think I got depressed about the whole 170 thing and kind of quit paying attention to what I was eating. At first it was like Oh my gosh, I weigh over 170 pounds I need to watch out. But eventually it turned into more of a, if I'm going to be fat I might as well enjoy my food. And now I weigh in at about 184. I the heaviest I've ever been except when I pregnant. And actually I didn't weigh much more than this pregnant.

So, I'm not playing around anymore. I'm tired of feeling like a big fat slob. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to not be ashamed to take pictures with my daughter because my face is so fat. I want to take her to the pool and not want to hide because I'm the biggest mom there. I want to enjoy trying on new clothes and not be ashamed because of my size. And I want to feel healthier and have more energy to do things with my family.

So yesterday I started. I'm not going to do a set diet plan. I want to just try to eat healthier and make better choices. My two biggest changes will be cutting out the sodas and getting on the treadmill at least five days a week. Oh, and quitting smoking. Which is going okay right now. I'm fine not smoking most of the time. I haven't had one since Saturday night. I went almost three weeks without one in December. But then I get together with my girlfriend for wine night and it's hard to pass up the smoke, or we go out for beers to watch the game and it's hard to watch everyone else having a smoke. Then I really want one. And I end up caving.

I know it's probably stupid to try to quit and lose weight at the same time. But I think it's all kind of one package of becoming healthier. As well as cutting back on the alcohol. I love to sit outside in the summer and have a glass of wine on the patio or a nice cold beer after a long day at work. But one turns into several and that's a lot of extra calories. So I want to limit that as well.

So yesterday I had:

B-special K bar
S- 100 cal pack of snack mix
L-leftover raviolis in tomato broth and a small glass of diet coke and a small cookie
S- 100 cal pack of chocolate covered pretzels
D-Ribs made in the crockpot, green beans and stovetop. I tried to limit my portions.

30 mins on the treadmill. My speed is not up there yet, I only went a mile and a half, but something is more than nothing and I'll work up to more.

Today so far:
B-special K bar
S-100 cal pack of snack mix
L- I know my work is getting pizza for us so my plan is to limit myself to one piece.

I'll have to update the rest tomorrow. Thanks in advance for the support and any advice anyone has to offer. I plan to lose this weight and keep it off. I want to enjoy my self this coming summer and not feel like a slob. My goal is to be at least down to 160 by summer and be back down to a size 10. I'm a 12-14 right now. In the end I'd like to be a size 8 though and at least down to 150 again if not 145.
Okay, so yesterday didn't go all that well. I ended up having three pieces of pizza. My will power is so low when it comes to pizza. But I didn't give in on the soda and drank water with my pizza.

I didn't get on the treadmill last night. We ended up going to dinner with some friends for a birthday and I didnt' have time between work and dinner to walk and then take a shower and stuff. So I'll have to do some extra tonight maybe.

Then for dinner I had a filet. I did order the smaller 6oz filet, which really is more than enough for me. But I had cheese fries with it and several beers.

Still haven't had a smoke though since Saturday so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

So yesterday wasn't all that good for me. I'm determined today to do better though. I've had my cup of coffee and a special K bar and I'm getting ready to switch over to water. It really doesn't sound very good right now. I'd much prefer an ice cold coke or even a diet coke. But I need to drink the water.

DH is going out with his coworkers after work tonight so I won't be cooking dinner. DD and I will probably just have sandwiches or something. I'm hoping maybe some extra time on the treadmill tonight and a light dinner will help make up for yesterday. It's thursday and I don't feel like this week has been much of a success yet. I'm am resisting the urge to hop on the scale. I know you should only check once a week because it fluctuates I just really want to see some progress.


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