Mothers Day, May 6, 2011

Born 2 Fish

Jun 19, 2008
Listen up guys,, a couple more days till Mothers Day,,just because from time to time you may have been addressed as, by some of your buddies as being a mother or a real mother, this is not your holiday. No one is going to pat you on the back because you changed a light bulb without being told, or tell you how special you are just cause you managed to put your own dirty underwear in the clothes hamper one time. Thats right, this holiday belongs to the ladies ! So give them their due,,can you just begin to imagine what a mess we would be with out the ladies ? They tell us what to wear, how to drive, where we're going, what to watch on TV, what to get at the store, how to park, about our manners, when we need to be more romantic, how much money to spend,when we've had too much to drink, and sometimes "where to go",,,,You get the picture. Anyways get off your lazy bum and do something nice for significant other,,,cook her breakfast, take her out to lunch or dinner, or just cuddle on the sofa with her for a couple hours and let her pick the (chick) flick. I know, it's hard to break away from our Sunday ritual of burping, fart'n, butt scratching and screaming at our beloved sports on TV,,but it is SUPPOSE to be her day. (at least for a couple hours) Consider this your advance warning. You know you love her,,or at least your stuck with her,, so make the best of it for her.



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