Just booked our suprise trip!! Leaving in 3 weeks!


<font color=00b7c6>Prone to Random Strong Opinions
Apr 25, 2003
I am so excited I could burst! I have to tell someone and well, you guys are it!
I have booked a suprise trip to take my husband and children back to Disneyland on Nov 29th for 4 nights. I have arranged to get time off for dh from work in secret and respite care for the ladies who live with us.
DH has no idea, I think, and I'm not going to tell him until that morning. I'll have everyone packed up the night before while he's at work and he'll be none-the-wiser.
And my big excitement today was that I managed to get tickets for the Candlelight Processional. It took AGES to book them and the system crashed my computer and the restaurant I wanted was sold out but I persevered and have tickets for us to see the processional on the Saturday night. :yay:
I could dance I'm so thrilled!!
Thanks for sharing in my joy!
I am very happy for you! Your family is going to flip right out. We are surprising our kids with a trip in just over 100 hours. We aren't telling our kids until we are at the airport, my brother and his family are also flying in. We have all of the reservations for Fantasmic, Blue Bayou, Rainforest Cafe, and gift baskets to the rooms. I usually do my happy dance while the kids are at school! Enjoy!!! Have a wonderful trip!!!!!
Congrats! :cheer2: I'm very excited for you. We are headed there on Monday Nov. 13 to see the Christmas Decorations. I've never seen Candlelight but I hear it's amazing. DH cannot get off work in between Thanksgiving and Christmas so we go mid November every year as our tradition. Keeping the trip a surprise will be hard but it's worth it. We never tell our kids that we are going just whisk them out of bed at 3am and throw them in the car. By the time they wake up we are pulling into the parking lot! They never have a clue. I love the look on their faces when they realize where they woke up at! Priceless. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear about Candlelight. Might have to leave DH home some year to go.
I LOVE surprise Disney trips!!! Your family is going to be head over heels thrilled! We surprised my oldest DS for his 10th birthday with a trip to WDW, lots of other family members flew in to join us and it was so magical! Have a wonderful trip!
tick tock tick tock... sounds like the bomb will explode really big soon :P

Have fun!
AZMickeyfans said:
Congrats! :cheer2: I'm very excited for you. We are headed there on Monday Nov. 13 to see the Christmas Decorations. I've never seen Candlelight but I hear it's amazing. DH cannot get off work in between Thanksgiving and Christmas so we go mid November every year as our tradition. Keeping the trip a surprise will be hard but it's worth it. We never tell our kids that we are going just whisk them out of bed at 3am and throw them in the car. By the time they wake up we are pulling into the parking lot! They never have a clue. I love the look on their faces when they realize where they woke up at! Priceless. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear about Candlelight. Might have to leave DH home some year to go.

We're doing the same thing-whisking them into the car on the 17th, and off to the airport! It is getting harder and harder to keep quiet about this!

BTW_ my two are the same ages as yours, but I have 2 pirates!
Have a great trip!!! I surprised my son two years ago....told him when we got to the airport. My mom was going with us so my dad dropped us off at the airport. My DS thought we were just going out to dinner with Grandma and Papa!!! He kept asking my dad where we were going to dinner and my dad was saying How about Rainforest Cafe, How about Goofy's Kitchen etc. My son kept telling him knock it off Papa those are at Disneyland.

The best look ever was when we pulled up to the airport! He wouldn't get out of the car because he didn't want to eat dinner at the airport!!!! :rotfl:

We had the best time!!! Only thing lacking was my DH who had broke his foot and was not able to go!

It is sooo hard to keep a secret but it is the BEST! My DS keeps telling me to surprise him again! :banana:
WOW, a surprise trip, how cool! Not so hard to surprise a 3yo and 1yo, but how on earth do you surprise DH?! Now THAT'S impressive! Arranging time off work for him without his knowing?

I can't wait to hear his reaction. I bow to the planner of all planners! :worship:
How exciting! DH and I have been planning our Christmas trip since September. DD10 doesn't know a thing about it yet! :Pinkbounc I'm surprised I have been able to keep the secret this long :rotfl2:



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