June 14-22 2013 Paris and DLP TR.


I went ahead and signed up for another kid!
Feb 13, 2010
Day 1 June 14, Friday

We were so happy that our flight was not cancelled (air traffic control strike in paris, bad weather expected in NY area) and we arrived in paris at about 11 am!! We were exhausted. We cleared passport control quickly-the guy did not even look at our passport- and got our luggage. Now, I knew that there was a tourist info spot in the airport that I could get our museum passes but could not find it. Finally we were close to exiting for a taxi and I saw a sign for it!! I waited in line as the people in fron of me had no idea what they needed, were asking where their taxi was (?!?!) , etc. Finally it was my turn and I asked for 3 adult 4 day museum only passes (kids under 18 are free!!!!). The nice lady said you know these are not valid for the Eiffel Tower. Yes I know--I already bought those tickets months ago!
So we went to the taxi line, on the way many people apprached us and asked if we wanted a taxi "Non, merci" I replied firmly. We waited in a short line and soon were on our way!!
We finally got to our apartment. I left DH and DD in front of the building with the luggage while Dsis and I went to get the keys from the office. It was just about less than 1 block away but we had to climb 5 sets of stairs to get to the key box. When I got there I was shaking from being hungry and tired. When we entered the building we saw the elevator was TINY. So I went up with some luggage and the others walked up to the 7th floor! We were exhausted. The apartment was cute. Tiny but thats how it is in europe!! It was perfect for us. We freshened up and then went looking for lunch! I had seen there was a place near us in one of the guides so we started walking that way. The building numbers were not going down fast enough so we finally figured it was too far and wanted something close (we found the place later that day it was about 2 blocks further). We saw a cute place with a windmill. The menu looked ok so we decided to go in. We ordered our food and hungrily ate the delicious bread they gave us. And drank a lot of water (we always ordered tap water). DH's meal came a little later than the rest of ours and they were apologetic but it didnt bother us as DH ate some of DD's food (and she ate some of mine!). We decided that we would look for dessert elsewhere and asked for the check (l'addition). Another waitress came and told us that the chef would like to offer us dessert. That was so nice! I think he had felt bad about DH's food being so late. So we had a delicious dessert and then Dsis and I asked for coffee. We heard the chef say something about coffee to the waitress. DH paid the check while I took C to the TINY bathroom. When we got back I realized they had not charged us for the coffee! I asked and they said no its on them. There is no place to add a tip when you pay by card but we wanted to leave something so we got change from the waitress and left her a nice tip.
We then walked up a hill to Sacre Couer! We walked along an adorable (but touristy ) street called Rue Norvins. We walked through Sacre Coeur.

It was very nice but there was a service going on. Outside Sacre Coeur is a nice view of Paris


and then we noticed-- we had a nice view of the Eiffel Tower from there too! YAY! We headed back down the hill and got gelato and went back to the apartment to look up where the grocery store was. At the store we got milk, juice, eggs, yogurt and bananas and as we walked back to the apartment we stopped for cheese and baguette!
Since we were all tired, we showered, had some yogurt bread and cheese (the cheese was soooo stinky and soooo strong!) and went to sleep.

Up next: First full day, saturday at the louvre!
We saw a cute place with a windmill. The menu looked ok so we decided to go in.

Presume this was the Moulin de la Galette in the district of Montmartre...the setting for Renoir's Bal du moulin de la Galette? How lovely :artist:

Looking forward to the rest of your report!
Can't wait to read more! We are considering a trip to Paris in a few years so I am excited to see all the things you do. :)
Day 2 June 15 Saturday
Our first full day! We all got up refreshed. The beds had been comfy. I got ready to go and get coffee and croissants. I walked up the hill to Rue Norvins and walked into starbucks as the cute boulangerie near it was closed. The lady at starbucks told me (in french) they dont open until 8!!! (it was 7:30). WHAT?!?! In the states Starbucks opens at 6 am or earlier! Oh well. I went back to the apartment and once everyone was ready we headed to the subway. We took the stink cheese with us to throw--we were not planning on eating any more of that! On the way we picked up croissants and looked for coffee! We found another boulangerie that sold us coffee to go. We finished eating and drinking while standing outside and then took the metro to The Louvre!!
We first bought a carnet (book of 10 tickets) for everyone. I had planned our route ahead of time so knew exactly where to go.
We got to the louvre after it had opened. There was a bit of a line but it was just for security so it moved quickly. Once inside the lobby, we just had to go to one of the actual museum entrances with our museum pass and we were in! No wait for that. We realized that DH had taken us to the side that is the opposite of the Mona Lisa!! So we figured out how to walk around. We admired the works of art as we tried to make our way quickly to the other side. As it was still early, I wanted to get there before it got too packed! There were signs all around the museum warning of pick pocketers..
There were many windows looking out so we could see the front of the building and the glass pyramid.

Finally we made it to the Mona Lisa. There was a huge crowd around and I made sure to have my purse in front of me. It was smaller than I had expected (and remembered). We then walked around a bit more, used the bathroom and decided to exit. On our way out we saw huge crowds waiting to get in...
We took some pics out front and then headed north because I had read about a restaurant near by in my travel book. We had a nice walk but when we found the restaurant we were not interested in the menu. Nearby was another place we decided to try . We had chicken tagine and couscous. It was pretty good and not too expensive. Then we walked back to the louvre area so that we could walk west to the Tuileries. We walked around the garden. C tried climbing the walls many times. I had wanted to go to the Musee de l'orangerie at the end of the Tuileries. I knew it had some Monets, it was included in the Museum Pass and I figured the bathrooms would be decent :) Once we got through security, all we had to do was show our museum pass and we were in! We used the bathrooms, and then looked around. We only stayed for about 30 minutes but saw some great stuff by Monet that he had painted there...

We then left, took some pics of the Eiffel tower since we had a nice view and continued West.
After a brief stop to admire the Obelisk at Place de la Concorde, we continued west along the Champs Elysee! So my big plan was to have afternoon pastries at Ladurre. We had fallen in love with Laduree in London however we are not fans of their macaroons (and the boutique they opened in nyc only sells macaroons). We love macaroons, but not Laduree's. Anyways, we do love their pastries. Finally we reached their store and saw the line was out the door and around!! I knew that was the line to get macaroons to go but was not sure what to do. I saw an entrance around the side so we wen in there!! It was a nice quiet bar area! We sat down and ordered--my sister and I had pastries and cafe au lait (cafe creme in Paris!), C had hot chocolate, DH had only cafe creme. I also ordered a yummy rose champagne. Everything was soooo good!! We ordered a couple croissants to go for later and then when we had to use the bathroom we found were the really fancy sitting area is! Upstairs!! We asked our servers what time they started breakfast in the morning and they asked if we wanted reservations. YES! They called up to make our reservations but couldnt get through so one of them went upstairs to make our reservations. How nice!
With our bellies full of sweets we continued on to Arc de Triomphe. We saw HaagenDazs (we would never eat there in europe) and saw that Bradley Cooper is in their ad! How funny! We forgot to take a pic . We also saw Louis Vuitton and other french brands. Then, my sister fell for the first time on the trip! She hurt her ankle and needed to rest. After a while, she felt a bit better so we bought an ace bandage and continued on our way.
The arc triomphe is a very pretty structure. Our museum pass allowed us to go up, so we walked many many stairs to the top. We needed to rest when we got there! we had to then walk up one more flight and we were outside! It was lovely!!! Great views of Paris and it was a beautiful day.
We went down the one flight and found a gift store. Some of the things were well priced so my sister and I did some shopping. After using the bathroom, we decide it was time to descend!! We noticed there was a handicap elevator and asked if we could use it since my sister's ankle hurt so much. No problem! DH opted to walk, but the 3 ladies took the elevator. When we reached the bottom there was a ceremony going on at the tomb of the unknown soldier. We watched a bit and decided it was time to go. I had noticed that the grocery store was near a different line that our apartment was and noticed that the Arc de Triomphe was on that line too (line 2). Perfect as we needed more groceries since the store would be closed sunday. So after a brief ride on the metro, we picked up groceries and then started looking for dinner. We had seen a chinese take out place the night before that loooked good. We picked out a few things that looked good, bought a bottle of wine from a nearby store, and went home. We hungrily ate the food (pretty good), showered and had our croissants for dessert. Dsis's ankle was pretty swollen so she went to sleep. C fell asleep almost immediately.
DH and I sipped on wine while I went through planning books and then went to sleep

Up next: Sunday, day 3: Fathers day at Ladurree, walking along the seine, and more!


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