Jon and Kate Plus 8 Official Thread - Part 8

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My generation also liked comfy clothing when mothering small children. All that bending down to their level required practical clothing that didn't need hiking up or down. The cleavage was saved for *date night* with hubs.

Just saying.;)

Hey, speak for yourself :lmao:. I wore mini skirts or empire waist dresses (hmm...sort of like what Kate wears..what goes around comes around). I have no idea how I ever sat in them, let alone bent over. I didn't own many pairs of pants and seldom wore them. No sweats at all. I did have a few pairs of knee knockers (LOL).
We also didn't have to make people guess if the bra was highly padded, since many of us didn't wear one!
Y'all are hilarious.

But thus whole mothers and mini skirts and what's appropriate....that Carol Brady and her mini dresses....I think she wore them in the flight to Hawaii, too. But for the grand canyon, she dressed more appropriately as a mom....although scandalous if it were the 19th century since she had the audacity to where pants. She too also suffered from a horrendous case of the hair don'ts. WTH was up with that mullet do?

It seems Kate and Mrs Brady had more in common than we thought.

Bad clothes...
Bad hair...
Bad script...
...and Alice.

But Carol never lied about doing it all alone. Alice was front and center to get some credit.
Hey, speak for yourself :lmao:. I wore mini skirts or empire waist dresses (hmm...sort of like what Kate wears..what goes around comes around). I have no idea how I ever sat in them, let alone bent over. I didn't own many pairs of pants and seldom wore them. No sweats at all. I did have a few pairs of knee knockers (LOL).
We also didn't have to make people guess if the bra was highly padded, since many of us didn't wear one!

My dear, my micro-minis in my late teens early twenties were only ever worn with matching undies! Honestly how did we sit? :rotfl: With you on the bras!

I have to admit my legs were never that good, just fairly passable.

Honestly, when I married and had the kids I was very happy to switch to longer (hippy-type) skirts, shorts and pants. So much more comfortable.

But I was not looking for a man then, just focused on the kids and comfort.

As I said, I don't care what Kate wears. But what she wears does rather send a message.
My dear, my micro-minis in my late teens early twenties were only ever worn with matching undies! Honestly how did we sit? :rotfl: With you on the bras!

I have to admit my legs were never that good, just fairly passable.

Honestly, when I married and had the kids I was very happy to switch to longer (hippy-type) skirts, shorts and pants. So much more comfortable.

But I was not looking for a man then, just focused on the kids and comfort.

As I said, I don't care what Kate wears. But what she wears does rather send a message.

It seems it is a mixed message since we're all receiving something different as to what she looks like in her chosen wardrobe.

If she chose a thong or a habit, it might be more clear.
It seems it is a mixed message since we're all receiving something different as to what she looks like in her chosen wardrobe.

If she chose a thong or a habit, it might be more clear.

You mean a nun's habit? No, I don't think she needs to do that.

I'm just glad that she is (apparently) wearing underwear. Or was last year. I don't care if it is a thong, because I'm not terribly interested in discussing or seeing pics of Kate's undies. I'd be really scared if we got pics of her going commando a la Paris Hilton, et al! :lmao:

Seriously, though, her chosen wardrobe these days is cute, sexy, revealing, *possibly* a little too young, and not always very practical for caring for small children. To my mind she is signaling desperately that she wants attention and/or wants a new partner.

That is all.
If you have any book suggestions I would appreciate it.

I find the Amish interesting but I do not agree with everything they do. That maybe from my lack of understanding.

Sorry I didn't respond to your request for book suggestions sooner.. I've been sick in bed for a few days with some kind of nasty stomach/intestinal bug.. Finally felt good enough to get online today and the cable company was having issues, so I had no cable or internet all day..

Anyhow - since the Amish and the Gosselins don't even live on the same planet as far as I'm concerned - LOL - and it's not really relevant to this thread - I'll start a separate thread with some great suggestions to get you started (and a few tips on how to save yourself a bundle if you choose to purchase them ;))..
My dear, my micro-minis in my late teens early twenties were only ever worn with matching undies! Honestly how did we sit? :rotfl: With you on the bras!
I didn't have matching undies, the thought never crossed my mind LOL. I remember the stupid platform the time I thought as a 5 foot 1" person that those were the nuts and they made my mini's and rolled up skirts appear even shorter. We spent most school days avoiding the principal who roamed the halls making sure our skirts and mini's were long enough. Hubby played in a rock band and I did wear very very bell bottom pants with flowing belts to band jobs..but that was the 70's and mini's were on their way out.
I think Kate's stuff is a lot longer than I wore LOL!
My dear, my micro-minis in my late teens early twenties were only ever worn with matching undies! Honestly how did we sit? :rotfl: With you on the bras!

I have to admit my legs were never that good, just fairly passable.

Honestly, when I married and had the kids I was very happy to switch to longer (hippy-type) skirts, shorts and pants. So much more comfortable.

But I was not looking for a man then, just focused on the kids and comfort.

As I said, I don't care what Kate wears. But what she wears does rather send a message.

I had no idea you were a woman until this post...maybe I just thought man from the name Walden.

Yes,I do realize you could be a cross dresser... not that there is anything wrong with that.
I didn't have matching undies, the thought never crossed my mind LOL. I remember the stupid platform the time I thought as a 5 foot 1" person that those were the nuts and they made my mini's and rolled up skirts appear even shorter. We spent most school days avoiding the principal who roamed the halls making sure our skirts and mini's were long enough. Hubby played in a rock band and I did wear very very bell bottom pants with flowing belts to band jobs..but that was the 70's and mini's were on their way out.
I think Kate's stuff is a lot longer than I wore LOL!

:rotfl: We rolled up the waistbands on our shirts so that they were incredibly short. It made us all seem very thick in the waist. My principal was famous for making us go down on our knees while he pulled out a ruler to measure the lengths of our skirts. 4" above the knee, while kneeling was a mini. We had our skirts rolled so far higher!

Those platform shoes wrecked my feet. I shudder at the extreme high-heels that have come around again. I wish people would not be slaves to fashion. I know I come over as an old trout when cautioning against tanning and heels, but darn, when you are my age you just have to try to share your experience.

I had no idea you were a woman until this post...maybe I just thought man from the name Walden.

Yes,I do realize you could be a cross dresser... not that there is anything wrong with that.

I'm female, a mom, a grandmother, and a very functional human being. I totally agree that there is nothing wrong with being a cross-dresser, but I am not one.

Just as a matter of interest, are you trying for an insult by telling me that you thought I was a man? If so, you failed. Back to the playpen with you.
:rotfl: We rolled up the waistbands on our shirts so that they were incredibly short. It made us all seem very thick in the waist. My principal was famous for making us go down on our knees while he pulled out a ruler to measure the lengths of our skirts. 4" above the knee, while kneeling was a mini. We had our skirts rolled so far higher!

Those platform shoes wrecked my feet. I shudder at the extreme high-heels that have come around again. I wish people would not be slaves to fashion. I know I come over as an old trout when cautioning against tanning and heels, but darn, when you are my age you just have to try to share your experience.

I'm female, a mom, a grandmother, and a very functional human being. I totally agree that there is nothing wrong with being a cross-dresser, but I am not one.

Just as a matter of interest, are you trying for an insult by telling me that you thought I was a man? If so, you failed. Back to the playpen with you.

You picked a boys name as a user is very misleading.

What is a play pen & why do you want me back to one?
I knew you were a woman, however we do have an older gentleman in our church name Walden, although he goes by Waldo. It's not a common male name, but it is usually a boy's name. I thought maybe you were named after Walden Pond in Mass.

I don't get the playpen reference at all. I mean I know what one is, but I don't know what it had to do with her assuming you were a male. People often do assume that about me too, because of the Rick in my name.

I picked a (meaningful to me) geographic place name as a user name. I have not yet met a child of either gender with the name of Walden. Have you? Really?

This might help with your second question.
Gee Walden, I knew you were a girl all along. Why would a man name "walden" be interested in the Gosselin kids and Kate??:lmao:

As far as Walden being your screen name, I didn't know you had to get the ok from the "dis police" to pick that name. For all we know that could be your first name, last name, maiden name, favorite pets name, favorite teachers name, catch my drift??:goodvibes

The playpen reference. Apparently Mak & Rick are too old to remember what a playpen is and guessed it had something to do with a man named Walden? I knew right away you sent her to the playpen----you put the baby in the playpen to keep her or him out of trouble!:rotfl:

In other words Mak, she was toying with you like you like to toy with other posters! All in fun........:rotfl2:
Gee Walden, I knew you were a girl all along. Why would a man name "walden" be interested in the Gosselin kids and Kate??:lmao:

As far as Walden being your screen name, I didn't know you had to get the ok from the "dis police" to pick that name. For all we know that could be your first name, last name, maiden name, favorite pets name, favorite teachers name, catch my drift??:goodvibes

The playpen reference. Apparently Mak & Rick are too old to remember what a playpen is and guessed it had something to do with a man named Walden? I knew right away you sent her to the playpen----you put the baby in the playpen to keep her or him out of trouble!:rotfl:

In other words Mak, she was toying with you like you like to toy with other posters! All in fun........:rotfl2:

Hmmmm... "mousey"... Is that a female mouse or a male mouse? And is there any reason that we really need to know? :rotfl:

Awhile back there was a thread along the lines of "Why did you pick your user name" or something like that.. Maybe we should quick dig it up so everyone can identify their gender and explain in great detail why they chose that name.. What do you think? :goodvibes

I wonder why Kate chose the names that she did for her children? Someone should get on that and find out why..;)

Glad your feeling better C.Ann! :sick:

Not only do we get in trouble if we make a comment that isn't complimentary to Kate, now we have to defend our user names?? :surfweb:

When I didn't see you post for a few days I didn't realize you were sick, I thought maybe you were looking for your miniskirt?? :cool1:

Well, its past my bedtime--you know us "oldsters" have to get a lot of sleep so we can get up early to do our chores!:3dglasses
Wow..all she said was she thought she was a man from the name. It's not like that is an insult. No Dis police here. I've seen that all over the dis, where people assumed from a name.

I'm not at all too old to remember what a playpen is..I have one here I have used for foster kittens. It was the reference I didn't get. Why would someone have to be sent to a playpen for thnking from someone's name, that they were a male? I still don't get your 'keeping out of trouble' reference.

As far as Walden being your screen name, I didn't know you had to get the ok from the "dis police" to pick that name. For all we know that could be your first name, last name, maiden name, favorite pets name, favorite teachers name, catch my drift??:goodvibes

The playpen reference. Apparently Mak & Rick are too old to remember what a playpen is and guessed it had something to do with a man named Walden? I knew right away you sent her to the playpen----you put the baby in the playpen to keep her or him out of trouble!:rotfl:

In other words Mak, she was toying with you like you like to toy with other posters! All in fun........:rotfl2:
Not only do we get in trouble if we make a comment that isn't complimentary to Kate, now we have to defend our user names??

Show me where she said Walden had to defend her name. :confused3

And what kind of trouble did you get in for making comments that aren't complimentary to Kate? With all the comments you make about Kate, if that were true, you'd always be in 'trouble'. You comment on every thing she does, says, wears, etc. and it's never complimentary, and I haven't seen you in 'trouble' yet LOL.
I thought Walden was a man until a few weeks ago. I remember when Kate had the extensions taken out and had the cute short bob style and Walden commented on it. I totally thouoght he was a man with good taste. lol Then, sometime after that she said something and I figured out he was she!
I know one Walden and he's a guy. But people tend to know know what sex Buckalew was either. That's why I finally put my name in my postings. :)
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