January Trip Report & Website!!!

Great web site. I enjoyed it very much. Super pic's. Great to see what you saw and took pic's of.

[red] I am incredibly impressed by your Disney Cruise page, so much so that I have been convinced to take one! What a fabulous way to "share" your cruise with others. Thanks!
That's pretty neat that our website and experience help send you over the edge to take that Disney Cruise!!

It doesn't surprise me. We're constantly bragging up the DCL to everyone trying to get them to go on one. Disney should hire us as PR specialists!

Stay in touch and let us know when you go. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Loved your site. The whole family really had fun hearing the ship's horn again. We cruised last summer and LOVED it!

Thanks again.
WOW, what a report! I have read many but this is the best. I told my wife she has to sit down and read your report. She has never read any of the boards but THIS should be read to prepare for the fun we will be having in June. We have two young daughter, too. Thanks for posting the report.
I just have to say, you have the most adorable family! Your trip report was by far the best I've ever seen.

My husband & I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and the pictures were awesome! We loved how you got every angle of your stateroom. We're going on our first Disney Cruise in 3-1/2 weeks and have a verandah room, so it was exciting to see what the room will look like ahead of time. What we loved most about your report was your positive attitude. We've read so many negative posts with complaints about the food, service, and that there are so many children on board (what else would you expect on a Disney Cruise???)!

Reading your report made us even more excited about our trip (didn't think that was possible). Thanks so much for sharing your story with us all!

Sasha :D
It has me dreaming about doing a cruise someday soon.....
Just wanted to say that I adore your trip report website! It is so well designed, and your kids are just too cute! :)
I even got my younger sister excited about our cruise (she had previously not wanted to go) by showing her your website.. she ended up printing the whole thing out and putting it in a binder so she could look at it all the time, LOL. Wonderful job!
Wonderful web site...appreciate your hard work.

I'd love to know how-where to get a "trip down" counter like you have displayed.

thx, K
Loved your site! Your girls are adorable! Your site brought back such memories of our 12/22/01 Christmas cruise. Thanks for sharing with us.

:bounce: :bounce: Jules:bounce: :bounce:
d'Isigny...it is a java script. If you'd like it, email me at rkearbey4@charter.net and I'll send it to you!!

Thanks everyone for your MANY compliments. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask. We are going again in October!!
Another wonderful report, especially enjoyed your pictures and what a cute family you have!, Thanks!
Thanks for a great site!

We are home one week from the Magic and I played your ship's horn this morning to wake my kids! My 16 year old son thought he must be dreaming and thought to himself, "I gotta get up, mom is going to kill me!" When he finally came down, I played it again for him. What a fun treat to hear that great sound again.
I enjoyed reading about your trip. I plan to show my daughters your pictures to give them an idea of what to expect.

We will be on the Wonder for the June 2nd sailing. Can't wait!!!

I've read discussions about the casual attire, but no one has mentioned whether they needed a light jacket or sweater. Obviously, it will be hot in June. However, what is the temperature for inside the ship; in the restaurants, theatres, etc.?

Is a light jacket or sweater a good idea? I'm trying to pack lightly since we'll be flying with two small children (3 and 4.5 years), and with the tight security at airports, I don't want to lug more than what's absolutely necessary.

What a great site! Thanks for taking the time to share it. Looks like you all had a great time.
I am at work but I emailed your site url to my wife at home so she could enjoy it as well.
We are in our 50s and travel alone so it was great to see your trip through the eyes of your children and you.
Best multi-media DCL trip report I've seen. Glad your family had a great time. THanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

Your website is great!!! I see you went twice in Jan. Did you have good weather both times?? We have our first Disney cruise booked for Feb 1,2003 Western Caribbean. I figure the weather should be really nice in the Caribbean and maybe take a chance of Castaway Cay being a little cool? Anything will be warmer than St.louis in Feb!! We just wanted to go when it is nasty here. Your Daughters were really cute!! The little one reminds me of my little Character!! She will be almost 5 when we go in Feb. Probably close to your youngest DD's age. Did she really enjoy the clubs? Sounds like you and your wife had plenty of alone time together. My DD is very out going and I hope she enjoys them. I know we have 10 months to go,but I can not stop planning and thinking about this trip!!! We are doing 2 days at WDW before the cruise. After reading your trip report I am more obsessed than ever!!!!
Thanks!!!:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

one more thing???? Did you see any of the other little girls wearing princess dresses at the formal nights??? I know our little one will want to if she can??:D
Just wanted to bump this up because it is my absolute favorite trip report. :cool: :)


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