Improvised story.

shadow pirate

<font color=blue>You mean, don't say Candle Jack?<
Oct 23, 2005
I am about to totally improve a story. No pre-writing, just me coming up with ideas on the spot. Here goes.

The room was almost completely shrouded in darkness. Almost, except for the eerie glow of a monitor screen. A figure sat before, headphones plugged directly into the computer to keep the sound from disrupting anyone. It was around 11:00, and this figure was obviously not supposed to be where he was. It was a really close match, as the 5 remaining players stared into the rendition of the Castle Forecourt, awaiting each other to finish loading the level. At last, a message appeared on screen informing them to get ready. Varying colors flashed into the night sky, each followed by their detonation at the peak of it's ascent. It was a close match indeed. The objects ceased appearing, and a scoreboard appeared on screen. The real competition was between the figure and someone who called themselves "Wootwootgo". Both had rather high scores, and both were prepared for the next round. The objects returned, and each one exploded with "Flawless" written nearby in small purple lettering. The round ended again, with another scoreboard. The figure had pulled into the lead, and was approaching his goal. His opponent was following on his tracks. The final round began. This was it. Now was not the time to blow it. He proceeded to destroy each object with the an extreme focus. The rush of objects informed him he was almost done. With a final click he destroyed the last of the objects. Was it enough? He stared unblinking He knew his enemy would have a high score, and therefor he had to make sure he had attained an even better score to firmly place in the head of all who played that Wootwootgo had been destroyed. The scores appeared on screen, and the figure breathed a sigh of relief. He collected his rewards, logged off, and walked away from the computer. He had defeated the best, and that was all he wished to do.

-The names are fictional, everything is fictional. Just felt like posting a story. BTW, I couldn't come up with a creative name, so don't flame me on Wootwootgo.-


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