i want adventure in the great wide somewhere - running journal! (comments welcome)

Hi! Following along on your training too! Belle is my favorite princess. Well tied with Ariel. Also my friend, who is running princess with me, and I are also staying at POR.
Hi! Following along on your training too! Belle is my favorite princess. Well tied with Ariel. Also my friend, who is running princess with me, and I are also staying at POR.

Welcome to my journal! :)

I often find Ariel to be up in my top 5 fave princesses. I just love mermaids/am probably a mermaid. Maybe we'll run into each other at the hotel or race! :)
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Good morning! Happy Sunday! :)

I just got in from my morning run and am about to have the busiest Sunday ever, so let's jump right into it!

Distance: 2.95 miles
Time: 40:11
Average Pace: 13:36 min/mile

I keep reading about this slow running thing where your workouts are slow and easy so I decided to give it a try. (Okay, so sort of. I really was thinking about giving it a try, and then I had another super slow day and decided that I was trying it without trying to try it.) My "lap" times ended up being 13:31 and 14:07 with my last .95 at a 13:09 pace - my fastest was the last mile. I guess I just wanted to be done. Anyway, I went out this morning before work and had some knee pain, but overall felt pretty good. It's been awhile since my knee hurt. I also have noticed that when I run, I can feel bits of stuff in my lungs. I take an inhaler for sports-induced asthma before my runs, so I think this might be allergies causing me to cough. The end of this run got weird - I hit some sort of button on my app and suddenly there was an hour timer? I need to leave my phone screen off.

Distance: 2.71 miles
Time: 35:24
Average Pace: 13:05 min/mile

I ended up skipping my run on Thursday. I opened, so I couldn't go in the morning. When I get out of work at 3:30, it's too hot. And then I had 6:30 dinner plans. The original plan was going to be to leave dinner early and run at night, but that plan got scrapped. So a Friday run it was! The kicker? I had to do this run around 4:00/5:00 after work because I had dinner plans! I should have just gone on Thursday. ANYWAY. My feet really hurt during this run - I think it's time I buy decent running shoes. Maybe tomorrow night I can stop to grab some and start to break them in. Anyway, this run was a bit faster than Tuesday - mile 1 13:03, mile 2 12:58 and final .71 13:18. Is it normal to be slowing down the more I run? I thought that, the more I ran, the faster I would become each time. Instead it seems opposite. What happened to my steady 12:45 pace!?

Distance: 2.44 miles
Time: 32.12
Average Pace: 13:10 min/mile

Originally, this was going to be a 6.5 miler but that changed for a few reasons. (1) I have brunch plans at 10:00, (2) I am going to a barre/kickboxing workout after brunch from 12:00-1:30, (3) I have friends coming over for Sunday Funday at 1:00 and (4) I wasn't feeling myself so it went from doing 6.5 on Saturday with no other plans to 6.5 miles on a day when too much was happening and it would probably kill me. Hence the move to a 2 mile run with a magic mile on Sunday. This morning was the warmest/most humid morning in a long time. It felt what a summer Florida morning feels like. My sweat-wicking clothes did nothing to wick the sweat because the air was water. According to my endomondo, the first mile was 14:04 and the second was 11:33.

However, this was a magic mile day so I did my 3 minute walk warm up, ran a mile, did a magic mile, and then I started walking home (skipping the .5 mile + 3 minutes cool down) in order to save my energy for this afternoon's workout. The app suggested I time the magic mile separate, so I took a screenshot of the time when I started and the time when I stopped. The mile ended up being a 10:52 lap. The app said to multiply that by 1.2 - but the pdf on the runDisney website says to multiply by 1.3 - I'm also not sure how to do this, so I went to the galloway website and it does it for you!

Screen Shot 2017-08-13 at 8.34.51 AM.png

So, I need to train slower. But it's nice to know that I can achieve my goals if I keep this up. Next time I do a magic mile, I'm going to drive to the track at the high school so that it's flat and measured.

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday or Sunday: 6.5 miles

Now it's time to eat as much brunch as I can before putting my body through god-knows-what at this kickboxing/barre thing. Wish me luck!
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Hey everyone!

I went for a run this morning. It's my first since Sunday since that barre/kickboxing class kicked my butt (literally and figuratively) and my blister finally popped. For the beginning of my run, the blister didn't bother me, but by the end it was stinging. I have a 6.5 mile run coming up on Saturday or Sunday. Does anyone have any advice for wrapping my foot or doing something so that I can make it through the run?

I figured @DopeyBadger or @roxymama might be helpful, but I'll try anyone's techniques!
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Hey everyone!

I went for a run this morning. It's my first since Sunday since that barre/kickboxing class kicked my butt (literally and figuratively) and my blister finally popped. For the beginning of my run, the blister didn't bother me, but by the end it was stinging. I have a 6.5 mile run coming up on Saturday or Sunday. Does anyone have any advice for wrapping my foot or doing something so that I can make it through the run?

I figured @DopeyBadger or @roxymama might be helpful, but I'll try anyone's techniques!

Not much help here. When I get blisters I tend to not make any changes from the normal routine. I just keep putting on the body glide and eventually after a week or so they go away.

I've read about draining them or covering them in mole-skin/band-aids, but I know for me that putting something in that area will probably irritate me more than just getting through the few runs they exist in.
Hey everyone!

I went for a run this morning. It's my first since Sunday since that barre/kickboxing class kicked my butt (literally and figuratively) and my blister finally popped. For the beginning of my run, the blister didn't bother me, but by the end it was stinging. I have a 6.5 mile run coming up on Saturday or Sunday. Does anyone have any advice for wrapping my foot or doing something so that I can make it through the run?

I figured @DopeyBadger or @roxymama might be helpful, but I'll try anyone's techniques!

As a former rower (blisters on my hands) and dancer (feet) I have a lot of history with blister care. This advise works for me, but everyone's skin is different.
#1 A blister will not heal unless it spends a lot of time uncovered and unbothered. Since we all work and run and have lives, etc. My #1 pieces of advise is that the moment you get home and are not going to be moving around...get your foot uncovered and air on it to let it dry out. When you sleep, don't wear socks or a bandaid...stick your foot outside of the covers to allow air flow.

So with that said, this is generally what I do.
If I start getting a blister and it's not bad/big and is relatively flat and has not popped. I do nothing (just like @DopeyBadger)
The blister is there for a reason...it's acting as a cushion and if you have a day+ off of running after getting it, it may go down/dry out/disappear.
If it is really big/painful...wait until before bed. Sterilize a needle (super important so no infection occurs) and prick ONLY ONE tiny holes. Do not pop it with your fingers. Very gently let it ooze out...don't push too hard (want to avoid skin moving around and tearing.) You can cover with neosporine ONLY if it's the THINNEST LAYER EVER. Too much and it'll be too wet to dry out. Then HOP TO BED....seriously. Don't cover it with a bandaid, don't walk too much on it. And let that sucker dry out all night.
If it pops on it's own and is really painful...you can wash it, put some neosporin on it and put a bandaid on it during the day. Then uncover that sucker at night to dry it out.

And then bodyglide is your best friend for runs.
I currently have a dried one on top of a second dried one in the same spot and I'm almost certain it's because I'm really wearing down my current pair of shoes.

I hope this helps a little bit. I once rowed a marathon and had to wash my hair with my elbows and forearms for a few weeks because of my hand blisters...TMI?
I currently have a dried one on top of a second dried one in the same spot and I'm almost certain it's because I'm really wearing down my current pair of shoes.

Thank you both!

I ended up getting that same thing - my first blister popped and then dried out, like I said. I wore some old sneakers to work and I got one of those blisters ON TOP OF the first blister. And so I took your dry-out advice and let it dry out overnight. Woke up this morning to the second blister totally gone. Disappeared like magic. Put on my running sneakers today for work and when I took off my sneakers tonight at home (after working 7:30a - 7:00p then going to a vigil and then going to dinner and not getting home until 10:30...) and the blister is BACK.

I'm going to let it dry out today and tomorrow. Literally no shoes, no socks, no pool, no wetting it AT ALL and then I'm going to do 6.5 miles on Sunday and see if I can run through it. I might just start running and call my mom to pick me up when I get to the feeling like death part 6.5 miles later.

I CAN run 6.5 miles, guys! I'm going to do it!!! And my blister is NOT gonna drag me down!
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It's Sunday Funday!



So... going backwards a bit. Last Sunday afternoon... after brunch I went to that 90 minutes of kickboxing/barre. Well, it kicked my butt. It was a ton of fun and a lot of hard work and sweat - so worth the 20 bucks. The first 45 minutes was kickboxing (although my neighbor/friend says that it was more of a boot camp) and the second 45 was barre. I much preferred the barre, although I was aching for days after. My only complaint is that I feel like it was advertised as an event (90 minute workout on the green with a DJ) so I feel like they should have treated it more like an event - not like a class. They didn't have water available (luckily I had my own) and they didn't provide mats (we were on the grass/dirt). I also feel like they should have handed us out a "swag bag" with water bottles - that's just smart/free advertising! Spend a few bucks on a water bottle with a logo and I'll use it all the time! Every time I take a sip it's like an ad. With that said, I'd definitely go again and I'm going to think about spending the money on a membership so I can go to barre as cross-training.

Now! Onto my week!

I skipped this 30 minute run - I was still really hurting from barre and with 6.5 miles coming up I kind of wanted to be kind to my body. I also had dinner plans and an early work day so I knew I wouldn't quite make it. It was a busy week socially.

Distance: 2.93 miles
Time: 39:12
Average Pace: 13:24 min/mile

This was a pretty typical run in the morning before work. I normally take notes on my runs after I finish them, but I didn't do that this week because it was stressful at work. I don't have any recollection of any pain or how I was feeling. My pacing continues to hover in the 13:20s, which I'm content with!

Wait a minute, this thread will tell you how I did. I have this stupid blister that's coming and going every two seconds.

Distance: 6.6 miles
Time: 1:28:38
Average Pace: 13:25 min/mile

After my 5 mile run two weeks ago, I was feeling pretty anxious about this one. Plus the blister. I decided I just needed to make it happen. So, my alarm went off at 7:00, I was on the road by 7:45 and I did a 6.5 mile loop.

Last time, by the time I got to 4.5 - I was barely moving. This time, I adjusted my ratio from the get go to a 2:30 run and 1:00 walk and I think that made a HUGE difference. I had more time to recuperate and I wasn't dragging my feet at the end.

This time, just around the halfway point I was feeling hungry and could've gone for a little snack. But overall, I felt good. I think when it ended I could've gone further. I was tired, sure, but I didn't feel done.

Also, last time by the end of it I had slowed down BIG time. This time, by the end I was still under a 14 minute mile. The first three miles were around 13:00 and the last three were around 13:30. So slower, yes, but not like last time.

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Sunday/Saturday: 3 miles

The best news of this weekend? I ran 6.5 miles and now I'm going to go buy myself some new leggings at lululemon! I've earned them (I also earned the massive breakfast I had after - hello chocolate chip pancakes).

Now, it's time for Sunday Funday!

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Hello friends! Here is my weekly update! I did a Tues/Thurs/Sat run and spent the rest of Saturday and this morning at the beach soaking up some sun. :)

Distance: 2.64 miles
Time: 36:45
Average Pace: 13:55 min/mile

I opened at work today and had to run after work. Normally I would wait until dinner time to run because it's cooler, but I had plans to bring my grandfather some food and to eat with him and then I was babysitting at 6:30, so I knew I had to run after work. It. Was. Hot. I was so miserable. I had just gotten out of the pool with the kiddos and my towel was soaked because I had been in and out twice so I was barely able to dry off and change into my running clothes (I got out of the pool at 3:15 and my shift ended at 3:30) and be comfortable. I threw my chlorine-y hair up and just went for the run. I felt super slow and sluggish (look at that pace, I mean, seriously) and the heat was killer. The GoRun forecast on my weather app said it was the worst time of the day for running. And to add injury to insult - I fell! Tripped over a root on the trail (I literally went for my run from work - so instead of my usual neighborhood run, I ended up doing my long run trail) and scraped myself up. So not good for my momentum, but it is what it is!

Distance: 2.86 miles
Time: 34:00
Average Pace: 11:54 min/mile

This was much better! Back to my neighborhood. A morning run. Gorgeous fall-like weather. I did consider skipping because I hadn't slept much, but I'm glad I went anyway! I went out too fast, but again - it is what it is! I did finally re-adjust my ratio back to the 2:00/:30 ratio and man, that 30 seconds feels so FAST compared to when I had the 1:00 recovery walk. I did feel my calves start to hurt there for a minute, but nothing lasting.

Distance: 3.29 miles
Time: 41:00
Average Pace: 12:28 min/mile

According to endomondo, this is my fastest 5k time in August. The more you know! I went for a run on this day because I like running my familiar route. I didn't want to try to figure out where to run and the terrain of my friend's neighborhood at the beach. I felt good. It was good weather. I settled back into the pacing I expect for myself.

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday/Sunday: 8 miles with a magic mile.

Wish me luck!

Also - I finally bought myself some new clothes at Lululemon! The energy bra (I got two colors) and the Wunder Under crop. I tried on lots of crops but nothing felt/looked right so I went with something I know I love.. I'll probably shop again after 8 miles and be more prepared to hit up the mall. Once I try on different crops I can order the colors I want online.

And finally!! I got my ADRs! (Well, Devin got them.) We're doing CRT, BoG, Crystal Palace, Rose & Crown, and Trattoria Al Forno! Three breakfast and two dinners. I am VERY excited! FP+ time in December! My cousin is down there right now with her mom (it's her senior year of HS so they got annual passes) and I am SO jealous of all their pictures!
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Hello friends! Here is my weekly update! I did a Tues/Thurs/Sat run and spent the rest of Saturday and this morning down the Cape soaking up some sun. :)

Distance: 2.64 miles
Time: 36:45
Average Pace: 13:55 min/mile

I opened at work today and had to run after work. Normally I would wait until dinner time to run because it's cooler, but I had plans to bring my grandfather some food and to eat with him and then I was babysitting at 6:30, so I knew I had to run after work. It. Was. Hot. I was so miserable. I had just gotten out of the pool with the kiddos and my towel was soaked because I had been in and out twice so I was barely able to dry off and change into my running clothes (I got out of the pool at 3:15 and my shift ended at 3:30) and be comfortable. I threw my chlorine-y hair up and just went for the run. I felt super slow and sluggish (look at that pace, I mean, seriously) and the heat was killer. The GoRun forecast on my weather app said it was the worst time of the day for running. And to add injury to insult - I fell! Tripped over a root on the trail (I literally went for my run from work - so instead of my usual neighborhood run, I ended up doing my long run trail) and scraped myself up. So not good for my momentum, but it is what it is!

Distance: 2.86 miles
Time: 34:00
Average Pace: 11:54 min/mile

This was much better! Back to my neighborhood. A morning run. Gorgeous fall-like weather. I did consider skipping because I hadn't slept much, but I'm glad I went anyway! I went out too fast, but again - it is what it is! I did finally re-adjust my ratio back to the 2:00/:30 ratio and man, that 30 seconds feels so FAST compared to when I had the 1:00 recovery walk. I did feel my calves start to hurt there for a minute, but nothing lasting.

Distance: 3.29 miles
Time: 41:00
Average Pace: 12:28 min/mile

According to endomondo, this is my fastest 5k time in August. The more you know! I went for a run on this day because I like running my familiar route. I didn't want to try to figure out where to run and the terrain of my friend's neighborhood down the Cape. I felt good. It was good weather. I settled back into the pacing I expect for myself.

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday/Sunday: 8 miles with a magic mile.

Wish me luck!

Also - I finally bought myself some new clothes at Lululemon! The energy bra (I got two colors) and the Wunder Under crop. I tried on lots of crops but nothing felt/looked right so I went with something I know I love.. I'll probably shop again after 8 miles and be more prepared to hit up the mall. Once I try on different crops I can order the colors I want online.

And finally!! I got my ADRs! (Well, Devin got them.) We're doing CRT, BoG, Crystal Palace, Rose & Crown, and Trattoria Al Forno! Three breakfast and two dinners. I am VERY excited! FP+ time in December! My cousin is down there right now with her mom (it's her senior year of HS so they got annual passes) and I am SO jealous of all their pictures!
Oh man...your first run sounds rough. I hate hate hate running in the hottest part of the day but good for you for getting out and doing it regardless. I'm so glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly in your fall! It sounds like the rest of your week went much better! And yay for dining reservations!! I did ours this morning too.
Oh man...your first run sounds rough. I hate hate hate running in the hottest part of the day but good for you for getting out and doing it regardless. I'm so glad you didn't hurt yourself too badly in your fall! It sounds like the rest of your week went much better! And yay for dining reservations!! I did ours this morning too.

Oh my goddddd! That run was awful. But awful runs make the good runs better! What do you have for reservations!? So exciting! :)
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Happy Labor Day Weekend! Let's get right into it - I have to shower before I take my neighbor bowling!


Distance: 2.73 miles
Time: 35:32
Average Pace: 13:00 min/mile

This was another after-work run, but it was MUCH better than the last one. I headed out around 5:00 and it was a pretty cold, gray, overcast day. I think the cold weather tricked me, and I took off pretty fast. I've been so used to running in such warm weather, that my body needs to get used to the fall weather that's trickling in. I think that cold weather exacerbates my asthma, so I had some trouble taking in deep breaths (and I didn't forget my inhaler). However, I also think that, because I took off so fast, I started to cramp in my sides, and that could also be the reason deep breaths were painful. I slowed down when I realized (a) how fast I took off and (b) how painful breathing was, but I was still about a minute ahead of where I usually am on these week-day runs.

Distance: 2.74 miles
Time: 36:12
Average Pace: 13:14 min/mile

This was the earliest I've ever run. I was on the road by 6:40. Already, this run felt better than Tuesdays - not as fast even though it was another cool day. The only problem with this run is that my knee issues started to crop up again for the first time in forever.


Okay! Stop singing. Anyway, like I was saying, my knee was a bit bothersome and I had some cramping again, but I think it's my body getting used to the colder weather. Does anyone know anything about how cold weather affects running?

Distance: 8.30 miles
Time: 1:46:03
Average Pace: 12:46 min/mile

This Saturday run was SUPPOSED to be a Sunday run, but when I checked my weather app I saw that Sunday was going to be a wash out and adjusted. Had I known earlier, then I would've gone for my run when I woke up around 7:15, instead I didn't leave for my run until around 6:30 after doing some work on and off all day.

My planned route was from my house to the pond (about 1 mile) and around the pond twice (6 miles) and then back home (1 mile). As I finished my first loop around the pond, I noticed the sun setting and decided to run home and finish my run by looping the neighborhood a few times. The pond is fairly well lit, but in order to run from my house to the pond and back, I run through an un-lit, woodsy trail with lots of rocks and roots. If this is the same trail that I tripped on during broad daylight, then who knows what trouble I could get into when it's dark. I decided to take the safer route and just go home and run on well-lit (mostly) roads.

Running at night is super spooky.


Every car and critter was very loud. But on the bright side, paranoia gets the adrenaline going and I basically flew on this run. I felt really fast, especially toward the end, and definitely could have kept going if my run called for it. I used the 2:30/1:00 run/walk ratio again - this really works for me for my long runs. I need the full minute recovery. Even my pacing was consistent! I didn't slow down as much as I anticipated toward the end. Heck - mile 8 is the fastest! (Probably because I was picturing myself in a horror movie/true crime tv show.) (Also, the last .3 is on a super slow pace because it was my walking cool down and I stopped to pet a dog.)


The only crappy thing is that I felt some left ankle pain, but it wasn't consistently painful and when I stopped running it stopped hurting for good. What I'm nervous about is my knee pain. It was back in full force. I have a history of tendonitis and went to PT for some time, which was very helpful. The pain lasted for some part of my run and continued to hurt long after my run ended. It finally feels better this morning. Crossing my fingers that it subsides and is a non-issue!

The best part of my run was finishing (ha ha!) because my parents and neighbors came out of the house to cheer for me and I got a special hug from my 5-year-old Buddy B!

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday/Sunday: 3 miles (since I skipped the magic mile on my 8-miler, I'll try to do a magic mile this weekend!)

Have a great long weekend, everyone!!
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Congrats on another great week!

Does anyone know anything about how cold weather affects running?

For most people, it allows them to run faster at a lower perception of effort. Lot of scientific reasons behind it but mostly centered around core body temperature and how you feel. The colder weather can effect the bounciness of shoes, but that won't start happening until the temps drop down below freezing (or even lower).

As for the pains that are cropping up, are you training at appropriate paces? You use Galloway intervals so are you following the Galloway recommendation of +2 minute long runs. This would mean your HM goal time would be around a 10:46 (because of a 12:46 min/mile LR). Just remember that training faster than you should doesn't necessarily translate into better race results. More often than not, training slower will yield the desired effect. So if your fitness suggests an 11:45 min/mile HM, then your LR should be closer to 13:45. This training slower might help mitigate some of the issues/pains you seem to have cropping up. Is it a surefire solution? No, but between pacing and shoes it's the first place I look when something seems off.
Congrats on another great week!

For most people, it allows them to run faster at a lower perception of effort. Lot of scientific reasons behind it but mostly centered around core body temperature and how you feel. The colder weather can effect the bounciness of shoes, but that won't start happening until the temps drop down below freezing (or even lower).

As for the pains that are cropping up, are you training at appropriate paces? You use Galloway intervals so are you following the Galloway recommendation of +2 minute long runs. This would mean your HM goal time would be around a 10:46 (because of a 12:46 min/mile LR). Just remember that training faster than you should doesn't necessarily translate into better race results. More often than not, training slower will yield the desired effect. So if your fitness suggests an 11:45 min/mile HM, then your LR should be closer to 13:45. This training slower might help mitigate some of the issues/pains you seem to have cropping up. Is it a surefire solution? No, but between pacing and shoes it's the first place I look when something seems off.

Thanks! Running in the fall is going to spoil me and then it's going to be winter and I'm going to be miserable and then I'll be running the half and it'll be summer weather again! Dang seasons.

I think I'm training around the right pace, but there are days when I'm faster or slower for whatever reason (heat, paranoia, etc.). I think my issue is that I'm not really looking to hit a particular pace on race day - I really just want to have time to meet some characters without concern that I'm going to be swept! So because I'm not training for a certain pace, I'm not training at a certain pace either. I just like to keep myself in the 12:00-13:00 minute/mile range because it seems/feels right? When I was in high school I was a sprinter running 8:00-9:00 minute miles, but never more than 3 miles. This distance thing is so new to me.

Right now, I'm on track to hit 13-14 miles right before my 10k where I'm getting my proof of time, so I guess after that I'll have a decent idea of how I do in the atmosphere of a race? And then I might have a better idea of my jumping off point for the half?

It'll be interesting to see how my training continues as fall approaches. One of my 30 minute run days is on Thanksgiving - I should sign up for a Turkey Trot!
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I didn't go running this week...

Yeah... it's the start of a new school year, so I've been pulling really long days and just needed to settle in. So, I skipped this week. Not a single run.

I'm going to start back up on Tuesday morning. This is the plan:

Mondays: rest
Tuesdays: 30 min run @ 6:45 am
Wednesdays: rest
Thursdays: 30 min run @ 6:45 am
Fridays: rest
Saturdays or Sundays: long run @ 7 a.m.

Eventually I want to add in barre at least once a week - they have a 7:00 p.m. class I might start to go to. I also want to start back up with yoga. I'm not sure if I'll do that via a class or a youtube video. TBD.

I'm trying to decide if I want to run the 3 miles this coming weekend or pretend I ran this week and continue what I would have been at, which is 9.5 miles...

Finally, I need to figure out what I'll do this winter. I have some time honestly the weather doesn't start to get snowy and gross until January/February, so I really just need to invest in some reflective clothes and a headlamp so I can run in the dark. As the weather gets gross, I'll have to learn how to run on a treadmill. God, I hate treadmills. A friend and I were talking and we realized that because we ran track, all of our training runs were outside and never on treadmills, so we're so easily bored on a treadmill.

Anyway! Have a great rest of your Sunday! See ya next week!
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Not sure if I recommended it already, but the Noxgear Tracer 360 is a great reflective item. They usually have a pretty good deal on Black Friday. Highly recommend it. Makes you very visible but doesn't really project too much light for you to see. I attach a small bike light from Target on the front of it for me to see.

Not sure if I recommended it already, but the Noxgear Tracer 360 is a great reflective item. They usually have a pretty good deal on Black Friday. Highly recommend it. Makes you very visible but doesn't really project too much light for you to see. I attach a small bike light from Target on the front of it for me to see.


That looks like something from the bottom of the ocean or out of a sci-fi movie! I'll check to see what the price drops to on Black Friday. In the meantime, I think my mom has a vest I can wear + her headlamp and I think that'll carry me to November.

American Eagle has some reflective pants right now. I'll probably by those because I have no self-control when it comes to shopping.
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I'm back! I'm all settled into my life now that school started again and am back into running. (I only took a week off, but I'm acting like it was a year.)

Distance: 2.71 miles
Time: 34:38
Average Pace: 12:46 min/mile

My alarm going off at 6:15 is not my favorite thing. But I got my butt out of bed and headed out for a 30 minute run. I was glad to be out there, but I did seriously consider switching to night runs... Anyway! My notes for this run say "right knee pain, cold lungs." Yes! This was a weird sensation. My lungs literally felt cold. Unrelated (but maybe related?) Does anyone else feel itchy sometimes when they run. Sometimes my legs (usually my thighs) will itch, or my stomach right under my waistband. And I have no idea why. It doesn't happen all the time. I used to think that it was related to cold, then I thought maybe it was where my clothes rubbed, but then it doesn't happen all the time and my clothes aren't really moving at my thigh... I have more investigating to do.

Distance: 2.64 miles
Time: 36:52
Average Pace: 13:58 min/mile

Oops! I forgot my inhaler this morning. Didn't die, though! It was a very slow run, which was half intentional half not (I don't go out with the plan to run slow, but when I do start to run slow I become intentional about it.) My walking warm up was very slow, probably because I was texting during it. Then I realized I was about 1-2 minutes behind where I usually am and just ran with it (hehe).

Distance: 3.21 miles
Time: 39:30
Average Pace: 12:19 min/mile

This morning was supposed to be a 9.5 mile run (if I had gone for a run last week) but I decided to do the missed 3 mile run with a magic mile since I haven't done a magic mile since my last one. I also did this without my inhaler. I think I need to put my inhaler next to my bed instead of leaving it in my bag so that I take it when I wake up for a run, and then I can put it in my bag in case I run some other place/time (unlikely, but still).

Anyway. I felt good getting right out there this morning. The first mile was fine and felt good. No knee pain since Tuesday. Next it was time for my magic mile... I wasn't sure I was going to be faster than my first magic mile (that was at 10:52) but... I crushed it!

Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 10.16.12 AM.png

Woo, baby! I did this magic mile at 10:16! And this means that my estimated half marathon time is faster than 2:45 which would bring me into a faster corral. Crossing my fingers that my 10k in October is what I want it to be. Also crossing my fingers that I continue to get faster and my next magic mile crushes this magic mile.

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday/Sunday: 9.5 miles

And because I spent a lot of time figuring this out - here are my long weekend runs leading up to my October 21st 10k. Perfectly enough, the 10k is the Sunday before the Princess training plan on the runDisney website starts. So that Tuesday I'll just start my training again!

9/23-9/24: 9.5 miles
9/30-10/1: 3 miles (magic mile?)
10/7-10/8: 12.5 miles
10/14-10/15: 3 miles (magic mile?)
10/21: 10k day!

Feeling great! Hope everyone had and has a good week!
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I'm sick! :mad::mad::mad:

This weekend's plan was 9.5 miles, but instead I can barely breathe, can't stop sneezing, and have all sorts of junk in my lungs that I'm trying to cough up. TMI? No real fever - I took my temperature last night and it was 98.6 - but I usually run at 97 so I'm about a degree warmer than usual. I'm just really annoyed because I was looking forward to (a) my 9.5 miles this weekend and (b) my friend's party today for the Pats game (I couldn't care less about the Pats - I just like the food).

I'm just going to push everything back a week AGAIN and do 3 miles next weekend, then 9.5 miles, then 3 miles, then my 10k. Hoping it all goes well. I hope I'm better soon!

Here were my two 30 minute runs from this week:

Distance: 2.76 miles
Time: 35:42
Average Pace: 12:56 min/mile


Distance: 2.76 miles
Time: 35:52
Average Pace: 12:59 min/mile

Both runs felt good - as you can see they were nearly identical! I took my inhaler and went for my morning run and I'm starting to get into a routine. The only thing I'm noticing is that I'm getting a little bit of knee pain here and there. It never lasts long and it's always gone by the end of my run and I don't experience it outside of my runs. Once upon a time my knee hurt almost all the time - walking, going up and down stairs, sitting there. So this is good. My PCP has changed, so I might make an appointment with my new one so she can see me at baseline and maybe make some recommendations.

So! Here's to HOPEFULLY getting back into health and a good run next weekend. I just need to work it in between breakfast & apple picking on Saturday and a barre class with puppies (!!!) on Sunday.
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So my health was crap all week. I had to leave work early on Monday because I had a nasty head cold with bonus nausea. So I obviously took Tuesday off to rest and get my health back on track. By Thursday morning my nasty head cold had moved into my chest. I could literally hear my chest rattle when I breathed and it's been like that through today. On the bright side, my cough is subsiding and I can feel my chest finally clearing, so I think I'll be back to my running on Tuesday.

I'm SO mad that my health took a turn like this. Since I work with kids, I do tend to get colds during the school year, but I've never gotten anything this early in the year and it's never hung around in my chest the way it did this time. It usually bounces around head to chest to head before blowing over but this one just. wouldn't. quit.

Luckily it's early in my training still and it happened before my 10k, so at least I have the next two weekends to get caught up.

I have my barre class tomorrow with puppies (PUPPIES!) and then I'll get back into my runs on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm thinking I'm going to jump into a long run next weekend. My goal will be 6 miles or so. Then 3 miles then the 10k. Then it's onto my half training!

So, here's to improved health and awesome runs!
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