I know it will end up on the boards one way or another so...

We feel so badly for what has happend to you - especially because of all you've done for so many. :( We are sending you Pixie Dust and hope that somehow your pins will turn up. Lisa & Meg
Kathryn, I am so sorry this happened to you. I am hoping somebody's conscience will really bother them and they will return it. Please send me your address, I would love to contribute a pin or two towards getting you going with traders again before the cruise.
I'm so sorry this happened to you :( Why would someone do that.

I hope they decide they made a mistake and turn it in to lost and found.
You all have no idea how deeply you have touched me. Lost and Found said it is not there yet. Homeowners insurance says collectibles aren't insurable. Even if they were they wouldn't be for me, ESPECIALLY since the inventory changes once a week at the minimum for me. They would never know what they are insuring.

Disney did give me a set of the princesses, and a framed set of the princes. They offered 10 pins off their spinning rack as well. I forgot to pick those up. I think I was still numb from shock at the time. The emails I am receiving have touched my heart. I have sobbed and sobbed and I am emotionally drained and fatigued. Each time I see how generous all of you have offered to be I begin to weep again.

For all of you have written to me and asked for my address I will send you each one my husband's work address. God Bless each and every one of you. This just goes to show that the friendships formed by this hobby are more important than the hobby itself.
Kathryn --

I am so sorry to hear your story.

Please pm me. I have some extra pins that I'd like to give you for the cruise. They are only rack pins, but maybe you can trade with CMs.
I am sorry to hear about what happended. I always thought Disney was really safe I mean I was upset when the person I sent said one of my pin from the set got stolen by some guy talking to her on line and she got distracted and when she checked one pin was gone. Ebay is what he was talking to her about how much the pins would cost on there. I also have some extra rack pins I can send you.


Please send me that address also. I'd love to get something out to you. ;)
I'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune. I only hope that the backpack turns up. Especially since you had a palm pilot and checkbook in it also!!! What a headache and heartache at the same time!
Best wishes...
Sue Ellen

Mom and I are so sorry to hear about this. I know when we had the pin swap last time and mom's pins never turned up she was upset at that as was I. However, the kindness of others certainly helped. This in no way compares but the dishonesty of some people is truly unbelievable. I hope whoever did this realizes what they have done and feels guilty enough to turn in those pins. I can't believe someone would even do that with all the people there were around--the chance of doing that without being seen. It's something I can't even begin to understand.

I know in my heart though, the old adage what goes around comes around always comes true, and I am sure whoever did this will have their day. It certainly does not make it any easier to handle, but I am sure for you brighter days are ahead.

dawn g and audrey w
Kathryn - I am so sorry to hear about this. I can imagine how bad you must be feeling not only for the loss but for the feeling of betrayal. The pin community is so small I hope whoever took it sees your post and gets an attack of conscience.

PD to you !!
Even though we haven't met yet I have heard so many wonderful things about you that I feel terrible that this happened! (I'd feel awful if this happened to anyone but especially to you!)

I hope to meet when we come down at Spring break if you are there but I'd like to send a pin before then so please send your husband's work address.

It's also scary to think that someone was watching (maybe planning) and could do this again. I'd write more but I just had hand surgery and have to stop typing...

Please know that there are many more like me we do care!

You know you and I talked New Year's Eve, about how we are both so scatterbrained sometimes, that I know this could happen to me in a heartbeat. I am always just laying down my purse, or keys, or packages, and then walking away, or not being aware of what I am doing. I won't say I can't imagine how you feel, because I can imagine how you feel, and it's a combination I'm sure of shock, and anger and sadness, and disbelief, and yes, violation. My heart goes out to you. I keep hoping they will show up in lost and found. However, short of that happening, please send me Gary's address(Mammenva@aol.com), so I can send you something to trade with on the cruise--can't replace your Mickey for President--don't think he will ever pass my way!--but will get something to you.

Thoughts are with you; take care sweetie.
Kathryn, Janet & I feel so bad for you. How devastating. Please e-mail us the address. We want to contribute a few traders to a really swell person.
I got a wonderful suggestions from a board memeber:
A suggestion: Why not post your address anyway and let us all send you a pin. If your missing pins turn up you could distribute our pins to any other similar cases (or start some kids off with a few interesting pins to trade). Hey, this sounds like a world pin bank. Lets do it anyway ?
This almost has me excited. well as excited as I can get under the circumstances. I was really fretting the ... what do I do if situation. Mike has provided an excellent solution. While it is not looking too good for the return of my bag at this point we now have a backup.

I do want all of you to know that despite all of Ed's posts about how forgetful I am this was not a case of forgetfulness. I know exactly where I set it down, I had three adults around me who knew me (and a child) and I never moved from my bag. When I was ready to move I reached down to get it and it was gone.

Now we have an opportunity to turn a frown face thread into a happy face thread
so here is my address:

Kathryn Bell
c/o IXC Telecom Inc
103 East Nelson Avenue
Melbourne, FL 32935

James and Linda thank you so much for your kind email. I don't know how you did it but you seemed determined and I am grateful. I will notify you when it arrives. So now to my next awkward situation. If I send something to someone I want to know that it got there all right. I have to believe that some of you if not all of you are the same way. Should I post on here when your package comes in ? Would you like a private confirmation/thank you. I would be easier on the board and we could start a happy thread and make this ole dreary thing go away. What do you all think?
Kathryn...I got so excited when I saw your name in the DIS notice that I received about this thread. I was hoping to click on and find that your bag had been returned. How sorry I am that that is not the case. I think we all know that you were not careless and that this was not an accident. Shame on whoever.
Rather than send anything along to you...I'm going to bring it! We'll be in WDW for a few short days in two weeks. I'm sure to see you at MGM on the 16th. I'll have a bag for you.......Charlene


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