I am slowly going crazy!-a 17 day countdown to Disney


Oct 22, 2012
I think we all know that the worst part of a Disney vacation (hopefully) is waiting to go. One hundred days is bad enough, but knowing you only have 17 more days is torture! Time almost seems to stand still.

To help fill the time, I thought I'd do a day by day countdown until it's time for us to go.

A little bit about us: I'm a SAHM, who homeschools my 5 year old and teaches piano lessons in the evenings. DH is an insurance agent and youth pastor at our church. We have 2 DS, 2 and 5. We all LOVE Disney and have gone every year for the last 4 years. Our streak may end next year though, as I'm 17 weeks pregnant with our 3rd child. This will definitely be a different trip for us, since I'll get tired more easily, go to the bathroom more often, and I won't be able to ride a few of my favorite rides. That's ok, though! Any day in Disney is a good day!

I'll be back in a little while to tell you what I did to fill the time today. Thanks for reading!
Day 17

I woke up and my first thought was, 'I'm 17 weeks pregnant and there are 17 more days till Disney!' I made some coffee and started my Swagbucks app. At some point, the boys got up and I made them breakfast. DH went to work and I sat on the couch for a little bit. DS (5) and I did some school. Then, I decided to get ready, go to the store, and buy some breakfast items to take to a friend whose grandmother just passed away. Here in the South (or maybe everywhere), people always bring lots of food when someone dies. I came home, fixed lunch for the boys, and made muffins to take to above mentioned friends' house. After lunch, we delivered the food and ran by our local butcher to get some ground beef. Then, back home where I decided to make some pumpkin muffins. Starbucks' pumpkin spice latte is coming out early this year, so I decided to get a head start on the pumpkin baking since it feels like fall here already anyway. While the muffins were in the oven, I ironed several of DH's dress shirts (I despise ironing and rarely do it, but I was trying to fill up time). The boys played nicely with each other in their rooms. Around 5, DH got home and took over while I taught piano and one guitar lesson until 6:30. We jumped in the car and drove 5 minutes to the in laws where we ate pizza for dinner because DH's aunt and uncle are visiting from out of state. We hung out there until 9, drove home and put the boys in their pajamas, and finally--the end to a busy day! I still had time to pause intermittently and think how much I wish we were already at Disney. I also keep Sorcerer Radio on almost all day, which really makes me anxious to be in our happy place!
Day 16

Today has been incredibly slow and it feels like it should be Thursday instead of Wednesday. I woke up to pouring rain and thunder, which kind of dampened my mood for the morning. After cuddling on the couch with the boys for awhile and eating breakfast, the sun peeked out and then came out in all of its glory. I told DS (5) we should go on a walk, to which he responded that we should do school first. He's so responsible. lol We did a little bit of school and then fixed some lunch. After cleaning up, we finally set out on our walk and it was HOT! We walked a shorter route than we usually do and I was ready to come back inside as soon as we got home, but both boys wanted to ride scooters and tricycles for awhile, so they did that while I swept the carport. I feel like I need another Disney project to pass the time, but I'm not sure what. I made several shirts for each of us with freezer paper stencils (coolest thing ever! Look on Pinterest!) in the last several months. Our suitcase is out with just a couple of things thrown in. Magic Bands are here. I guess I could stick them in! I've even bought several snacks to take. I could go ahead and pack all of our Mickey ears. I might do that in just a minute. I'm going to make tacos for dinner and probably try to wolf one down before I teach a couple of piano lessons. Then, DH will leave for church and I need to give the boys baths. Should be a busy evening till bedtime!


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