how we handled the heat MK 5/21


Earning My Ears
May 11, 2003
it was very hot on 5/21 in mk but we came prepared. First I had a collapable cooler with 4 bottles of frozen water init. Also had frozen pudding snacks the new kind that come in a tube.
I brought some pedialyte popsicles for my DS 2yr that were frozen. And some flavor ice ones for my dd 4 who wont touch pedialyte anymore. I put 4 washclothes in the cooler so when the ice melted it would keep the clothes cold and wet, i had brought one of those gel packs you freeze for the cooler i wrapped it in a wet cloth and let them hold it and rub it on face and neck. We got the mister fan at awalmart for 5.99 that helped tremendously it really helped cool the kids down and they loved playing with it. We found some patched called Be Cool at Walgreens you put them on your forehead and it keeps it cool for about 6 hours the kids wouldnt wear them on their foreheads but we put them on the back of their necks that helped too. We put on a 30 sunscreen with off built in to it I did notice a lot of mosquitos at mk. My Mother in law but got bit but we didnt because we had the off. I brought the kids a change of clothes and that helped too. I took them in to the bathroom about half way through the day. Striped down to diaper rubbed them with baby wipes in the air conditioning to help them cool down a little then took off the sweaty clothes and put on fresh clothes. I know there has been alot of talk on these board about clothes and what is appropriate. I saw so many little girls sweating it out in big heavy dresses they were beautiful but the kids were so hot. Or boys in pants. I got some very dressy little outfits that had a tank top like shirt with matching shorts made of a thin fabric. The kids were much cooler than in heavy clothes. I know you want your kids to look cute in their dress clothes but choose clothes that let the kids skin breathe.
I brought hats for both my kids which is a must. If you dont bring them you will probably buy one there. Looking at their sweaty little faces and squinty eyes made me glad i brought hats to put on and keep the sun out of their face. I had a goofy hat for my ds which is ventillate in the back to let the heat out and a minnie hat for my dd that only sat on the top part of her head letting the wind blow under the back to cool her neck.
I also brought a brita sports bottle which i was able to fill up with free glasses of ice water from columbia harbour house. I filtered the water through my brita bottle then put it back in our bottles we brought in that morning. Our frozen bottles lasted until abou 3 in the afternoon. I was surprised they would give free cups of ice water since they were selling bottled water but it worked out great. And the ice was crushed so it fit right in the water bottles those bottles lasted us the rest of the night. Well these are all the tips we used to stay cool while out in the heat. I hope this helps someone else prepare for the trip. It is so important to have fun and let the kids really enjoy themselves. Thats why beign prepared to keep them cool is important.
We were at MK on 5/21 also and really suffered with the heat. The best idea we had was to take washcloths with us.........just wanted to share that with everyone because it really helped. Wish we had thought to bring a change of clothes for the kids like you did...........Glad we're home, glad we went.........can't wait to go again.
Originally posted by LBCmd
First I had a collapable cooler with 4 bottles of frozen water init. Also had frozen pudding snacks the new kind that come in a tube.

I was wondering how did you freeze your water bottles and pudding. Did you rent a refrigerator/freezer?
Thanks for the tips. I'm going soon and am both looking forward and dreading it all at the same time.


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