'Home' page looks strange!


<font color=0000CC>disney freak<br><font color=FF0
Aug 5, 2000
Has anyone else noticed the 'Home' page looking a little strange recently????

In what way strange? The WDWINFO homepage or the DISboard homepage? The DISboards one was redesigned a couple of weeks ago.
Sorry, I mean the DISboards home page, and yes, I know about the re-design that recently took place.

Strange, in the sense that my home page does not display my number of posts, or my user title, and that the counter for total points indicates 1.9 million -- When i know for a fact that the total reached 3 million a couple of weeks ago.

I say strange, because it appeared *normal* up until yesterday, but now it is not.:D


Ok...because some people have been having trouble accessing the boards, the Webmasters have been doing some tests to try and narrow down the problem - yesterday WM Alex turned off some of the board features to see if that would fix it. This included the Post count & User Title bit.

As for the number of posts in total...Alex has also started to archive some of the old threads, so I assume that's why the total number has gone down.

Hopefully when the logging on problems are fixed, the features will be turned back on :)
:) :) Thanks for clearing that up!:D :D

I suppose it wasn't life-threatening
--But I'm one of those who ALWAYS likes things to be in the 'norm'!! (LOL)

How is the trouble - shooting going?
Has WM Alex been able to rectify the problem?

If so, when will the features be turned back on?
They have a short-term fix, but as I understand...they still haven't worked out a long-term one yet. So, no idea when the features will be turned back on I'm afraid.


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