have trip all planned - what am I leaving out?


DIS Veteran
May 27, 2003
I am so tired and I have yet to even get to dis and seaworld.

we are going june 8 to 15 - stay at the contemporary - have priority seating for cinderella castle breakfast - princess breakfast at epcot - lunch at the crystal palace - dinner at chef mickeys - and 1900 park fare dinner with cinderella - and got tickets for cirque du soleil - dinner with shamu - and a dolphin swim for my 7 year old daughter

bought the video camera tonight - OMG!!! those things are expensive. Bought cheapo camera for my 7 year old. And one for the adults.

bought sunscreen - have yet to by rain coats and some type of back pack or fanny pack - also need to get cinderella dress for daughter - Aaaccccckkkkkkk !!!! :tongue: I mean I am wiped out already... and the sticker shock - yikes

so my question...what am I leaving out as to planning? what other stuff have I not listed that I need to bring?... plastic bags for cameras - some type of water thing like bottles or a camel pack - a back pack? aren't those a hassle for rides? ... so anyway...any suggestions on what other stuff to bring would be great - thx :confused:
We have found that the backpacks are a pain and switched to fanny paks, everyone has one so I don't carry the entire load LOL.
YOu can find rain coats for .87 at walmart in the sporting goods section that fit into the fanny paks.
Don't forget you sunscreen, insect repleant, hats (with bibs), sunglasses, first aid kits, mole skin, a light jacket for your dd (sometimes even summer evenings can get cool to little ones)
sounds like you have your plan for meals all laid out. You might want to plan a very flexible which day for which park. At the age of your daughter I would guess you would spend more time in MK than the others . We always do alot of half and half days. Half day in MGM then back to the resort for an afternoon break and then half the day in Mk or another park. Although even with my dd 11 now we seem to spend 1 full day in MK . :p
Hope this has helped some and hope you have a great trip!!:Pinkbounc
thx Dnsdisney - that is very helpful - walmart for under a dollar raincoats - bring repellent (i had not thought of that but yeah ur right) - thx for the comment on backpacks vs fanny packs - will heed your words - hats... yeah forgot that one - and moleskin? thats the stuff for your feet right? if so ... that is a good idea... got blisters last time I went. and a light jacket... wow I had not thought of several of any of these things... but ur right it gets downright nippy in florida at night sometimes what with teh humidity and all. - thx again - wonderful tips
The biggest tip that I can give is pace yourself.
A vacation is not a vacation if you go home worn out.

Shawn :jester:
thx for that advice - yeah need to pace myself - will be there same time you and your new spouse will be and congratulations on ur getting hitched !!:bounce:
Something I didn't notice anyone else mention was a permanent marker - you may want to label pool toys and such. Also, it can be used for character autographs, if you want them to sign a shirt or hat. Speaking of which, don't forget the autograph book, unless you're planning to buy one there.

Please post when you get back about your experiences with all those character meals. I also want to do both princess breakfasts and the 1900 Cinderela dinner, but DH thinks that's princess overload - LOL :rolleyes: I'm hoping he's wrong!

By the way, where is your dd doing the dolphin swim? My dd wanted to do this and we were told she had to be 8 at Discovery Cove...but there's always next time, right :)

PS - please take your new cameras out to practice before you go! Also, take extra batteries and don't forget your recharger!
mmmm I hope it is not 8 years old for the dolphin swim - I was told must be 6 years old by the seaworld folks - let me check their site...yep I was right - this is cut and pasted directly off the discovery cove site

Age Requirements
The only activity with an age requirement is the dolphin-swim experience, which requires guests to be at least 6.
Oh I'm so glad you were right and I was misinformed! I hope your dd has a great time! We still can't do it this trip, though, as our younger dd will be just turning 5, but there's always next time! :p

You may want to take one backpack for extra clothes and leave it in a locker then use the fannypacks for carrying stuff all day.

I'd say don't plan any more meals or scheduled events. You may run ragged getting to any more events than you've planned on time. You've chosen excellently, however. Relax and enjoy.
When I first booked this trip a friend of mine told me to relax-I was a planning fool then...not that much has changed but...now I chat with you guys and we're all in the same boat...I think he was just jealous...anyway...he told me to RELAX Disney has guests 365 days a year 24 hours a day 7 days a week...let them create the magic!
Just make sure you have enough film to capture the look on your daughters face!
yeah exactly make sure I have enough film to capture the look on her face - yep - breaking out the cameras today - didn't have any till the other day...man!! those buggers are not cheap - will be practicing
ok here is what I have so far
we bought a videocamera that is small enough to fit in a fanny pack - I got spf 40 sunscreen - got two swimsuits for daughter - we already have wind breakers

today I get 1) two fanny packs for the grownups - 2) a pair of tennis shoes for me - 3) a backpack to bring a change of clothes in to put in a locker - 4) I am going out to get lighter colored and lighter fabric clothing because all I have are jeans - 5) hats - 6) bug repellant - is there a sunscreen/repellant combo? 7) plastic bags of some sort to keep the cameras in .......oh and 8) ponchos for rain - and 9) a pair of two way radios I think

what do you guys think - your ideas have all been very helpful Thank you very much. Is that about it you think?:rolleyes: :Pinkbounc
I would take one of those disposable cameras that can go underwater (unless your camera is waterproof :) You don't want to miss the dolphin swim pics, plus we get some really great underwater pics just in hotel pools! My youngest has no fear of water and I have a great pic of her at age 2, totally underwater, eyes open and a big smile on her face :)

Take ziplock bags!!!

Use them for: storing stuff in and keeping it dry (like your cameras), saving snacks/food in the fanny packs, but most important: putting the wet clothes in when your kids jump around in the fountains and then want to change into dry clothes, the ones in the locker. You'll find you have endless uses for them....keeping a few bandaids & neosporin clean and dry for example. I'v found that with young kids, they're really great.

Good luck...try to relax & enjoy,
thank you to everyone on here with all the good advice - it has been very helpful - my wallet is a wee bit lighter do to following thru with a great deal of the advice but hey.... it is well worth it

thx again


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