Good Things Happened On This Trip . A Little Long


DIS Veteran
May 23, 2000
First of all this was a very last minute trip. Last Thursday DH said lets go to WDW on Monday. We only live three hrs away. We are DVC memebers but I did not try for a DVC Hotel, so I called and made ressi for POP Century. We got a room for two nights at a very good rate.
Monday morning we drive up. I said to DH lets pre sign in and then we will have the whole day to do what we want and all we will have to do is call to find out our room number. When we arrived at resservations they were a few people in line, but there was enough people to move the line quickly. after all of the paperwork we are told our room is ready. YEah!!! We were in building one on the second floor..n Room was fine had no problems with it at all. then we drive to the Boardwalk to have breakfast. This is around 9.30 am. We went to my favorite place to eat breakfast Spoodles. Love the Italtlain When we walk into spoodles the girl greeted us with Hello Mr and Mrs---------- nice to see you again and she also remember we live in Fort Lauderdale. as we walked into the rest. several of the servers remember us as well. This day is starting really good.

We take the boat to Epcot and turn in our vouchers for our Annual passes and it went like clockwork. No problems this time around. We started eating our way around WS. Everything we ate we like, but I was impressed with the CM's this time. Very Friendly and accomadating. I asked about the sauce they were putting on top of the corn beef and cabbage at Irleand and he told be Blue Cheese. I just happend to say I loved Blue Cheese and he took it back and put more on it for me. Then at another one we got Paella and it did not have any clams on it, only shrimp and I asked if I could trade a shrimp in for a clam. They took it back and not only did they give us a couple of clams but all of the shrimp. After we left WS at night and headed back to the Boardwalk, we stopped at the Ice Cream Candy store to get Ice Cream. I asked for a cone and since it was near the bottom of the container the really filled my cone for me, so they could get another container of that ice cream. What a wonderful day. Next day we got up and went and had breakfast at the food court of the hotel. I will say neither by DH or myself are people who like food courts, but the food was great. I had a ham and cheese omelet and he had a western omelet with potatoes on both and a biscuit. Just wished the biscuit was bigger. Then we went to the MK. Had a really nice day there. Around 4 pm decided to see if we could get a ressi at the Crystal Palace for dinner later. Thought we would try it since it has reopened. I was told to come back after seven and they would find room for the two of us. When we arrived there were so many people waiting to be seated and complaining about it that my husband don't even try. I said no I was going to. Sure enough they remember me and took our names and we were seated. Now not right away, we had to wait our turn but we got seated. Very short did not care for the food there, nothing wrong with it, except the roast beef was excellent, but nothing to write home about. Probably would not go back.
then Wed got up and we went to the Contemporary to do some shopping. One the Cm's Millie who works in the shop was so nice to us. She was showing us all of the new MIckey merchandise that had just come in for the house. She went out of her way for us. Then we hopped on the monorail and went to the GF to go into the stores. In the store on the second floor we bought a CD and couple key rings. The was a CM wearing a suit there and I went and asked him a question about something I was trying to find out and needed and address or phone number of a person whom I could contact. He went totally out of his way to get this for me and gave me his personal e mail in case this person can't help he will try to find the right one for me. Then we went on the monrail again to the Contemporary as we were heading home. As we were heading out of the hotel I realzied I did not have the package from the GF. Realized I left it on the monoraid. So back up we went and I asked if anyone turned it in. She enough it was over at the Poly. I husband was waiting down stairs from the monorail and I told her I had to get him up so we could go over there. They held the monorail for him to come up and join me. Sure enough they did have it. Happyday again. After we ate lunch a Kona's we went to the store. They had a new antenna topper that I loved. The two they had were both damaged. So I asked if they had any more. The first girl I ased told me that is all they had, but another girl heard her and said they was more somewhere downstairs and they went and got them for me. After that we finally got on the road. It was one of the best times we have had there in a long time. Never have we had so many Cm"S go out of their way to help.
Talk about Pixie Dust overload there, glad to hear you had a lot of fun and that things went well for the two of you!

What a great weekend! If you have a minute, you might want to copy and paste your post into an e-mail or letter to WDW to let them know about the great CM service. If you have more details as to who the CMs were, then all those great compliments will go in their files. But even if you don't, Disney will appreciate seeing what a good time you had!

Wow! That's wonderful that you had a great time! The CM's are great!

For sharing your experience and glad you had a great time.::yes:: :wave2:
What did the new antenna topper look like? I am interested in what designs are available.
Lets see. It is white. On the top it has a mickey hat with ears. In the center it has the spot with a mickey face. It is also wearing sunglasses. It is so cute. We went shopping on the last day there. We were at the Contemporary, POly, GF and DTD. The only place I saw them was at the Poly.

I have found that you need to shop all of the stores. Each and everyone of them seems to have one or two selections that the other stores do not have. When we went into store at Pop Century we were looking at the Halloween items. One one of the tables they had the holiday sweets. There were the marshmellow pumpkins, like the ones you get at Easter that are bunnies. Only two dollars a bargain at Disney. Anyway, in all of the other stores that we went into including MK and Epcot that was the only place we found them. Even the candy store in Mk did not have them.


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