Flying with toddlers?


I've got nothing to do today but smile :)
Feb 1, 2016
So this trip will be my kidos first flight (3 and 5). I used to travel often before kids, and have a lot of bad luck with flights (not making layovers, plane malfunctions, overnight stays because of flight problems, etc)

I'm seriously stressing out about flying with my little ones. I just keep replaying all the problems I have gone through and imagining going through them with the kidos, and that is scary. I know I know, whatever happens a good attitude will make it not so bad.

It will be DH and I and our two wee ones flying Southwest, with one layover where we switch planes. How many of you have flown Southwest with the little kidos? Any advice? Stories to calm me down? I'm a bit worried about not being able to choose seats ahead of time, but that system has failed me SO many times in the past that I don't feel chosen seats are a guarantee (which is why I chose Southwest).

Ahhhhh! :teleport::worship:
You will be able to do family boarding after the A group has boarded. You should have no problem doubling up and finding seats. You should be able to even sit in front of or next to your family. Every time we board in family, the back half of the plane is generally very empty. Are you using car seats? We took our 2yo on with a seat and the seats have to be placed next to a window. We have a 3 hour flight non stop and she is very comfortable in it. Sleeps about 2/3s the way and is usually sleeping by take off. She has been to Disney 3 times now and flown 4 round trips. I wouldn't worry about it.
Thank you MrPTato! I've been seriously stressing over this. There are some super sad stories online of parents being separated on a flight from their toddlers. I can't imagine how helpless that would feel. And seems completely insane to happen in the first place!
just keep them busy. Also give them a job to do so you dont have to do it all.

We gave our daughters each a back pack filled with their coloring books, markers, books, blanket. They had to carry the backpack, not us. Made them feel needed and a part of the trip and kept them ocupied.
Thanks DSLRuser! I ordered my kids a couple cute Disney carry-on rolling suitcases. They aren't large, but not tiny either. I'm starting to wonder if backpacks would be better for their carry-on goods.

Any tips on kid roller suitcases vs backpacks for the flight?


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