First Ever Solo Trip


<font color=brown><marquee>Chocolate always makes
Dec 3, 2004
I've had alot of changes in my life this year and wanted to celebrate. Prior to last week I had never even eaten in a restaurant alone, much less traveled alone. Anyway May 13-May 22nd I took my first ever solo trip and decided to make myself do things I had never done before. I booked three tours (KTTK, Backstage Safari, and Around the World on a Segway). I also made alot of PS (Marrakesh, Biergarten, Rainforst Cafe, LeCellie, Rose & Crown, Sci-Fi, Mama Melrose, House of Blues, Bomas, and Crystal Palace). I loved all three tours and was surprised I kept all my PS (except Bomas) and never felt uncomfortable eating alone (except at Biergarten). I also changed resorts twice: stayed two nights at POP, then five nights at BWV, then last two nights at POP. Again I couldn't believe how comfortable and relaxed I felt. I had an absolutly wonderful time and have every intention of doing another solo trip as soon as I can. Probably only someone like me who has never really had a chance to do anything totally alone would understand just how proud of myself I am. Anyway I just wanted to share my feeling of accomplishment. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself at the moment!

By the way, I missed my Boma PS only because I was feeling ill that night and I was uncomfortable dining at Biergarten because I was a single female seated in the middle of six men at a table.
I think those of us that have not done a solo trip can truly apreciate what you have accomplished, if we have ever contemplated it. I myself am getting ready for a solo trip (it may only be a for a day or two & then a gf & her kids may join me-but hubby's are not coming!) & have a little fear about eating alone. Thanks for the upbeat note! Good luck in future trips & all of your changes you are going through!
good for you!!!

I love the solo part of my trip.

I guess I could go solo this june - make a reservation for my niece and she has cancelled on me - but the rate is so good and I know I won't get that rate again...

anyway I love the times I got to be alone of my last trip. It is great!!!

glad you have a great trip.
aubriee said:
I've had alot of changes in my life this year and wanted to celebrate. Prior to last week I had never even eaten in a restaurant alone, much less traveled alone. Anyway May 13-May 22nd I took my first ever solo trip and decided to make myself do things I had never done before. I booked three tours (KTTK, Backstage Safari, and Around the World on a Segway). I also made alot of PS (Marrakesh, Biergarten, Rainforst Cafe, LeCellie, Rose & Crown, Sci-Fi, Mama Melrose, House of Blues, Bomas, and Crystal Palace). I loved all three tours and was surprised I kept all my PS (except Bomas) and never felt uncomfortable eating alone (except at Biergarten). I also changed resorts twice: stayed two nights at POP, then five nights at BWV, then last two nights at POP. Again I couldn't believe how comfortable and relaxed I felt. I had an absolutly wonderful time and have every intention of doing another solo trip as soon as I can. Probably only someone like me who has never really had a chance to do anything totally alone would understand just how proud of myself I am. Anyway I just wanted to share my feeling of accomplishment. I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself at the moment!

By the way, I missed my Boma PS only because I was feeling ill that night and I was uncomfortable dining at Biergarten because I was a single female seated in the middle of six men at a table.
It took me a long time also to feel comfortable solo and now it is almost a way of life, I go to Disney for a few nights several times a year (always solo) I also take a ski trip every winter solo. You find that many people will chat with you as long as you open yourself up to it. You also don't have to be on anybody elses schedule, it may sound like I am anti social..........but I'm defineately not, its just that I have travelled with some people who have actually ruined the whole experience for me! I was a little leery to eat alone also, but if you really take the time to look around you will see that many are doing it. It's a huge step for anyone but congradulations on taking that first step, each step gets easier. I also tell people that later in life many people are left by themselves and have to learn to depend on themselves you may as well start early. After all who else do we really have to depend upon but ourselves?
Congratulations on your first solo adventure! Experiences with your family and friends are wonderful in their own way, but it's quite liberating to travel alone and make your own decisions without having to consult others, isn't it?

I'm an only child and learned very early in life not to wait for others to want to do what interests me. They're usually 10 or 20 years behind me! :eek:

So plan time with family and friends and reserve a bit for yourself from time to time. WDW is a wonderful place to travel solo, particularly for women. Just be sure to take your common sense when on holiday! :)
I'm so happy for you!!!!!! A solo trip can be as much fun as you dare to make it. Good for you!!!

aubriee said:
By the way, I missed my Boma PS only because I was feeling ill that night and I was uncomfortable dining at Biergarten because I was a single female seated in the middle of six men at a table.

haa....I would have had a blast with 6 men!! :rotfl:

I to just completed my first solo, went thru the same as you. maybe it is my age now. but if I wanted something to eat...I had no problem going solo somewhere(to many people fighting they never even noticed me!!)
I am looking to plan a quick totally relaxing trip again in Sept!!!
glad you had a great time!! :teeth:
Hello to all, this is my first Disboard post - bear with me! I have recently been contemplating a solo trip to Disney - I have gone in the past with family & friends (most recently 2002 & 2004 with my sister and teenage nephew). I am the kind of person that appreciates every little thing about Disney as I am sure most people on this board do.

My concern is: I tend to get emotional at times due to the fact I have lost some very close people to me in my life so far. Parades, fireworks, just being at Disney sometimes makes me miss these people even more, I do not want to be a basket-case walking down Main Street! I do not expect therapy here :) just wanted to know if anyone else traveling solo has had to deal with feelings like this? If so, how did you get past them or deal while traveling solo in Disney? Also, I think my sisters will think it is a crazy idea. I love Disney and do not want to miss out because I would have to beg people to go with me (believe it or not). There are so many things I would love to see and do there that sometimes others traveling with me may not want to, etc.

I do not have a problem eating alone, staying in a hotel alone, I am a Sagittarius and enjoy traveling just about anywhere - it is all an adventure. Any advice would be greatly appreciated - thanks for taking the time to read this!!
I am a person who has discovered that ( while I love my family) I love to travel alone. I feel so safe at Disney and find most of the parks relaxing and enjoyable. I would also say, stay in a Disney hotel if you can possible afford it.

If you ever feel you are embarrassed, crying or "losing it" emotionally, don't be afraid to go to the First Aid center. Tell them you are travelling alone and just need to sit and regain control, pull yourself together or whatever. They can't offer therapy, but it is a private place to find Kleenex and a glass of water. You can return to the park or they will help arrange a way to get back to your hotel.

I have lived with a mental illness most of my life, but I know everyone sometimes just has bad days.

I was chuckling at the lady who went to Biergarten and sat with a table full of men. I like Biergarten, but have been fortunate to sit with families who welcomed me. I,too, prefer to sit with other women or families. :earsgirl:
JoAnnPan said:
My concern is: I tend to get emotional at times due to the fact I have lost some very close people to me in my life so far. Parades, fireworks, just being at Disney sometimes makes me miss these people even more, I do not want to be a basket-case walking down Main Street! I do not expect therapy here :) just wanted to know if anyone else traveling solo has had to deal with feelings like this?

I don't technically qualify as "traveling" solo, because I live in the area. But I completely relate to having lost some very close people in my mom, who was my sister and best friend, passed away unexpectedly in December, then my hubby and I split a month later. When I came home, I resisted getting an annual pass to Disney, or even making a day visit, because I thought I couldn't handle the memories (Mom was a complete Disney fanatic, we had annual passes and would go 3-4 times a week).

But then I found out, Disney is really healing. The first couple of hours, yeah, you're likely to be a basket-case if you're anything like me. That's okay. Let the feelings come. Buy some ice cream, sit on a bench, and experience the memories. Don't worry about what anybody else thinks. You're not going to completely lose control to the point of not being able to function. You'll be okay. And soon, you'll find yourself doing something odd... you'll be smiling, cause you'll remember the good times with the person. Then you'll find yourself wanting to do certain rides/attractions cause they remind you so much of the person. And next thing you know you'll be bouncing down Main Street feeling so close to the person it's almost as if they were with you.

Now I go to the parks all the time...sometimes with family, sometimes with friends, sometimes solo. Even when I have people with me though, I find that I need to take a bit of time every day to commune with my mom. I know it sounds weird, but that solo time at the parks gives me the chance to reflect on my mom, our relationship, and all the good times. It's bittersweet, but I smile much more than I cry now.

Best of luck to you! Have a wonderful trip, and if you'd like to talk feel free to PM me.
Good for you! :) I felt the same way during my first solo WDW trip, but now I'm a solo WDW trip addict. I have my next solo trip planned for August 8-13 (staying at AKL), and I can't wait!
JLTraveling and Spotdog - thank you so much for sharing and giving me some great advice. Your openness is really appreciated. I mentioned my solo trip to one of my sisters and she was a little annoyed that I didn't even ask her about going - that I assumed she would not want to, etc. I told her I would like to go for my birthday which is the first week in December - we will see what happens - she mentioned going to Vegas instead - talk about two ends of the spectrum! We just came back from there a month ago. I have a feeling there will definitely be a solo trip somewhere in my future! Take care! :wave2:
spotdog said:
I am a person who has discovered that ( while I love my family) I love to travel alone. I feel so safe at Disney and find most of the parks relaxing and enjoyable. I would also say, stay in a Disney hotel if you can possible afford it. :earsgirl:

I haven't done a solo trip to Disney, but I'm seriously considering it. I just got back last weekend from taking two of my grown children and a 13-year-old grandson. As much as I love all my children and grandchildren, I think I would really enjoy getting to do just what I want to do and nothing else. My first solo trip was a 3-week car camping excursion down the west coast of Florida just after a divorce at age 57. I had such fun that I knew I'd enjoy traveling alone.

I'd love to stay on-site, preferably at the Polynesian. I don't really like the idea of having to depend on buses to get everywhere except MK and Epcot, but since I can't drive after dark, I guess it's the only option. :earsgirl:
Congrats on your independance!
When you're alone here in the parks as a kid at heart... mm my favorite, btw...
if you want company.. here are my best suggestions..
restraunts with banquet seating are Biergarten (as you discovered) Mitsukashi, Marakesh, and the pub at Rose and Crown. If it makes you squeemish to hang with men, tell the cm at the podium. They always try their best.
Jellyrolls is always fun. and even better if there's noone there to tease you about your singing when you get home!
also... if you can hack it.. (pun intended) try hanging with the smokers in quarentine. smokers are very social folks, in general. If all else fails, send me a message. I'll go hang out with you! (unless the union vote fails and I have to replace my job, thus, no more free admission... man this micromanagement sux.)
Debi said:
Good for you! :) I felt the same way during my first solo WDW trip, but now I'm a solo WDW trip addict. I have my next solo trip planned for August 8-13 (staying at AKL), and I can't wait!
love your pic with off kilter. I have a mad crush on Randy (he's the short one.)
Glad you had a good time! I hope we can encourage others to take the plunge. Reading reports like this really helps people overcome their fears of going SOLO. My recent SOLO report is very detailed and may help. If any1 else is second guessing a SOLO trip, take a read and enjoy! I've just posted the latest edition too :)
It took being in Orlando on business to make me realize the joys of going solo. I am planning my first solo trip to the place that started it all, Disneyland.
JoAnnPan said:
My concern is: I tend to get emotional at times due to the fact I have lost some very close people to me in my life so far. Parades, fireworks, just being at Disney sometimes makes me miss these people even more, I do not want to be a basket-case walking down Main Street! I do not expect therapy here :) just wanted to know if anyone else traveling solo has had to deal with feelings like this? If so, how did you get past them or deal while traveling solo in Disney? Also, I think my sisters will think it is a crazy idea. I love Disney and do not want to miss out because I would have to beg people to go with me (believe it or not). There are so many things I would love to see and do there that sometimes others traveling with me may not want to, etc.

I live 20 minutes from Disneyland and often stop over there by myself. I tell ya, the "I'll be home for Christmas" segment during the holiday fireworks gets to me nearly all the time. My parents and sister are up in Norcal and working retail it is a major chore for me to get up there for Christmas. I manage to get there every year but, that segment reminds me how much I love my family and how lucky I am to have them.
Last October, part of my trip to WDW was solo and during the trip was the 10th anniversary of one of my closest friends. He truly was my guardian angel on this earth. I took some time to remember how fortunate I was to have him in my life and I knew that he was still watching over me. He was happy that I was in a place that I enjoy so much and brings happiness, peace, and relaxation to me.
I found the buses were usually OK. I suppose it depends on the time of year you travel, but in the fall they are usually not real crowded, except for just before the parks open.

I like to bring a book or review my travel literature on the bus. It is also a good place to sit, relax and watch the antics of happy toddlers. If the kids are cranky, you repeat the mantra "They are not with me" and head straight for the hotel hot tub. :earsgirl:


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