Easter or October? Which would you book?


<font color=deeppink>Cinderella looked at me like
Jan 18, 2001
Easter pros: kids off of school, nice weather, break from winter.
Easter cons: crowded, crowded, $$$ flights.

October pros: nice weather still, lower crowds, MNSSHP, cheaper flights.
October cons: take kids out of school (K, 2nd and 4th :eek: ).

The kids will have APs from this Nov. trip. I'm leaning either towards Easter Break (and taking it easy) or a quick 4 day Halloween trip (not sure about Columbus Day, though).

October would definitely be cheaper, flights + hotel, but shorter since I can't take them out for more than 2-3 days.

Thoughts? Opinions?

HMMM. Tough one! My first response was October. BUT...if you could stay longer at Easter then maybe that's the better choice.
I guess I am not helping much!:crazy:
I would lean toward October. Even thought the total time spent there will be less, you'll probably be able to experience just as much or more due to the crowds. Plus you'll be saving some money for another trip.
Hmmm...I would definitely go October. Although I have never been around Easter.
Most definately October. Way too crowded at Easter to have any fun. We've taken our DD out of school every year. She's in 4th grade now and as long as the teachers know in advance, they don't seem to mind. She usually gets some of her homework in advance so there isn't as much to do when she gets back. We also always insist she takes some time each day on the trip to do homework while on vacation. It can be a bit of a struggle at times, but she accepts it as part of the deal for getting out of school to go on vacation.::MinnieMo
Ok! Thanks! DH agrees that Easter would be an expensive accident waiting to happen, lol. So October it is! We'll fly down on a Tuesday night and home on Sunday night, therefore the kids will only miss three days of school. I think we'll do it the full week AFTER Columbus day, so those crowds are gone.

Thanks for the opinions! MNSSHP here we come!



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