Don't Give The Pregnant Lady Free Dining! An Xmas Week TR! Update 1/15 - Epcot!


DIS Veteran
Aug 16, 2014
Hello and Welcome!

We just returned from an awesome one week trip to WDW during Xmas Week. We got super lucky and had perfect weather, and what could be better than Xmas at Disney? I'm going to combine a regular TR with some dining details since we got free dining for this trip. This was our first time on the dining plan and also our first time testing the new dessert substitution policy, so if anyone is interested I'll discuss what we were and were not allowed to swap.

The Details:

Where: WDW Animal Kingdom Lodge
When: Dec 20-26
Who: Me, DH, DS (4) and my mom aka Mimi.

Table of Contents:
1. Arrival at AKL
2. Animal Peeping, lunch at the Mara and dinner at Sanaa.
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Some quick background on this trip:

After our last super-short trip in Oct 2014 I didn't think we would be going back until 2016 at the earliest. Then, this summer, I got an offer for free dining for arrivals beginning Dec 20th. We did our last trip with a RO offer, but none was being offered for those dates. DH was pretty easy to convince, as the alternative would be our usual Xmas plan of going to my hometown and staying in my mom's cramped apartment with DH and DS both going stir-crazy like they did last year. We booked at Wilderness Lodge for the holiday decorations, but after learning about the planned construction opted to switch to AKL. OK on to our trip!

We woke up bright and early for our 9:30 AM flight to Orlando. This was what our carryon situation looked like:


Yep. We're "those" people.

Our flight arrived on time and DH opened up the Uber app to see if we could get a ride. That's when we discovered that they've changed the policy, and now all rides FROM the Orlando airport must be Black Car rides, aka the fancy service. He did a quick estimate on the app and realized the 30 minute ride to our hotel would cost $100! I'm not sure if this change in policy is an Uber decision, or a Mears-influenced rule, but it only seems to apply to rides from the airport not to. In any case, we quickly abandoned that idea and made our way to the Magical Express.

We were the first people on the bus, so we had about a 20 minute wait until it was full and could leave. And then we had stops at AoA and POP. I didn't really mind though, the bus was comfy, the cartoons kept DS entertained, and it was nice to catch a glimpse of AoA as I was thinking of taking DS there to check out the Cars section. Finally we got to our stop, AKL!

And, you guys. This place is just gorgeous. Here's a stock Memory Maker photo of it all dressed up for the holidays:


It even smells good in there. DH was completely blown away. We stayed at the Contemporary last trip mainly for convenience, and he hated the design. But he LOVED this resort. I got my room requests, which were Kudu trail in a quiet area and on a high floor. Here's our room, with Mickey already making himself comfortable:

I really loved the theming in these rooms. It really feels like you're at a fancy safari lodge. I was worried we wouldn't have a good view of the animals, because I only paid for Savannah, not the highest tier "Arusha" view. But I needn't have worried. Here's a shot from our balcony, with a zebra wandering by. We were so lucky that they placed a lot of the feeding spots for the giraffes right outside our window, and we saw them every day. It was so so cool, especially since it's unusual to see animals like this from a high vantage point.


I'm going to leave off here because I suspect I've reached my image quota for this post. Next, more animal peeping, lunch at The Mara and dinner at Sanaa!
Great TR title...I know that I couldn't keep up with my wife regarding food when she was expecting.

I'm a big Jambo House and Kidani fan. Glad that you liked the resort.

The image quota in a post is 25, including smilies, so you could've included more, but we're happy to wait until next time.
Arrival Day Part 2: The Mara and Sanaa!

We hung out on the balcony for awhile saying hi to our new friends:


But we were starving, so we headed back through the lobby to grab a bite at The Mara. Finding it was a bit confusing, but we finally we made our way down the winding stairs, past Boma, and out past the pool. I was excited to try some things I’d heard about in dining reviews, the African Stew and Zebra Domes! DH ordered the stew as well and we got the Falafel entree for DS. (Side note: We always ordered DS an adult QS meal, since the credits were interchangeable and the kid can EAT. Gotta get the value out of our “free” dining!) We also picked up our refillable mugs, which the boys never used and I only used for tea in the mornings and a coke with lunch once or twice. We’re just not big soda drinkers. I would never pay for them outside of the dining plan but they made a nice free souvenir I guess.


The stew was pretty good, and the falafel had good seasoning but was oddly chewy instead of having the nice crunch I’m used to. I also got the mango smoothie for my beverage, which was refreshing and a good value on the DP. DH got a soup I think for his dessert, so we just picked up a pumpkin cheesecake along with the aforementioned zebra domes, and took them up to the room for later because we were stuffed. The pumpkin cheesecake was pretty good, but as for the zebra domes.....


I don’t get it, you guys. They’re mushy and kinda vaguely chocolately must mostly pretty bland. I got another one at Boma a few nights later, thinking maybe they just got limp in the fridge case, but no. Mushy blahness. (Spoiler alert: this will not be the only Unpopular Opinion about a Disboard-beloved treat!)

After lunch DS was ready for a very late nap, and DH went for a swim. The pool at AKL is great. Nearby there are these guys:


And there is a fun slide that DS went down at least a dozen times on our last day. Soon we had to get DS up from his nap because we had an early dinner reservation at Sanaa! I made it at 5pm hoping we would get a window table and be able to watch the animals for a little while before the sun went down. But by the time we made the looong walk over there with DS (we had made the questionable choice to leave our rental stroller behind so he went on Daddy’s shoulders for most of it) it was 5:15! Thankfully they were gracious about it and still gave us a buzzer. DH tried to get DS to go outside and look at the animals but he was cranky and not having it. Instead, I figured we had just enough time to head back up the stairs for a special holiday meet by the Kidani Christmas tree:


The #1 Duck himself! The line for this meet was super short and soon DS was getting a great big hug from Donald. The holiday M&Gs in the lobby were such a nice bonus this week, just added to the festive feeling. After this DS was in a much better mood for dinner. Our buzzer went off and we got a seat, not by the window but as the sun was setting we didn’t really mind.

We asked the waitress about meal substitutions and was told we could swap our 2 adult desserts for the famous Sanaa bread appetizer, which I think was priced around $14. It was a good decision.


Sooooooo good. I felt guilty because with only 3 of us we didn’t come close to finishing it. We also ordered the three salad appetizer and the oxtail appetizer, which was small but so yummy! I also got a mango lassi because if I can’t have booze I will clearly drown myself in mango-flavored frozen beverages instead. This was our CMs first night after training. I felt so bad that she was starting her first week during Xmas week, but I hope she made good tips to make up for it! Our service was a bit slow but since we had JUST had lunch and I wasn’t very hungry I was happy to pace myself. For our entrees DH got the lamb and I got the butter chicken and something else, I didn’t take a picture so I don’t remember! I believe we got DS the grilled chicken from the kids menu, with the fruit cup for dessert.

For some reason, we didn’t have our credit card synced to our Magic Band, so I ended up paying gratuities separately the whole trip. That meant it took extra time every meal to pay the check, but it was fine because it gave me a chance to keep track of what we were spending outside of the DP. Also, Sanaa has the nicest bathrooms I’ve ever seen. Really you guys, if you go there check them out. And I love how every Disney bathroom has a kid-height sink. It was something DS even noticed and commented on. It’s just so cool to go out for a nice meal and feel like your kids are welcome. It’s the little touches like this that make me love Disney. DH made that point as well in the parks, how they always pay such attention to detail. Even though he’s not really a Disney guy, he was able to appreciate that. Overall we loved this meal and will definitely be back, maybe for lunch to see the animals too. When we went back upstairs Santa Stitch was meeting, but since DS has never seen the movie and doesn’t know the character we skipped it.

We took the free shuttle back to Jambo House where we found some more friends out for a meet: Holiday Mickey and Minnie! They were wearing matching plaid outfits and Mickey had on a fancy tophat.


This line was NOT short, but since it was still safely way before bedtime we waited in it anyway. The view wasn’t bad:


Finally it was our turn! And I’m so sad I didn’t use my camera because Minnie just MAULED DS. It was hilarious. He was just smothered in plaid taffeta. He came out laughing, "Minnie smushed me!" Sadly, the PP only uploaded the nice Christmas-card worthy shots so I don’t have a pic of that moment. When DS saw Minnie again at Minnie’s Dine, he was even a little hesitant, but that time Minnie took it easy on him.

After a great first night, we were ready to turn in to get up bright and early for our first park day - Epcot!
Following along!

I love the AKL pictures - I can't believe we're staying there in just a few months!!

I'm sorry the zebra domes were a disappointment. They are on my list to try in May.

I love that there were characters meeting in front of the trees - what a fun extra!

And that Naan service looks great!

And I love how every Disney bathroom has a kid-height sink. It was something DS even noticed and commented on. It’s just so cool to go out for a nice meal and feel like your kids are welcome. It’s the little touches like this that make me love Disney.

My boys LOVE this too!
1st Park Day - Epcot!

Overnight we had a pretty bad scare with DS. He’s 4, but at home he still has a toddler rail on his big boy bed to keep him from rolling out. We thought with the queen size bed he would have enough room to be fine, but somehow he managed to launch himself off of his bed and hit his head on the side of ours! This happened around midnight, and we were really scared he might have a concussion. He cried right away though, and after we got him to calm down a bit we did some concussion tests (like to see if he could follow things with his eyes, if he could count to ten forward and back, and if he could walk in a straight line) and he did OK. We pushed his bed up against the wall and decided I should sleep on the other side of him just to be on the safe side. This proved a good idea as at one point I woke up to find him draped horizontally across of me about to fling himself off the bed again. I don’t know what he dreams about but if I were him I would wake up exhausted!

Anyway, we got up at our usual time of 7:30, had breakfast at the Mara and got on a bus for Epcot around 8:30. I think I might have taken a pic of DS’s Mickey waffles but y’all have seen those before so I’ll spare you! I got the bounty platter and it was pretty blah. The best breakfast I had there was the breakfast flatbread a few days later.

We got to Epcot just before RD and waited with the big crowd heading to Soarin’. Since I’m pregnant and DS had a health scare a week before our trip, neither of us could go on thrill rides so Test Track was out. As we followed the crowds, DH said nervously, “are we going where they’re going?” I just grinned and pulled him to the left, where we joined exactly one other family (who happened to be on the same AKL bus as us!) on the first Figment ride of the day.

Now, Figment gets a lot of grief on these forums. The old version was better, the character is annoying, yada yada yada. But now it’s time for another Unpopular Opinion! Because we loved Figment! What’s not to love? Former Monty Python castmember Eric Idle, good. Charming mischievous dragon, good. Catchy song about using the imagination, good! Am I missing something?


We were dumped out into the nearly empty Imagination Pavilion and let DS explore for awhile.




He would have happily stayed here all day but we had our first FP to get to: Soarin! And here is the part where I forgot to take anymore pictures until lunch. TR Fail! But I'll try to keep the text brief. The line at Soarin' had already reached 90 minutes. We got in the FP line and still waited a little while, probably about 15 before we were finally lined up in our rows. And we got Row 1! I was so excited we lucked out for our first-ever ride. Of course, this would prove a problem later, as DS never wanted to be in any row other than Row 1 once he'd tasted the high life. We all loved Soarin' and DS would later declare it his favorite ride in all of WDW. For DH it's #1 or maybe tied with Pirates of the Caribbean. I was so glad we got to see it before the refurbishment. One cute story: my husband's sister lives in California. So in line DS kept asking, are we going to see Aunty ____? When we saw her for New Years a few days later he immediately had to tell her all about his adventure flying over her home state.

When we got off Soarin' the standby time had ballooned to 120 minutes. We headed over to Living with the Land, which both of my guys also enjoyed. At this point, DH was so impressed with the educational aspect of Epcot that he declared it his favorite park! He said, "I didn't know Disney could be like this too." Yes, readers, my Disney Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes that day. It was truly a Christmas miracle.


We stopped for a potty break and I noticed that the wait for Soarin' was now 180 minutes! I thought maybe one of the theaters had gone down, but it could also have just been the Xmas week crowds. We were glad to be moving on. We headed to our next FP for Spaceship Earth. I think the standby was posted at 35 minutes, but we waited in the FP line for at least 15 so it must have been longer than that (it certainly looked longer). I rode with DS who of course was more interested in the touch screen than the scenery. Luckily they shut it off after the beginning so he was forced to actually look around. I let him make all of our future selections and we ended up in an eco house riding everywhere on bikes. Kid, jetpacks are the only way to go!


Like many parents we hardly ever actually get to go see movies in the theater so we recently only caught Tomorrowland onDemand. I thought it was charming! And jetpacks! DS has recently been mourning the realization that humans can't fly without planes or rocketships. Someday, kiddo. Someday.

Our next FP was for Nemo but it was down. A quick scan of the workers trying to fix it didn't look too optimistic. We got in line for Turtle Talk with Crush instead, and I guess the last show had just been let in because we waited at least 20 minutes. Finally we were let in but DS opted to sit in the front row bench with us rather than join the other kids on the carpet. Crush answered a lot of kids questions, and I thought DS would be missed since he wasn't on the carpet. But then Crush called on DS! I said, do you know what question you want to ask Crush? DS nodded confidently: I've got this Mom. And then he said:

"In the morning when I wake up I like to get my toys in my room and then I play with them." Not exactly a question. There was a pause. Then Crush swam back behind the coral and produced a Buzz Lightyear toy! He asked DS what he should do with it and DS said, "You should play with it!" Everyone laughed at that. The technology behind this attraction (and Town Square Mickey, which I'll report on later!) is just so cool. All the kids left saying Duuude.

When we got off Nemo was still down. I looked over and those clamshells weren't moving anywhere. Duuude. We decided to explore the aquariums a bit. The manatees were enjoying their lettuce lunch. DS refused to get in Bruce's mouth for a photo, but he was willing to pose in front of the hammerhead guy. Finally it was time for our lunch ADR at Coral Reef. Unfortunately, the Force was still not with us when it came to getting a window table, and we were seated as far from the aquarium as possible. But we were too hungry to really care. The waiter informed us that we couldn't substitute soups or apps for desserts here, but DH could get a latte after the meal. We ordered appetizers anyway. Here's the octopus:


We ordered 2 because DS is an octopus fiend and that was the only way we would get a single bite. I no longer see my lunch entree on the menu. I had seafood pasta with really plump and perfectly cooked shrimp, scallops and mussels. DS had the kid's roasted pork tenderloin and he loved it. And I think DH had the Mahi Mahi.


Coral Reef has gotten unenthusiastic reviews, but we thought our meal was great! Everything was fresh and well-cooked. For dessert we got the Vanilla Panna Cotta with Key Lime, DS got the kid's strawberry skewers with yogurt, and DH got the aforementioned latte. All were delicious, and the tarte is probably one of the best desserts we had during our trip.


I would definitely come back to Coral Reef, and maybe make our ADR for 30 minutes before we really wanted to be seated so that we could do the extra wait for an aquarium-side table. It's tricky because there are so many restaurants in World Showcase I want to try, but our meal here was so good that DH is already a big fan and will probably want to repeat it. I checked MDE on my phone and it said Finding Nemo was up! Before they could change their minds we hustled over there. The FP line before the first FP tapstiles was long, with 2+ hours of backed up FP riders trying to get on, but it moved quickly. The standby queue had already built up to 45 minutes! People often question whether Nemo is worth the FP, but in this case it definitely was. I timed it and we were in our clamshell in 11 minutes.

After our journey through the BIG, BLUE WORRLLLDD we headed to MouseGears to get DS his only requested souvenir of the trip, his very first pair of Mouse Ears! We got them embroidered with his name, and while we waited I sped him over to the front to try to get some PP shots in front of the big ball. We also saw a Pluto meet with a super short line so we hopped in it and were giving Pluto hugs in about five minutes. At this point it was waaaaay past DS's nap time, like 2:45 I think. We picked up DS's ears and just for fun I checked the wait times on MDE. Soarin was at 210 minutes, and Figment was at 45! We were happy to be heading out to take a break. We had a bit of a wait for a bus, about 15 or 20 minutes I think. Soon we were headed back home to AKL!

Up Next: DHS evening with Minnie's Holiday Dine!
As I'm planning on a Christmas trip this year I'm definitely following along to see how you managed.

AKL is amazingly gorgeous and I cannot even with it. Your room and your view are incredible.

I didn't know about the character meets and that's super cool. Do you know if they do them at all the resorts?

Also, sounds like a great start at Epcot.
As I'm planning on a Christmas trip this year I'm definitely following along to see how you managed.

AKL is amazingly gorgeous and I cannot even with it. Your room and your view are incredible.

I didn't know about the character meets and that's super cool. Do you know if they do them at all the resorts?

Also, sounds like a great start at Epcot.

It was really an unbelievably beautiful resort. My husband the Disney Scrooge was completely blown away. I'm so in love I'm contemplating a push to try to convince him to buy DVC points resale at AKV, because our family is only getting bigger and it's the most affordable way to keep going and also have more space.

When we were in line for Minnie and Mickey, there was a woman behind me with her son who was about the same age as mine. She said she was a local and all they had been doing that evening was driving around to the different resorts to see the different characters. Since they don't charge to park (yet) it was a great holiday themed outing for her son, and I think she either just took the photos herself or handed the camera to the Photopass CM. I think you would just have to try to get a recreation calendar online so that you get the right dates and times for each resort that does them (I think Kenny the Pirate usually puts them up?) I know that most of the Deluxe resorts do holiday characters but I don't think the Moderates or Values do. But if you're at MK it would be easy to just ride the monorail around one evening and hit those.

We LOVED Epcot. I felt bad that my husband was leaving midway through the trip and wouldn't get to join us for our Epcot evening later in the week. We can't wait to return and see the new Soarin', the Frozen ride, and since I won't be pregnant I can finally ride Test Track!


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