Do others find this a little frustrating?


Earning My Ears
Jun 10, 2003
Hello fellow Disney fans!

Ok, call me a Pollyanna.....but I simply do not understand how people can completely miss Disney Magic? Has anyone else found this to be true?

I have recently returned from a long weekend, solo, at WDW.....had a wonderful time as usual, met wonderful people, as usual, hated to leave, as usual but got the standard "blank stares" from co-workers and friends who just ...... don't get it. Yes, I admit I travel with more than my share of Pixie Dust and enthusiasm when it comes to Disney.

More often than not I travel solo. I enjoy the aspects of solo visits to WDW but also enjoy when I have a chance to share the magic with friends....not to mention the possibility of sharing it with a like-minded gentleman!

Does anyone else run into so many people who are not Disney fans or have I just had a run of bad luck?



"Remember, we must always believe in our Wishes, for they are the magic in the World. Now, lets all put our hearts together and make a Wish come true".

:love: :love:
Oh yes...if you haven't discovered it yet......RUN, don't walk to Sorin' is my favorite Disney attraction after discovering it last year at Disneyland. Fastpass early because it is popular!! It's fantastic, trust me!! :love: :love:
I have encountered this as well, from pretty much everyone I tell that we're going to WDW again (3 times in the past 2 years). Anymore I just tell people I'm going to Florida and if they ask where I'll elaborate. I get tired of defending myself to the same people that think a weekend at a Cubs game and a riverboat is a summer vacation.

At least I know the rest of the Disney addicts on this board won't point and laugh at me!!! ;)
Yep - I'm with ya. I've been poking and proding people to make plans to go with me for a year now, and I finally decided to book my very first solo trip. NOW - people just look at me like I have a screw loose. They say...

1. Aren't you afraid to go alone? I say, not a chance. I'm a sturdy woman who can handle herself if Mickey decides to attack me - lol
2. But who will you go on the rides with? random people who don't know me :)
3. But you won't have any fun! No, I'll be able to enjoy my pixie dust without any other people getting in the way

So, yeah, I think we've all made people wonder - but we have each other to lean on :teeth:
Go alone and enjoy yourself! You will!

When you travel alone you meet more people because you have the tendancy to see beyond a travel companion will talk with everyone and find most people open and fun. After all, they ARE at Disneyworld!

Go and ride your favorite ride as many times as you want......and take that nap in the afternoon when you's YOUR vacation to enjoy.

Checkin here to see if anyone will be there when you will be and setup meetings for lunch or dinner. I have enjoyed everyone I have met ..... and keep in touch with them each year when we travel in December.

When I travel alone I spend far more time people of my favorites is to sit at the foot of Main Street in the morning and watch the families arrive......I LOVE to watch the little children when they see the castle for the first time....or a character. There is pure joy in those little faces!

Try a backstage tour.....each one I have taken has been fascinating!

Enjoy your solo trip!

:love: princess: :love:

"Remember, we must always believe in our Wishes for they are the magic in the World. Now lets all put our hearts together and make a Wish come true".
I do think that some people could really miss that Disney Magic if they go at the most crowded time of the year, and the hottest time of the year.
As a solo, I have enjoyed everyone that I met ( Hi Cathy ! :wave: )
Being solo forces you to take a chance and talk to more people. You would be surprised that a lot of people are really nice. I have found that solo people, retired people, and people with families are great to talk to in line.
In my experience, people who look like "Young Lovers" look at you like you are green with six heads, if you try to chat with them. I guess they are too much into themselves at that point.

I used to get negative comments from friends and relatives about "going there" again, but I am used to it, and they seem to leave it alone, now
I love driving to lunch with coworkers. My car is Disneyfied. They just don't get it but we love it! No where like it anywhere. Well maybe at another Disney park.
I agree totally. I also love "me" time at the movies (don't have to share the popcorn!) and I love to ski alone too. It's solitude at its finest! I dream of doing WDW solo- but being from NY, it may not happen unless I escape.
When people ask who are you going with I very excitedly tell them ALL BY MYSELF, some actually get jealous, some react "are you really comforatble with that". I don't care, I know I'm happy, heck I live by myself, take business trips by myself, why not vacation by myself.
My family thinks I'm nuts. My kids kind of understand. My wife just tolerates it. But it's the in-laws that just don't get it. Their idea of a vacation is to drive 3 days to a national park (which I like too by the way) spend 4 days and then turn around and drive back. Or spend an entire week at the beach (which I can't do. drives me crazy). the sad thing is that I can't get my wife's family to even try Disney. None of them will go. After 10 years I just don't talk about it anymore and I've made Disney friends who understand me and some who make me look absolutely normal.

On the other hand I'm taking my cousin who is nearing 60, to her first ever WDW trip. Can't tell you how excited she is. But to tell you the truth, I'm more excited taking her than she is going. I just know this will be one of the most magical trips I've taken. I get to see her face the first time she experiences the magic. Can't wait.
Claudia Kellenberger said:
I do think that some people could really miss that Disney Magic if they go at the most crowded time of the year, and the hottest time of the year.
As a solo, I have enjoyed everyone that I met ( Hi Cathy ! :wave: )
Being solo forces you to take a chance and talk to more people. You would be surprised that a lot of people are really nice. I have found that solo people, retired people, and people with families are great to talk to in line.
In my experience, people who look like "Young Lovers" look at you like you are green with six heads, if you try to chat with them. I guess they are too much into themselves at that point.

I used to get negative comments from friends and relatives about "going there" again, but I am used to it, and they seem to leave it alone, now

i know how you feel about families not understanding why i love disney. my dh goes along for the ride and ds what can i say. if i had alot of money i would get a room with a castle view and a six pack and plant his tush there to watch the fireworks then he would understand why. going solo is so nice you do what you want and not have to explain.
Stacy's a freak said:
Yep - I'm with ya. I've been poking and proding people to make plans to go with me for a year now, and I finally decided to book my very first solo trip. NOW - people just look at me like I have a screw loose. They say...

1. Aren't you afraid to go alone? I say, not a chance. I'm a sturdy woman who can handle herself if Mickey decides to attack me - lol
2. But who will you go on the rides with? random people who don't know me :)
3. But you won't have any fun! No, I'll be able to enjoy my pixie dust without any other people getting in the way

So, yeah, I think we've all made people wonder - but we have each other to lean on :teeth:

its fun to be alone at disney and i feel very safe. i'm not going solo in oct i will have dh. but i got the petty driving experience for him so i will have 4 hours for me.
Mouseaholic said:
Hello fellow Disney fans!

Ok, call me a Pollyanna.....but I simply do not understand how people can completely miss Disney Magic? Has anyone else found this to be true?

I have recently returned from a long weekend, solo, at WDW.....had a wonderful time as usual, met wonderful people, as usual, hated to leave, as usual but got the standard "blank stares" from co-workers and friends who just ...... don't get it. Yes, I admit I travel with more than my share of Pixie Dust and enthusiasm when it comes to Disney.

More often than not I travel solo. I enjoy the aspects of solo visits to WDW but also enjoy when I have a chance to share the magic with friends....not to mention the possibility of sharing it with a like-minded gentleman!

Does anyone else run into so many people who are not Disney fans or have I just had a run of bad luck?



"Remember, we must always believe in our Wishes, for they are the magic in the World. Now, lets all put our hearts together and make a Wish come true".

:love: :love:
Oh yes...if you haven't discovered it yet......RUN, don't walk to Sorin' is my favorite Disney attraction after discovering it last year at Disneyland. Fastpass early because it is popular!! It's fantastic, trust me!! :love: :love:

hey i love that movie pollyanna and i watch it all the time.yes family and friends just make smart aleck remarks. even my mother when she was alive. what she never knew was it is because of her i luv disney. as a kid we use to sit in front of the tv and watch walt they were the best memories as a child. so like peter pan dont grow up in this world today its all we have left.
What gets me are the friends and co-workers who think that WDW is 'just for kids' and can't understand why single and childless me would want to go solo.

I love going solo. It's the only time I can guarantee that I get to do what I want to do.

And as far as being for kids, I just ask them how many kids they know that can afford several thousand dollars for a WDW vacation.
Ooh me too! I love doing WDW's great, I love wandering around and doing what I want to do and the magic is always there for me, it never leaves and there is always something or someone around, near or by me to make me smile! :wizard:
I have a very close group of "local" friends, and none of them have ever been to a Disney park. In fact, one friend went down to Florida last year for a family event. I asked her if she and her husband were going to visit WDW during their trip, and she said, "That's not our thing."

When my stepdaughter got married a couple of years ago, she and her husband went to WDW for their honeymoon. I told my mother about it and she responded, "That's stupid! DisneyWorld is for kids."

And it's really not just people I know. When I saw Pirates of the Caribbean in the movie theater and the scene in the jail with the dog was on the screen, I laughed hysterically. There was probably one other person in the theater who also laughed. The rest didn't get the joke :sad2:

So I go to the parks whenever I can, and have myself a really good time. My friends and family just shake their heads and don't understand.
Or spend an entire week at the beach (which I can't do. drives me crazy).
My in-laws do this too, and I'm with you---too much sitting, not enough doing! We go to the outer banks, and I sneak off for one day to go up to Busch Gardens Williamsburgh. This year, I think I'll co-opt my DD6 to go with me.
We are going in two days! And, we can;t wait. We had a week at the beach planned (also a favorite) and then we found out some friends were going to WDW the same week we were planning the beach so we are crashing their vacation. DH said, "let's go if we can go for twice what the beach would cost (beach 990, WDW 1850) before spending money! I made it happen, with a little of DH's help. We are all so excited about going back to WDW. My MIL made a comment 4 years ago, "well, you've done the Disney thing, next time you come we'll do something else." (they live in FL during the winter and live about 1 1/2 hours from WDW) Well, I held my tongue, but make sure that we at least visit ONE park when we go to see them. This last time it was Epcot which they thoroughly enjoyed as much as we did.

IMHO the Disney thing is never ending. YOu can go and go and go and still have brand new experiences and see new and different things every time. This is our first onsite week long trip and we are almost sleepless with excitement. My kids are jumping for joy at WDW for a week with our close friends. The planning has been twice as much fun with two park commandos taking charge!

Fun, fun, fun and pixie dust here we come!
Hello everyone!

I have been away from my computer and have just returned....wanted to say THANKS for the support!

Since the last time here I have finalized my December trip..... 3 - 10 December at the Beach Club. I am taking two long-time friends who are in thier 60's and have NEVER had the pleasure of a WDW adventure. They have always said it could not be done unless I was their guide. Jay has Parkinsons and it seems this is the year to do it.

Well, now it looks like both of Jay's grown children, spouses and "grands" will be joining us. I'll be the leader of a group of NINE!!!

Of course we will have a GREAT time. Now, however, I am REALLY looking forward to a quick-weekend trip in fall when the weather turns cooler. That trip will be solo and I can ride Sorin' as much as I want.

It is certainly a fun place to share....and meeting friends from here has always been absolutely terrific. But in October....I am going to savor the solitude!

Thanks again! :wave2:

Cathy princess:

"Remember, we must always believe in our Wishes, for they are the magic in the World. Now, lets all put our hearts together and make a Wish come true". :lovestruc

I told some coworkers that I'm going to WDW in November and they said, "Again? Didn't you go last year?" Yeah, and the year before. All solo. Why? It's my happy place. Meeting my net friends for Mousefest and sharing the resorts and parks with them was priceless. Besides, WDW has its own transportation system; and since I can't drive, there's no other place that guarantees that I can get around without a car.



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