DLP what a trip day 4


Earning My Ears
Mar 1, 2002
DLP with the child from hell

Cast Tracey (me) 28 big kid loves Disney Especially Pooh

Sam (sis in law) 32 new to Disney

Natalie (niece) 7 child from hell

Tuesday 17th September

Today was the Disney Studios day, which I had never visited.
We had booked breakfast for 8.30 in the hotel, it was lucky we had booked as the queue to get in for breakfast was horrendous, but we just strolled past and handed over our little plastic card.

Breakfast consisted of those lovely chocolate croissants and normal croissants washed down with coffee. Also on offer were hams, cheese, bread, yoghurts and cereal.
We got Nat a bowl of Cocoa pops but still the child refused to eat and once again lolled over the table and chairs. My patience was beginning to wear thin, especially as we had finished eating and were ready to go Nats then decided she did want her breakfast and started picking at the cereal so I went and got another coffee came back started drinking it when Nat got up said she had enough and walked out by herself.

That was it for me we went back to our room and I told her we were going home as we were on holiday in Disney as she obviously didn’t like it so what was the point in staying, I even started to pack- give me that bottle of Gin (can you tell I don’t have children of my own).
Situation a bit calmer Nat said she did want to stay so I agreed (no I wasn’t really going home I just wanted to make a statement)

We eventually made our way to the Studios still with sulky child in tow. I was quite impressed with the front of the studios and lovely fountain at the front of Mickeys Fantasia.
Pluto was also hanging about so I had to have my photo taken with him and I got his autograph Nat still wasn’t interested in these characters.

In the Studios you have to walk through a great big hanger which has shops and cafes in it before you get to the main bit of the park. The Hanger is well theamed like a movie set street.
I didn’t know what to expect of the Studios but it was clean and bright and also not crowded at all.

First ride of the day Flying carpets which had no wait, good ride if a little to short, we had just missed a photo op with Mickey himself and he was outside one of the character caravan (similar to MGM) but had gone when we came of the carpets.
Next up Rock and Roller coaster well for me anyway. 5-min wait so no need for fast passes. The walk to the ride takes a good couple of mins and the queues were so short you just walked straight through the pre show.
I couldn’t wait as I do love this ride but only got to ride it a couple of time in MGM as the queues was so long.
Sat in the middle in a car to myself. Get ready 3,2,1 whoooa Dude looks like a lady, Dude looks like a lady, what a fantastic ride, and it doesn’t rattle your brains unlike Space Mountain. I think its virtually the same as the one at MGM apart from no Hollywood sign (those who have done it no what I mean).

I came out with a huge grin across my face I got back to Sam and Nat and Sam wasn’t looking to well so we took five and went and got a drink. The show Cinemaguice was due to start in 10mins so we decided to have sit down and watch this. Cinemagicue is show of old movie clips with interaction, which I won’t spoil for those of you who haven’t seen it. It lasts about 25 mins and the majority of the dialogue is in English, which makes a change. I really enjoyed it so did Sam but I would think small children would get bored I know ours did but then that’s nothing new.

As we came it was about 15 mins before the Studios Parade started so we found a bench and parked ourselves on it.
I found the Parade quite good if again a little short, the sun was once again blazing down unusual for France I know. I was hoping to get some decent photos but the couple beside me put
Pay to that. The lady insisted that she want her face in the photo against the floats (it you know what I meant) so every time I was ready to snap out she stepped and wham she was in my photo. Never mind.

After the parade was over Sam really didn’t feel well and decided to go back to the room for a lie down.
Now your going to think I’m really cruel but Nat asked to stay with me so I would take her into the other park and I said no you can go back with your mum.
I based my decision on that I had paid quite a bit for this holiday and had never seen the studios.

One very unhappy child went off with one not well mum, and that left and exhausted but contented Tracey.
To take my mind of what id just done (I did feel guilty) I rode Rock n Rollercoaster again, back seat to myself this time which was even better. Love in an elevator this time its just do great to whiz round at breakneck speed with music blaring in your ears.
I decided to try Armageddon next, the pre show is in French with subtitles and gives you an inside into the special effects, then you go through to the Armageddon set and it start, the dialogue is in French which I don’t understand very well. The set is very noisy and dark and the heat of the fire is something else, I did enjoy it but it would have been better if I could of understood what was going on (ive never seen the film).

Another go on R n R stand by line still less than 5 mins, after that I did the backlot tour, the park was that quiet that I was sitting in one of the trams by myself. The dialogue on this is in English and French with Jeremy Irons commentating. Catastrophe Canyon is basically the same as in MGM still very good.

I came of this and decided to ring Max as I was feeling guilty about Natalie and needed to hear a friendly voice, he rang me back and I explained to him what had been happening over the holiday and he told me I done the right thing. Feeling happier a bit of retail therapy was needed and another go on R n R and another and another. I must have done R n R about ten times in all, as there was no queues all day.
Retail therapy consisted of a couple of snow globes, one with Mickey holding an Oscar and instead of snow gold stars fall down when you shake it. Also a Studios t-shirt and a whirly lighty thing for Natalie (told you I was feeling guilty).

Next up was (mind gone blank) but its basically where you go behind the scenes of a working television set, it would have been ok but again the dialogue was in French and over far too soon not one of the best attractions.

I t was nearly time for the stunt show so one more quick go on RnR and then I took my place in the stunt show stadium.
This show is worth going to the studios for alone. They have a camera crew, which pans in on the audience (bit like the shamu show as seaworld). Volunteers plucked out of the audience which takes a good 15 mins before the show starts and it has one English ‘film director ‘ and one French so you get a good mix of commentary.

The stunts that are performed in the show are spectacular both with cars and bikes how they have an accident ill never know. The show does contain scenes with loud bangs and fire so might be a bit much for very small children. Well worth watching I can imagine on a busy day you would need to be there about 30mins before the show starts even though it’s a huge stadium it was ¾ full when I watched it and the park was really empty.

Show over it was time to meet up with the others and take Nats on some ride in the other park.
Sam looked better and Nats a bit happier (not much mind you).

Back in Disneyland park it was also a very quite day. We rode (probably not in correct order)
Orbitors, Space mountain(just me), small world, tea cups, Peter Pan, Pinochio.Then we rode pirates in a boat to ourselves twice in row trying to get a good ride photo(which we did get), it was quite eerie having a boat to yourselves in the front row.
At the end of the Pirates rid a CM was dressed up as a Pirate with a skeleton face and scared the life out of me (that’s why I don’t do Haunted Mansion).

Then it was time for Thunder Mountain, which we again rode twice and got a good ride photo.
It was nearly time for the park to close, so we headed back to the Disney Village for the Rainforest café and managed to get a table but there was a half hour wait, so more retail therapy in the Disney store I actually didn’t buy anything.

Rainforest Café was ok not one of the best meals ive had I had Mojo bones which were ok but a little on the cool side, The service in here was not the best and our waiter seemed to have an aversion to the English as both out table and the one next to us (who were also English) had to wait ages to order and our food to arrive. Sam had a Cesar salad and Nats had the usual, which you guessed didn’t eat and her behaviour just like all the other days.

Back to the hotel and a bit of retail therapy in the hotel shop as they had some items that I hadn’t seen elsewhere.
I bought wait for it, a coat with pooh bear on, a jumper with pooh bear on, gloves and scarf with pooh bear on, a little new-born t shirt with pooh bear on (for my best friend who’s baby is due any day now) and some sweets and I cant remember what else. I do know that the credit card nearly had a shock though.

It was getting late now so back to the room to finish off the Gin and think about packing.

I really did enjoy my day today and never once when wandering round the studios by myself did I feel unsafe or out of place. I only missed one attraction and that was Anamagicue (or what ever it’s called)
The Studios are new and on a quite day you could do in under a day, I can imagine though that they will expand and will provide a good days enjoyment.
I had a good day anyway.

Tomorrow homeward bound and the child gets excited
Well Tracey I am glad you got some quality time to yourself to enjoy the New Studios - and thank you for a detailed review. I am looking forward to visiting - just dont know when yet???
:D A better day today, then.

Glad yo enjoyed yourself - did you leave any Winnie merchandise for anyone else;) ;)


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