"Disney is not just for kids...you'll see" My Feb. 2009 PTR


Here you leave today and enter the world of yester
Oct 24, 2008
Alrighty, well here it is, my first ever pre-trip report. Please bear with me as I haven't written one of these thingies yet lol

This trip has been in the making for about 2 years now...well in my head at least. I'm a HUGE disney fan...DBF on the other hand...not so much. Well after a couple years of pestering, bugging and dropping not so sbutle hints ("Honey, we should go to WDW!") he finally agrees. Whther it be because he wants to go, or he wants me to stop bugging hime I'll never know, either way, he said yes and that's all that matters. Since DBF doesn't seem too thrilled about this little trip I have taken it upon myself to do the planning etc, needless to say this was a bad idea. Everything...and I mean absolutly everything is planned already, i have nothing to do now :( hence the writting of this PTR.

So let me get started with the introductions. There's my BDF (Let's call him Buzz since he's cranky and stubborn just like the space man lol) and myself. We met 3 yeras ago at his brother's wedding, hist brother was marrying my cousin...got that? Well I went out with him as a favour to my cousin...3 years ago...and we've been together ever since. Now as much as we would have loved to bring his brother and my cousin, they unfortunately cound't make it the week we were going so it'll be just us.

DBF (aka Buzz) - 25, cranky, stubborn and not a big disney fan. However i have caught him watching Finding Nemo, Toy Story and Lilo & Stitch lol. Not really exciten about this trip although plenty excited about Blizzard Beach and the thought of going on an airplane lol. Buzz has only been to WDW once when he was 7 or so and is under the impression it's just for kids. He is however excited to drink his way around Epcot :sad2: ...Buzz did however have a wonderful surprise for me, which you will hear about soon...


Buzz at a recent wedding :love:

Then there's Me - 22, Huge Disney fan, actually fan of everything and anything Disney. My job is planning this wonderful little trip...Buzz's job you ask??? To come with me and put up with all this "Disney nonsense". I have been to WDW 3 times and am rediculously excited to return. My goal this trip is to see Illuminations...that's right been there 3 times and never seen it...shocking:scared1:


terrible pic of me, but the best I could find at the moment

So now onto the planning stages, beginning in Septemper 2008...
After talking Buzz into actually going on this trip I needed to decide when to go and which hotel to stay at. Insert problems #1 and #2...both Buzz and I are both students meaning limited time off in the winter and not much money...

Let's break for a moment...why must we go in the winter you ask? Well we're in Canada...and it gets darn cold during our Canadian winters, plus it's easier for us to get time off work in the winter off-season.

...anyway, so I reaslize that I have a week long break from school Feb. 14-22, problem solved...we'll go then. Alrighty, now for the hotel, Buzz and I are broke to put it simply, the only reason we're taking this trip is because it's been something I've wanted to do together for quite some time. I check multiple websites and travel agents and find an off-site hotel+car+flight+ticket package for about $2500 for the 2 of us for the week...awesome we can do that. After some quick credit card stuf the trip is off and running. I opted for a 5 day hopper pas + water park and more option. This way i can get to all the parks and Buzz can do Blizzard Beach and DisneyQuest (He's a video game nerd :3dglasses ). I book everything, get half the $$$ from Buzz and we're set...not bad for planning a trip in Sept that we're going on in Feb. I'm pretty proud by this point

Fast forward a few weeks to mid-October. As i'm looking at the DIS board instead of doing homework (bad I know) I see all this stuff about ADR's and character meals etc. Well this is a super idea I think. I know Buzz has no desire to be pulled around WDW by his 22 year-old DGF who is on the hunt for as many characters as she can possibly find. So character meals are the way to go. I can meet my characters and Buzz won't be pulled all over the park and he can go on his rides...perfect. So I begin making calls and I get ADR's for...
Dinner at Crystal Palace
Breakfast at Tusker House
Breakfast at O'hanas
...3 should be enough, as I will have to pay for these meals. so at least I'll get to see my favourite characters, anyone else now will just be a bonus. Now you all must know that by this time Buzz thinks I've gone completely crazy. I can't remember the number of times I've heard the phrases "what are you 6?" and "that's all for kids" coming out of his mouth. Well being the good DGF I am i ignore it insead of yelling at him and let him pout lol.

--Up next...itinerary and remmeber that surprise I mentioned earlier??? well you'll find out what it is
So that surprise I was telling you all about...well be patient it's coming. So onto the itnerary...I just found out that Buzz had never been to Downtown Disney, so i decided that was a must...anyway...

Feb. 14 (sat)
- leave Detroit to Chicago
- Chicago to Orlando
- Land about 11pm

Feb. 15 (sun)
- DTD in the am
- EP by noon - hopfully earlier we'll see how much DBF likes DTD

Feb. 16 (mon)
- MK day...all day
- ADR's at CP for character dinner

Feb. 17 (tues)
- ADR's at Tusker House for breakfast
- AK, most of the day
- possibily DHS in the evening (depending on how bad the DBF is bugging me to go on Star Wars)

Feb. 18 (wed)
- BB & DQ (depending on weather)
- DHS (if too chilly for BB)

Feb. 19 (thurs)
- BB & DQ (depending on weather)
- DHS (if too chilly for BB)

Feb. 20 (fri)
-O'hana breakfast ADR's
- choice of park we want to revist (minus MK)
- back at MK by 5ish for P&PP Party!!!

Feb. 21 (sat)
-DTD to kill time before leaving
- Breakfast at rainforest cafe?????
-at Airport by 1:30ish

So you may be wondering how on earth I managed to talk Buzz into a P&PP. Well that was the surprise. I had mentioned that there would be one on the last full day we were there. This morning i wake up to a message on my cell saying that I need to get me some prate Mickey Ears cuz Buzz got us tickets. :cloud9: :lovestruc AWWW. He said it was because he wanted to make me happy and that this was my trip. but I know darn well he just wants to go on the rides without waiting in line...oh well whatever his motive it doesn't really matter to me, the fact is that he was nice enough to get them. However I was told that this trip was going to cover our christmas nd birthday presents to each other all year lol
Our January Disney trip is birthday and Christmas too...which isn't too bad since the trip is close to both of them!

Sounds like you've got good plans, and good character meals too! That's sweet that your DBF surprised you with P&PP tickets, even if he did have an ulterior motive :laughing:


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