Depression ruined my WDW trip...:(


Princess in Training
May 8, 2014
So I returned yesterday from my trip to Disney, and I'm so upset. 70% of the trip I spent in my hotel room feeling awful. I had no energy or motivation to even get out of bed. I find it impossible to enjoy anything. I tried so, so hard to push myself to go to the parks and do my favourite things, and every day it backfired horribly.

I'm so sad and disappointed, I feel like I wasted so much money for me to just sit in a hotel room feeling horrible but I tried and I couldn't enjoy it.

Disney has always been something that got me through the tough times... :sad1:
Yes, I'm sorry that happened to you as well. Speaking from experience, it is very important that you try to go and get the help you need to overcome the depression. It can make a world of difference. Hugs:hug: and prayers for you!
I hear you. I suffer from depression also and this winter has been really bad. I feel like depression has got the most of me on all my trips in the past. I have no coverage for help so I don't have the option to go talk to somebody. If you do take advantage of it.
I've suffered with depression as far back as I can remember, and my best friend does as well to an even greater degree ... and I also just looked at your recent posts, and it doesn't sound like it completely ruined your trip. It may have made it less than you hoped for, but that's okay and there's nothing wrong with that. I've been to many places where depression kept me from fully enjoying it, and was disappointed as well, and I'm here if you want to talk/vent (or if you don't, too). When I start to think of how much I didn't get done, I try to concentrate on all of the stuff that I did do, and it makes me smile at least a little. :)
OP, so sorry to hear that. Depression runs in my family and I suffer from it as well. Just like you, visits to WDW are the only times in my life that I feel helps 100% with my depression or situations I'm going through in life. Very sorry that the Disney Magic wasn't there for you. :hug:

My biggest problem is getting depressed once I'm home. I hate not having a future trip booked. I think having things to look forward to in life is really important, but also try to recognise that any situation is what you make it.

Whether you're on vacation at Disney or at home, the amount you participate in life is up to you. Try not to see the vacation as a waste though. Many people would be glad to spend time in a hotel in Disney World, lots of people really enjoy relaxing in a hotel and would certainly not be disappointed about that as their use of their time.

If there's one thing that I have learned with depression it is that however bad things get, they rarely stay bad for long.

Reach out to those closest to you, build in a small but regular amount of structured activity into your days, perhaps focus on a particular project or hobby. I find if I can make myself do things, the more I do the easier it becomes. If you get your life outside of Disney fairly active over time, I think future trips will be less of a struggle.

You always have friends here on the DIS to talk to, I think people with depression often have an affection for Disney World, I would imagine there are a few people who have similarities to you.
I am so sorry to hear about your experience. Trust, me you are not alone! There are many of us (including myself) that have been through and over come or are currently going through it now. You do have plenty of support on this wonderful forum. I just joined today and I am already amazed at the community! Disney is my happy place and when I was going through the worst of my depression I went there as well, trying to get my mind off of everything, and I ended up crying on the shower floor for like 3 hours. It was awful. But, like others have said before me, Depression is a real thing and a real chemical and emotional imbalance and reaching out for a professional (or even a friend) is important. Don't be afraid to admit you need help. Stay strong girl!! Prayers will be sent. <3
My depression and anxiety oftentimes keep me from fully enjoying my travels. I've learned to power through it a lot of times, but there are times I can't even get out of bed, or I'm terrified of leaving the hotel room, regardless of all the plans I've made. This happened to me when we were on a much-anticipated San Francisco trip a few weeks ago. I still try and look at it this way: At least I was somewhere different from the same ol' same ol' at home, so it was time well spent.


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