"denture" that goes over your teeth


<font color=teal>The TF waves to buzz2400's DS
Feb 14, 2001
I am hoping someone can help me. A few months ago I saw this commercial for a device that goes over your teeth. You would get this if you have missing teeth, "unwhite" teeth or broken teeth. It looked like the invisable guard that people use to get their teeth straighten but it was "teeth". I deleted the webpage from my favorites on accident and now I can't find it on search. It was an alternative to people who couldn't get bridges or implants. Anyone know what I am talking about. It was also a lot cheaper than implants

never mind. found it. snaponsmile.com
Sounds like veeners? I thought about veeners as I have a huge fear of the dentist and need a bit of work done. But, I think with veeners they file your teeth down to little points. Just the thought of that makes me anxious!
Like a flipper?

A Snap On Smile is not really like a flipper. A flipper only fills in where a tooth or a couple are missing. A Snap on Smile is an entire arch of teeth that fit perfectly over your existing teeth (and will fill in where you're missing teeth or have broken/chipped teeth). I got mine about 4 years ago and I LOVE it. Absolutely no one can tell that it's fake --- not even my daughter's orthodontist. He said my teeth look great (LOL).

If anyone wants a Snap On, you have to go to their site and find a dentist that does them since not all do. Mine cost me about $1K. Now, they're a bit more expensive (maybe $1300 per arch?) It's completely worth it, though.
I can't thank you enough... This couldn't be more timely, and sounds like the solution I have been looking for! And it looks like there are several dentists right close to me who do this.

Thanks again, OP!!!!
Sounds like veeners? I thought about veeners as I have a huge fear of the dentist and need a bit of work done. But, I think with veeners they file your teeth down to little points. Just the thought of that makes me anxious!

A veneer is like a Lee Press on fingernail. They etch the front surface and it is not as evasive as a crown prep. These snap on teeth are only cosmetic and will not fix any problems you may have dental wise.


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