Day 2, 4/12/02 Universal and checkout :(


<font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=deepp
Mar 18, 2002
Now that Ive sampled HRH, I can never go for just one night again. (Tried to book a second night but waited too long) I especially wanted to meet MIB and MisDiz but I knew I couldnt drive 4 hrs at nite after being so tired....but next time I hope to meet them. :)

We showered and packed, had luggage stored and off to Universal! But alas, it started raining and didnt let up until we left for the day :( We started out on the Hanna Barbera ride which was as cute as I remembered. Then over to Twister which was fun. We then asked to skip the pre-show at Earthquake (which they let us do) and then on to Kongfrontation (went in the back door for that too). We were pressed for time and skipped any preshows that we could. The rain was getting heavy now and everyone was taking cover. I was actually freezing because I was wet and almost paid way too much for a jacket , but instead suffered in silence.....We went over and did MIB,,,(you really dont wanna know my score) and me having read all of those hints by MIB99etc. Back to the future was a breeze,,,,and then met up with Robin & Michael and did ET which was great fun as usual. We bought umbrellas for 8 bux a piece in the MIB store. Grabbed some yummy popcorn and sodas....and then had to say goodbye to Robin and Michael as they had a lunch engagement in Orlando. What bad timing, as soon as they left, we say Sponge Bob Square Pants (Michaels favorite) running by with and umbrella, too cute!

We then tried to do Terminator but the show was 30 mins away so we souvenir shopped for the kids and then Sis had to head back to the hotel to meet Tiffany Towncar as she had a 4:30 flight back to Boston. I said goodbye to her and hopped in my car for the 4 hr drive back home,,,,,isnt that always the worst part of the trip, LOL?

ALthough it was a short stay at USF/IOA,,,,we enjoyed it immensely and cant wait to go next yr with my teens! Thanks again Robin and Michael for your expertise in the parks and for making the stay so much fun! Mae :cool: :jester: :D
Thank you for the great reports. Can't wait till Sunday!

Also, thank you for your opinions about DVC vs HRH. As I said in my original post to you, I do struggle with the fact that I do enjoy USF more (and own at DVC!). Hey, I shouldn't be struggling!:)
Muushka, I hope you have great weather and a wonderful time :) Dont forget my favorite, ole SPidey! I sooo wanted to stay on for a few days...Enjoy!
:Pinkbounc :jester: :bounce:

Thanks! I will tell Spidey you said HEY.


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