"crabby" employees better than stupid or lazy

grumpyswife said:
Thie afternoon I received a phone call from a DVC manager to followup on Linda Mitchell's call form OKW last night. She told me that they are taking this very seriously and are checking "lock programs" whatever that means.She called to offer free tickets for my trip which I declined. As far as I'm concerned this topic is dead. DVC is now aware of what happened at a high level and as far as the DIS everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Anyway I'll will take Tamar's advice and make a positive post later today or tommorow. I titled this one after reading the one before about "crabby" employees at OKW and was not familiar enough to realize that hte seguence changes with replies

If you intend to talk with Disney again about this situation, make sure you have their names correct. Ms. Mitchell is not Linda.
if the op didn't want anything how did the phone call occur? how did they know it was this person if she didn't complain? and a dvc member with only 5 posts....?i don't know who she is and how to call her?
Laurebearz seem to be the only one who gets it. My impression was that the party items were in room AFTER it was cleaned. One poster mentioned balcony door which I didn't even think of. The room was ground level but I don't know if it were locked or not because DS was first out there to see ducks. It would be easy enough for housekeeping or maintenance to go in legitimately through front door but unlock patio door for later use. My concern was that someone was using an unoccupied room and had to leave in a hurry when we checked in at 9AM, i.e. leaving a full pack of cigarettes. If this happens sometimes it would also explain why the employees on site might not want to be involved.
As far as free tickets, we would lose credibility with Disney if we accepted them and I wanted this to be taken seriously which seems to be the case. Besides we buy APs and just purchased new ones this month. All I wanted was someone in Disney management to be aware of the incident.
Duckfan if you bothered to READ he original post you'd see we first stayed at BWV(in a studio). I didn't want to use weekend points for a 2BR and checked into OKW on Sunday August 14. We returned home on the 19th, tried again to contact Disney on the 20th via email, then posted when there was no response.
Wow. I guess I'm really back in the real world now. Or the unreal world.

I think it is entirely possible that a room could have been cleaned - say the previous day - and then broken into and used.

As for the poster and beer and all the comments that imply that is unlikely - did you not read about the porno pictures of the young girl that were taken at PO? After reading about that - I start to think that anything is possible.

To the OP - sorry that you 1) had to have that experience at Disney with your family and 2) have to put up with some of the responses you are getting here.
Another possibility....was it a "lock-off" 2 bedroom? Perhaps the folks in the 1 bedroom section checked-out on Friday, the unit was cleaned...but the connecting door was left unlocked, giving folks that may have been in the studio portion access to the unit...and then they checked out Saturday. Housekeeping would have assumed the 1 bedroom side to be clean, so did not check it when the studio portion checked out. It may not have been someone from the "outside" using the patio door. This also would not leave a key signature in the door lock.
I am sorry, I was the one that stayed in the room beforehand. I am trying to break my bad habits but it is just so hard. Please forgive me.
cstraub said:
Does anyone find it odd that this person has only been a memeber since this month and already knows what OKW, BWV, CAST MEMEBER, DDE, DS11 AND DD14 means!!! Before I came to the DIS I would not have know what theses abbreviations were, nor would I have learned them within a few days!! I find it odd that the OP has learned this lingo so quick.

Maybe this is someone who has another user name here? ;)

I am just a skeptical person, so I wondered that too.

I have been interested in DVC, so if this kind of thing is true, well, maybe not. Is the OP a "real" question or exaggerated?
I wouldn't assume this is a troll just because its weird. It almost sounds like the room got a trash & tidy when it should have had a full clean. I don't know about you but I know I've gotten some T&T's that were more along the lines of fast full. I'dve pulled back that blankets just to check that the sheets were actually fresh...also I would've kept the room if for some reason I liked it.
Deb & Bill said:
I think the resort needs to look at who stayed there last and take it from there. There are lots of slobs out there.

I remember a thousand years ago when I was a freshman in college. I went to a small private college in the Midwest. Lots of the girls were from the East Coast or the NW side of Chicago. These girls never cleaned their rooms or made their beds. They just piled clothes on the floor until Parents' Weekend when their mothers came and cleaned their rooms. I bet they never learned how to make a place look respectable.

This was probably an error is noting this room as cleaned. In June our room at the BCV was cleaned by the staff before 4:30 but we never got notification from the front desk that it was clean for at least an hour later; we didn't get into our room until after 5:30.

You're not suggesting that women from the East Coast are slobs are you?
I know one DW that would give anyone here a run for their money when it comes to compulsive house keeping. :rotfl2: Oh yeah, Florida is on the East Coast, that explains the messy room. :wave2: Just Teasing
poohj80 said:
Very true, but if you entered a room to find mousekeeping hadn't cleaned yet, would you go around upset taking pictures or go back to the front desk, explain the error, and ask for another room?
It depends on your mindset I have some family members that would find this stuff and think KA CHING and break out the camera.

If I were in this sitaution I would be darned sure I was on the phone with someone of authroity and if they were not available I would be down at the desk. That is crazy to walk in on but even crazier to let go of vacation or not. Something like that should be dealt with in the moment and if told "no manager was available" I would have them find any manager or supervisor. I mean if this honestly happened what a horrible thing for kids to find at WDW.

I mean it could be the kids ran ahead in excitement when the arrived in the room and found it. So it "could" happen. But IMO not dealing with it while on property and taking pictures to deal with it through phone calls is a bit strange.
grumpyswife said:
Duckfan if you bothered to READ he original post you'd see we first stayed at BWV(in a studio). I didn't want to use weekend points for a 2BR and checked into OKW on Sunday August 14. We returned home on the 19th, tried again to contact Disney on the 20th via email, then posted when there was no response.
OK, so my reading comprehension is a little low, and I'm not that great at word problems, I'll admit it.

I've been part of online communities since I was about 14. This was over 20 years ago. I've only been registered on the DIS for a few months, but I've lurked for a while before. I'm active on a few other message boards currently, and have been active on others in my life, so I have a little experience with the dynamics.

Regardless of if the OP is telling the truth or not, most people on message boards don't like people who come out of lurk mode to post negative stuff. They don't like it on sports boards if you attack the management, and you're not a regular either.

Most people online are reasonable. If the OP was a regular, I think this thread would have gone a different way. After you are a regular, most people will allow you to post the good and the bad.

Of course, there will be people on any message board who don't accept anything bad about the subject of the board. If a Disney bus were to jump a curb, and run into some people, those people should have gotten out of the way a little quicker.

To the OP, if you're legit, and you like the info on this board, try to add to it. You say you're a DVC member, so you must go to WDW more than once. There are people all the time asking for restaurant tips and other info to make their trip better. A site like this is only as good as the people who post.

Your whole story, while it may be true, just doesn't seem right. A lot of that could be because things don't always translate well over the net. Those photos don't prove anything to me, and the whole thing had a joke feel to it. I'm not saying that if it's true, that it's a joke, but it gave off that vibe. But for me, it was never an issue of if it were true or not, I usually don't put much stock into posters that go negative on their first post. It may be a little bit of a prejudice on my part, but any online community is what you make it. If you only want to take out the good, and add the bad, that is kind of destructive behavior. I have no problem, on the other hand, with people who lurk forever.

At this point, you're either 1) a troll, or 2) a lurker, who delurked to post something negative. If you're a troll, be happy, we're at page 6. If not, I see you posted a positive response to the "New Member Handbook" thread. Try not to make that your last?
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
OK, so my reading comprehension is a little low, and I'm not that great at word problems, I'll admit it.

Regardless of if the OP is telling the truth or not, most people on message boards don't like people who come out of lurk mode to post negative stuff. They don't like it on sports boards if you attack the management, and you're not a regular either.
Most people online are reasonable. If the OP was a regular, I think this thread would have gone a different way. After you are a regular, most people will allow you to post the good and the bad.
This sounds to me a bit elitist. How many posts to you have to have to qualify to share a bad experience?

To the OP, if you're legit, and you like the info on this board, try to add to it. You say you're a DVC member, so you must go to WDW more than once. There are people all the time asking for restaurant tips and other info to make their trip better. A site like this is only as good as the people who post.
I think the OP was trying to let members know of a problem she had. I think the title of the post was misleading.

Your whole story, while it may be true, just doesn't seem right. A lot of that could be because things don't always translate well over the net. Those photos don't prove anything to me, and the whole thing had a joke feel to it. I'm not saying that if it's true, that it's a joke, but it gave off that vibe. But for me, it was never an issue of if it were true or not, I usually don't put much stock into posters that go negative on their first post. It may be a little bit of a prejudice on my part, but any online community is what you make it. If you only want to take out the good, and add the bad, that is kind of destructive behavior. I have no problem, on the other hand, with people who lurk forever.
The OP started the thread by saying the BWV stay was great.

At this point, you're either 1) a troll, or 2) a lurker, who delurked to post something negative. If you're a troll, be happy, we're at page 6. If not, I see you posted a positive response to the "New Member Handbook" thread. Try not to make that your last?
I read the post and thought that someone had entered the room AFTER it was cleaned. This concerned me. I want management to look into how this happended. As was said posts are read and interpreted differently by different folks.So please read this with the gentle spirit in which I wrote it.
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
Regardless of if the OP is telling the truth or not, most people on message boards don't like people who come out of lurk mode to post negative stuff. They don't like it on sports boards if you attack the management, and you're not a regular either.
Most people online are reasonable. If the OP was a regular, I think this thread would have gone a different way. After you are a regular, most people will allow you to post the good and the bad.
Nanajo1 said:
This sounds to me a bit elitist. How many posts to you have to have to qualify to share a bad experience?
I understand that there are cliques everywhere, be it work, or on message boards. It's not something that ends in high school. I didn't mean be in with the in-crowd when I said be a regular. I think if they had been on for a while and/or had a few posts under their belt it would become a little too elaborate to be just a prank by a troll, and most people would be put more at ease.

These are of course my opinions, but I think I'm correct. Its not elitist, but the way these things seem to work. If the OP had created a screen name last winter when they first started looking at the DIS, and had as little as 25 posts I don't think most of the first few pages of this thread would be calling them a troll.

Anyone can post something negative whenever they want. It doesn't break any of the rules here. If you create a thread that is a little out of the norm on your first post, and that post is negative, due to the vast number of trolls that exist on the internet, I think you should expect to meet up with a little scepticism.
Chuck S said:
Another possibility....was it a "lock-off" 2 bedroom? Perhaps the folks in the 1 bedroom section checked-out on Friday, the unit was cleaned...but the connecting door was left unlocked, giving folks that may have been in the studio portion access to the unit...and then they checked out Saturday. Housekeeping would have assumed the 1 bedroom side to be clean, so did not check it when the studio portion checked out. It may not have been someone from the "outside" using the patio door. This also would not leave a key signature in the door lock.

I think this is very possible - and probably the most likely scenario. If the two rooms were cleaned and then not locked off and only the studio was used that night, but the occupants found the door was unlocked............
Still a troll to me. Hopefully I can be proven wrong. How do we know this person did not put it there themselves and take the pics. Sorry, but with 5 posts I can't buy it.

What has me suspicious is the comment about calling the NYT Travel guy
JimFitz said:
Still a troll to me. Hopefully I can be proven wrong. How do we know this person did not put it there themselves and take the pics. Sorry, but with 5 posts I can't buy it.

What has me suspicious is the comment about calling the NYT Travel guy

lol That is what got me too at first Jim. I don't really care to be honest and I don't see the travel reporter having a lot of "clout" on this part of the DIS anyway. (I certainly didn't care for his views and didn't have trouble running my mouth and saying so).

But, the more I think about it, it certainly could have happened. The difference, as many DVCers have pointed out, is that I would have called down or walked back down to the front desk and said "maybe we need to try this one again" and not let it be a big deal. I suspect that the "unlocked" door thing happened or the maid started cleaning the room, realized how bad it was and left reporting it to the management to take a look at and somehow it got marked cleaned, etc. SOMETHING happened, but it hardly seems like the end of the world. :confused3

Either way, hopefully management has been notified as later posts suggest (with the OP stating that someone had called her) so they know that somewhere the ball was dropped.



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