Brittany & Jerry's Halloween VR PJ 2014


Earning My Ears
Jul 13, 2013
So, looks like I was posting in the wrong forum so I will just have to copy my PJ and post it again. Hope I got it right this time! :confused3

Hello Everyone! My name is Brittany and I'm new to this forum and decided to give this whole planning journal a go considering my DH is hardly one for hands on planning. There seems to be a great group of people on here to share my enthusiasm so that makes me happy!

I suppose a little backstory is in order. Jerry and I are actually planning a vow renewal. We share a passion of all things Halloween and can't think of a better way to do this. We have been married only since 2011 but here's the thing, certain circumstances happened to where we "settled" for a wedding and forfeited any "dreams" we may have originally planned. Let me go back a couple of years.

We met in 2009 at a local Starbucks. I was on my way to work and he asked if he could take me to lunch that day and we just clicked. Needless to say, we were together ever since. Forward 6 months later on our 1st trip together in Savannah, Georgia (With my Parent's blessing) he pops the question after dinner. Of course I said yes and the planning began immediately.

At the time, I was working in retail that was very Halloween oriented and blacked out October for any associate wishing to take off so my dreams for a Halloween themed wedding was out. We chose the next best thing for us and chose a fall date in November 2010.

Everything was coming along and several months went by then my biggest nightmare happened on June 15th of 2010. My sweet Mother was murdered. The last thing I could even think about was the wedding and Jerry was very understanding and patient to the fact the wedding needed to be postponed. I had developed severe anxiety and I knew a crowded celebration was something I couldn't do at the moment. Jerry never waivered. He was completely attentive to what I needed and he did everything that was necessary to make sure I got the help I needed to deal with everything.

Fast forward to December and my head is clearer and we decided we just wanted to be married. Although I was better with crowds, we still opted for a very SMALL ceremony with only immediate family and close friends and just had a celebratory dinner after...nothing formal. We knew deep down it was something we were "settling" for and not what we necessarily wanted. I even "settled" for my dress and bought it used.

February 18, 2011 came and the day ended up being actually great. The ceremony was very intimate and special and everyone attended the dinner we set up and we all even came back to our house for "Game Night". It was ALOT of fun. We left for our honeymoon the very next morning which was a surprise to me by my sweet DH. I was shocked and very giddy when we pulled into Orlando! It was something we toyed around with but never thought it would happen. The entire week was AMAZING and I was having so much fun that the crowds didn't seem to bother me very much. On our last night, we were walking around Downtown Disney and I said if we were ever to do a vow renewal, this is where I wanted to do it.

So here we are, only 2 years into our marriage and we have decided to plan our "dream wedding/renewal" after all.

I'm hoping some of you out there will be able to give me feedback and tips or even share some experiences with me because I'm not even sure where to begin. Our ideal date is of course October 31st of next year but I'm sure that date fills up fast. I've even played with the idea of have the ceremony at the Swan/Dolphin to offset some of the cost. I will keep this journal updated and welcome any comments!

Thanks for reading!
So, here is a major update!

Jerry and I went over budgets forward & backward...left to right and unfortunately, we are unable to do a DFTW afterall...HOWEVER...we still will be doing a renewal in Orlando and have a 2nd DisneyMoon. This is what we're thinking and I would love imput.

We are looking to have the reaffirmation ceremony on Halloween day (2014) at Leu Gardens (hopefully at 1pm). After, we are wanting to have a photography session around WDW Resort (no parks...we know that's a no no). Make dinner reservations around 4 or 4:30 (this is where I would LOVE suggestions) and head out to MNSSHP and reserve a spot for the Terrace Dessert Party in Tomorrowland and watch the firework show from there. I've also played around with maybe before dinner, take a carriage tour at FW to tour the decorated campsites. We fully intend to stay in our wedding clothes, and I know that it's usually against policy to wear wedding dresses but here's the catch for us and I will explain the vision on my dress in a bit that could double as our Halloween costume. We are totally sticking to a Halloween theme when it comes to our attire. I'm not talking dressing up as zombie bride & groom or vampires or anything but here is what I'm thinking.

I work in a bridal salon (I know...convienient) and have been eyeing this black lace bridesmaid dress that is fit and flare (no train) and the satin underlay can be a different color (which hasn't been decided yet). I just know I want black lace instead of traditional white or ivory. It's Halloween afterall. I'm playing with the idea of a black birdcage veil and creating my own brooch bouquet with Halloween touches. I have no intentions of wearing heels (never liked the things) and plan on blinging out a new pair of Chuck Taylors. I live in my Chucks! This is just preliminary plans but this is the vision. Jerry hasn't specified much for his attire except he's mentioned Top Hat, suspenders...and that's about it so I've been combing through Pinterest looking for ideas. oh, and I forgot I want a black lace parasol (umbrella). I will have to take pictures of the dress and post it.

The colors I'm thinking of incorporating is deep burnt orange, plum, and of but this is not set in stone either.

This is all we have thought of so far but would love any feedback!
Welcome to the (right) board! Congratulations on your vow renewal and getting a second chance at planning your dream wedding :) I'm so sorry you had to go through such a tough time before but it's lovely that your husband was so wonderful during that time :goodvibes

I love Halloween (it's my favorite holiday too!) and your plans sound amazing so far! Good luck with everything!

ETA: Also, as far as ideas go, Pinterest is definitely awesome! I have a goth-esque wedding board, and here are another two Halloween-y I'm following: 1, 2. Hopefully those help, or are at least fun to look at!
I think your Halloween themed vow renewal sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to see your plans come together.

I'm so sorry about your mother, that must have been devastating!!! Thank goodness you were ultimately able to get married and still have a magical honeymoon, that says a lot about your husband and the relationship that the two of you have that you came back from that awful tragedy!

Have fun with your planning and keep us posted!!

Thank you very much! It has been a hard and LONG road but it's my husband who has literally SAVED me. He has been the most patient man and I thank God everyday for him.

Emily - I got your PM and replied. Hope it gets to you.

While at work today, I started getting my ideas for my dress and snapped a picture of the one I think I'm going to go with. I will post that soon. I have been skimming both over Pinterest and Etsy for different ideas but the Halloween themed wedding as intimate as we are planning is hard to get ideas for. We aren't having a wedding party and no formal reception so it's really just a blank slate for us but I can't wait for it to come all together!
I don't see a reply, I'm wondering if it's because you're not at the post minimum yet? :confused:

I can't wait to see your dress! As for blank slates, while they can be overwhelming, they can definitely also be tons of fun!! :banana:
Congratulations on your vow renewal and welcome! I am so sorry for your loss, and the difficult time you had to deal with, how horrendous for such a thing to happen. But I am very happy you will get a chance to make your dream wedding come true with your husband. :goodvibes

I love Halloween, and your ideas sound great already! I can't wait to see the dress you've got in mind, it sounds like it will be so dramatic!

Looking forward to following along with your plans!
Hi guys! I've been trying to find where to post pics (because I have a pic of the dress I'm looking at) and can't seem to figure it out. I'm sure it's easy as pie but me and technology aren't always the best of friends. Can anyone help me out and walk me through?? :confused3
Hi guys! I've been trying to find where to post pics (because I have a pic of the dress I'm looking at) and can't seem to figure it out. I'm sure it's easy as pie but me and technology aren't always the best of friends. Can anyone help me out and walk me through?? :confused3

The easiest thing is to set up a photobucket account. Once you upload the photo you want to share there, it will have a set of codes underneath that you can copy, you want the one that starts with IMG in the square brackets.


It's the bottom one in this picture, if that helps. Paste that into your post and it should show up!


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