Best transportation route from Poly to BCV?


DIS Veteran
May 13, 2001
We'll be staying at BCV this December -- "home" for the first time :goodvibes -- and I plan to try Kona Cafe once for dinner. I figure we'll hit MK that day and then take the monorail to Poly for dinner. But I'm a bit stumped as to the best way back to BCV. Should we take the monorail back to MK, then catch the resort bus to BCV? (We have a ADR for 6:10 pm so we should be done with dinner by 7:20'ish pm, if that makes any difference.) Or should we walk to the TTC , take the monorail to Epcot, then walk through Epcot and return to BCV through the International Gateway? Is there much of a difference in terms of timing? We have a toddler and we're aiming to return to our room by around 8 - 8:15 pm for bath time.
Walking through Epcot, especially pushing a stroller, isn't going to be all that quick. The bus from the MK is probably your best bet.

Have a great trip!
I would opt for the MK choice as well. Also, MGM would be a better choice than Epcot. You can catch a bus the MGM and the boat dock is right there next to the bus stops. You could have a nice evening cruise back to your resort.
We are doing the exact same thing in Dec-dinner at Kona Cafe, except we are staying at BWV! We plan to go through MK and take the bus to BWV. We have done this before (while staying at the BC) and it worked fine. I also agree that Tina's right about MGM. The boat dock is right there. If you get off the monorail in Epcot, it's a haul to the IG, then you have to walk to BCV. That's a lot of walking with a little one who's tired and ready for a bath!
Thanks for the replies. I guess planning a walk through Epcot at that point in the day with DS is a bit too ambitious.
What is your goal? Get back to the resort quickly or avoid the walking?

The speed route might be to take the bus from MK, but it won't be the most enjoyable. We usually rent a car so this has never been a problem, but on our last trip we stayed at BCV and did not rent a car.

On the last trip we never took the bus from MK or dinner at Ohana's. We always took the EPCOT monorail and walked back. The ramps at the monorail stations are not fun but we did enjoy the walk after dinner, especially walking through EPCOT. It is very relaxing at night with the lights, music and the fountain.

We have two toddlers and a double stroller and figured the bus may pose other problems. With the monorail route from the MK we never have to take them out of the stroller.

Our next trip we might try the bus if will save some time. Any guesses on how much time it will save?
If you are in a hurry or your little one is tired, you can always take a taxi. You'd be looking at a 10 minute trip that costs $10-$15, depending on how much you want to tip.

Best wishes-
Taking the Epcot monorail and walking through to BCV is great for those who love to walk, and I would take a bet I can beat anyone back who plans to monorail to MK and take the bus, BUT...

the walk from the Epcot monorail to BCV is roughly a mile, and under adverse weather conditions (rain or intense heat) won't be a lot of fun. So I'd choose one of the other alternatives. After a long day, a cab ride will sound real nice.
I grew up staying at the Poly and now I stay at the Boardwalk, so needless to say I must go to O'hana's on every trip. I have a 3 and a 2 year old so travel is pretty difficult. If I were you I would take the boat at the Poly to the MK and then the bus to the BCV. The boat I find much faster and nicer then the monorail. It goes directly from the Poly to the MK. Also, look into what time Spectomagic is, you might be able to take a quick detour see Spectomagic before heading back. I always leave before the fireworks due to the large crowds. I hate the buses when I need to look after two kids and carry that double stroller with me.
I have never taken a cab at WDW ever.

The $10 sounds like a bargain if you need to get somewhere in a hurry, but are there usually cabs waiting at the resorts? How long do you have to wait if they call you one. Sounds like a wash to me.
CarolMN said:
If you are in a hurry or your little one is tired, you can always take a taxi. You'd be looking at a 10 minute trip that costs $10-$15, depending on how much you want to tip.

I'm considering this, but we would have/want to bring the carseat along to/from the restaurant. I guess we could ask the bell desk if we could check the car seat during our meal.


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