Back to the Future Trip Part 4 - "We are the Men In Black, Galaxy Defenders.." & HRC

Fiona R from UK

May 6, 2001
Who we are etc!
Day 1
Day 2

Monday 4th February – Day 3 - "We are the Men in Black, Galaxy Defenders"... and Hard Rock Cafe.

Plan: Drive and Check in HRH Garden view
Shopping WalMart Evening

Hours: US 9-6
IOA 9-7

Food: Breakfast:Ponderosa/IHOP etc
Lunch: Snack
Dinner: Hard Rock Cafe


Even feeling ropey I was awake at 4.44, 5.55 and finally 6.66am (ha, just testing, 6.06am really) What decadence, no need to change hotels!! The horrible objects put "Recess" on very loudly and we rise and shine. Food was the important first step, so we managed to identify our individual beige car in the parking lot (amongst the red roadsters and 4x4s it was easy to spot!) Denny’s appears first (near Wet and Wild) so in we go. Loads of food for the five of us ($20) and a cheerful waitress so that wasn’t too bad a start. I’m sure a heap of pancakes with syrupy fruit and whipped cream is not as healthy as it could be, but the plate of bacon and eggs was no healthier! Back to the Hotel and off for the serious business of the day, Universal Studios.

The weather is alright, could be better but no complaints. I’m afraid to say we went the long way round as I’d left Carole’s instructions for the short cut at home, with the kettle! It’s not worth waiting for the water taxi though, I’d say the walk is not really any longer than the bus stops to the parks at Disney. The path is lovely, winds down alongside the landscaped waterway, reminded me of Port Orleans Riverside. Past the big Universal “ball” and off to Guest Services clutching our AP vouchers that have travelled 30 000 miles to go 3 miles down the road from the AAA office Mandy bought them in at Christmas, what an Angel she is! Guest Services wave us through the turnstiles to Vacation Services, and luckily it’s quiet and the rigmarole of the very terrible mugshots passes off and results in “very terrible mugshots”!! So if anyone out there looks like a beige whale and wants to borrow my card they would get in no problem!! The very nice man not in black hands us a discount voucher for Brits, which basically gives the discounts we get with the AP anyway. The place is deserted. We’re impressed with the appearance of both US parks, I thought they would be slightly scruffy with less detail than Disney but they were very detailed (especially Islands of Adventure) and spotless.

We did the map shuffle down the street and plan our campaign, laid back style here or what. ET pulls us in, a good start. Unfortunately the rest of KidZone doesn’t open until 12 so we steer off for “Back to the future”. Sally is still worried about dinosaurs (last year we took her on Dinosaur as the first ride first day, and told her that Ellen’s Energy Adventure would not involve dinosaurs!! ) She doesn’t trust us anymore. We outsmarted Biff and thought the Men in Black had had enough preparation time, and on we went. I think there were 4 people in front of us and we were waiting to fill cars up it was so quiet. Five in a car is a big mistake, especially as the scoring is per car. Sally’s 2 000 and Mr Nobody’s zero ensured our defeat, but boy what a good ride!! I was Miss Goody Two Shoes and did what I was told, you must not press that red button!! After that we were always the pathetic score, but became more daring with that red button!! So after riding twice on this occasion, we went off for a play.

Woody’s Nuthouse Coaster was a blast (great for Sally, and we did all the Woodpecker noises VERY loudly). Twice round that and off to Curious George’s Playground. Now this is a wet place, and nowhere near hot enough to get drenched, so I looked after the camera and pretend to take arty photos.

The “Wild wild wild wild wild (is that enough?) Stunt Show was a hoot and very well done, as were all the shows at Universal (but don’t mention that purple bear). We sauntered round to Earthquake (which I preferred to Catastrophe Canyon) and survived to listen too the Capella group whist my hungry mob munch on hotdogs in Amity. The themeing here was superb too. A saunter past the Rock N Roll Group outside Mel’s Drive In resulted in the lead singer wooing Sally, luckily Kate wasn’t the one picked on she would have died of embarrassment! As we have all the time in the world, that Day 1 feeling, Sally and I head back to the hotel, we know where the secret path is now and it takes 5 minutes!! Steve, Kate and Laura bravely do Terminator, and join us.

Although a clearish day the air is cold but that pool is beautiful, the run up the slide steps was perishing, but the two hot tubs are bliss (if a little too hot!) We had it to ourselves!!

We change and walk back to CityWalk, the entrance to all three areas and the two hotels are close so no transport required here! We have to try the Hard Rock Café, and at 6pm there are around 20 people waiting, we bypass all of them with our room key card and are seated. What can I say except superb surroundings, service, food, service, food, value for money, food and food!! We started with a huge plate of Nachos, Steve had the Ribs and Chicken, Kate a Bacon Beefburger (unlike any I’ve seen before!) and Laura and I shared a Chicken Caesar salad. There was so much quality food that Sally shared ours and we only just cleared it. I was not feeling that hungry mind, very unusual for me ( VERY unusual). For the sake of posterity we tried to eat one Brownie Sundae and failed, it was beautiful and HUGE! The whole bill inc. tax/good tip (with beers and soft drinks) was under $70, although we did have a 10% discount. Highly recommended.

We saunter back to the room where I promptly fall asleep on the bed after devouring more pills (with Laura who found the Café music too loud). Allegedly, the other three played giant draughts (checkers) on the big board by the pool. Trip Report writing went to pot that night!!

B.A. little bottle of Merlot, still unopened (it’s mine!!) Cups of tea: one bad one!!

Tomorrow: IOA, Sweet Tomatoes and WalMart.
I'm glad you found the shortcut ok. It's great just strolling out of your room and five minues later you're at Citywalk.
Hey - do you think they actually take your photo for the AP? We've got four depicting beige whales too! Now we may not win any prizes for handsome family of the year, but we're not as ugly as those photos would suggest!

You didn't read the tips for MiB here on the DIS before leaving home did you? That was your mistake! I did, you see, and when Matt, Sue, Louis and me (the adults) took on Nathan, Hannah, Georgina and Harriet (the kids) in December, WE attained Galaxy Defender status. I let the adults in on all the point scoring tricks, but not the kids. BOY were they not amused. They still don't know how we did it - I'm planning on a re-run in October! He he!

We love HRC too. Great decor (although I'm a bit disappointed the Kiss costumes have gone), great food and great price. We had 8 adult meals, including tax and tip for $110 in December.

Will one of you please let me in on the secret path. We obviously missed it when we were there last time and I DO so like to be in on all the little secrets!
Secret path, dead easy Deb!! Out of the ground floor (basement!) and go left, past draughts board, table tennis table etc and eventually (well a few yards!) there is a gate with a key card swipe to get back in. Cuts off half the distance to the parks compared to going out the front!!

You're right about the secrets to MIB, I don't like reading "up" on rides before hand!!
where are the tips for MIB? I need all the help I can get in this things..

I believe they are at the top of the US/IOA trip planning boards Bev, but I have never looked, I'm not a cheat like Debbie!!:D
Great report Fiona - I loved to hear all about US, it is one of our favourite parks :) Thanks for reviving some great memories :) Still have to do MIB - it wasn't open last time I was in US so am really looking forward to having a go :) (Might read the tips though ;) )

The hotel sounds wonderful and really tempting - was it very expensive for one night? Who did you book through, if you dont mind me asking?

Originally I booked HRH through the AAA office in Orlando on the phone, and got a AAA rate of $129 a night. Then when I had the APs, that Angel bought at Christmas, I thought I'd ring the hotel to see if they did an AP rate, and they did!! Price was reduced to $99 a night. However, HRH price nightly, not just the rate of your first night like Disney do. Also the rooms are more expensive on Friday/Saturday nights. so if you book at one rate and find a better one it can be changed. The room can also be cancelled without penalty up to 14 (I THINK) days beforehand.
Glad to see me Laura got two mentions in that one.

We hope to 'do' HRH one day for the guest perks as well as the poshness of the place - but next year's a cheapie so won't be that one. Mind if there's a table tennis table and the kids find out I'll have a harder fight on me hands.

We've read tips on MIB and gave up- we still haven't a clue what's goin on in this ride!

My, yer bringin this 'I've got a headache' lark to a new level aren't yer? Yer makin The Boy Gaz look strong!
I love MIB but my score is always dismal. Enjoyed reading about your day :)
Well I just pressed that red button anyway the whole way through the ride!! :rolleyes: Not sure what good it did but the car didn't blow up so that was a bonus in itself!!

Your meal at the Hard Rock Cafe sounded delicious!

Astrid x
Thanks for the wonderful report - luv reading them!!!!


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