*** AOL users and others having trouble accessing the boards ***



OK... we have discovered another issue that could explain the problems certain users are having...... if you could once again report back as soon as possible that would be excellent!
Still not able to access the home page. I'm using IE right now.
Thanks for trying to fix the problem!!!:D
I just tried accessing the boards from my Compuserve 6 account and it worked fine. Compuserve 6 is a cloned version of AOL 6 and even uses the same modem pools.

I did not try the account earlier since I prefer to use IE without the additional overhead, but at least I can say it works fine now.

I'm using Win 98 SE with all known patches applied and I use a cable modem.

No. I still can't get on with AOL. The only board i (sometimes) can get onto is the cruise board which is in my favorites . But I cannot go anywhere from that board. I still need IE to access the Home page.
I'm having no trouble at home using IE, Windows 97 and a cable modem.

It's a totally different story at work (where I really shouldn't be on anyway!) There I use IE with Windows Office. Each page takes 45-60 seconds to load.
Originally posted by Mich Mouse
Still not able to access the home page. I'm using IE right now.
Thanks for trying to fix the problem!!!:D
Ditto here on the IE....was worried for about a week I would never get back here. WHEW!!
It's slightly better but not much.
It has taken me a total of 6min to get to the forum, access this thread, log on, and get to this reply page. It shaved off a minute off the total time.

I'm not on AOL. Win2k on a Lan connection using IE.

Have had absolutely no problems at home using IE with XP on a cable connection.
Alex, I'm still having the same problems from home -- Mac G4, IE.
I can't access the boards through AOL either. I was beginning to think I'd never get back on the boards again - then realized I have IE too. Thank goodness, quitting cold turkey was scaring me! :p
Nope, still can't get to the boards via AOL (8.0). And after I try everyting else I do gets "static" and slow, even using IE, like now.

Thanks for any help you guys can give!
I'm at work, using IE6 and WinNT. I'm on our LAN, and we've got a T3 to the Internet, so most things that I try to access are lightning fast. But every transaction on the boards takes 45 seconds or more. I noticed this early last week, but I've been at WDW since so I didn't say anything.

Yesterday, I worked from home, where I have a cable modem connection to the Internet, IE6 and Win98, and the boards were pretty peppy. Today I'm back at work, and the boards are unusable.

If you want to ask me any questions, please send emails to fordcam245@hotmail.com, since it's too hard for me to use the boards.
I just tried to access the DVC board, and had no problems at all. But at the same time www.disboards.com, the Debate board and the Tech Support board were all terribly slow.

Hope this helps.
JIMBO!!!! My man!!!!! That's exactly what's happening to me at home. The DVC board, resort board, and theme park boards are fine. The rest are slow, slow, slow.

I was beginning to think I'd lost my mind. I hate that it's bad for you, too, but boy! is it good to know I'm not alone (among the non-AOL'ers).

Still not there yet. I have to tell you I click from AOL and pray because this must be driving you guys nuts!!! It seems to be slighly better on the first try getting to a thread but then it dies slowly and freezes. Hang in there we're rooting for you!


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