Any George Foreman recipes lurking around


Dec 28, 1999
I had this grill a few years ago and put it in the celler ........I used to use it for chicken and that was about it.....Need some good ideas......any out there......
We use it at BBQ time instead of a charcoal grill - we have the BIG one - as it means no-one has to stand over the hot grill, and a timer pings when stuff is ready - no more burnt sausages!

One of our favourites is Greek Island Grilled Chicken, which I got out of an M&S recipe book years ago.

4 skinless boneless chicken breasts (halved horizontally if very thick)
zest and juice of 2 lemons
4 Tbsp olive oil
Large sprig of fresh Thyme (or 1 tsp dried)
Freshly grated black pepper.

Score the chicken breasts lightly on the side where the skin would have been. Mix the other ingredients together and add the chicken, turning it in the marinade. Store, covered, in the fridge for at least 2 hours (or freeze in the marinade and allow to defrost in fridge when needed). Put it on the Foreman on high (if you have a variable heat) for 10 minutes or until the juices run clear (double the time for a conventional grill, reduce if the fillets are thin or you have split them).

I tend to make up a huge batch of this and have any cold leftovers in sandwiches the next day.

The foreman is also good for toasted sandwiches - cheese and ham is great, and you don't need to add butter. On hiliday my sister's DMIL folded over left-over pizza and reheated it in the Foreman to make a sort of calzone.

My small one died the other day (probably because my DH washed it up in the sink :scared1: ) so I'm on the lookout for a small one at a good price.

ETA I've just seen you only used it for chicken before - steaks work really well, or bacon for sandwiches. Also good for blackening peppers to get the skin off, or vegs generally (onion, pepper etc.)
Use a good crusty bread for your sandwiches. Spray Pam on the crust and let it grill. Very close to paninis.
I use mine mainly to cook bacon, sausage, or hambugers. I have notice I have to season the bugers alittle more it really pulls all the grease out along with the season.
In the past I have cooked chicken and grilled shrimp on it..I really didn't care for it. I much rather use my charcoal grill cooking these items due to the flavor lost.
OOH! George Foreman grills are the dreams of people who want to eat their veggies...but hate to cook... LOL :rolleyes1

I cook aspargus, potatoes, zucchni on the grill on a constant basis... Easy easy easy.....

Cut away the tough part of aspargus, shave the potatoes, and cut away any bad spots on the zucchni and the ends. I chop aspargus into 2's, potatoes into thin slices or french fry style, and slice up the zucchni.

Spray the grill with....Pam, butter, I can't beleive it's not butter spray (Really good stuff). Then spread out the veggies.... I usually leave aspargus on for about 5 minutes, potatoes 5-10, and zucchni about 3 minutes. When taking them off I spray them lightly with a butter spray... any you like. Then serve. They are quick and yummy. You can do this with carrots too...but I find it difficult to cut them thin enough.... Sometimes before I close the lid I will sprinkle some garlic or onion powder on any of the above veggies or Mrs. Dash.

Very easy sidedish! :woohoo: Also if you are watching your weight or on any diet.. if you use the Can't believe it's not butter spray this dish is completely sin free!
I have a file that someone emailed me with alot of recipes for the foreman if you email me and in the subject line put foreman recipes, I will gladly forward you the file, it is to many recipes to retype them all
Have a good day


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