Another Backpack question.. can you stand it?


DIS Veteran
Feb 4, 2004
Okay, was reading a thread on the Budget board about to bring a backpack or not... hmmm.. I had assumed this is what we would do, but now I'm thinking that it may be way too bothersome! I plan on trying to save all the shopping for the end so that we don't have to carry all that stuff around. The things I will need to carry with me are our digital camera (pretty small), bandaids, wipes/hand sanitizer, gum/mints, the girls autograph books. Do you think a mini backpack will be okay for all of this? I can't really see having my girls carrying one around with them. DH can also carry a camera bag for the video camera.

I think everyone is different. However, we have a mid-size bag we all take turns with. We don't load it down so it's too heavy. However, we take what's needed. It's the only bag we bring though. I seen a family last week wheeling 2 suitcases around-- I was alittle shocked. Anyhow, I find the backpack to be easier than a purse at the parks.
Like I said, mine was about the size of the Tink one you are looking at. Here is what we carried every day.

In the large pocket:
a large envelope with PS info, money, receipts, etc...
small camcorder bag with camcorder & extra tapes
travel size bottle of body spray
travel pack of Wet Ones
2 large ziploc bags
1 Poncho
POP refillable mug (only on 1 day because we left for the park straiight from breakfast at POP- there wasn't really room for it)

In the smaller front 2 pockets:
cell phone
lip gloss
breath mints/gum
disposable camera

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but this gives you an idea. I carried this around myself most of the time. It wasn't too bad, but by about day 7-8 (out of 9) my shoulders were a little sore from the straps rubbing. A few times, my BF took the camcorder bag out and just carried it on his shoulder for a while to lighten the load, but it really wasn't that bad. Most rides had a place to put it, and if not, I just put the straps through my legs. No worries :) It was better for my peace of mind to know that we had everything with us that we might need. In the past, my entire family has gone, and we have never carried a backpack, so I'm sure we could have lived without it ;)
Hi Holly,
I did not realize you were from MD too!!
We brought our large diaper bag/backpack & it was way to big & heavy. Most of the time it sat in the stroller but we had to lug it in line with us. Next time I would only pack necessities (which it sounds like you are doing) and use a fanny pack. Don't forget a regular pen (for human characters) & a Sharpie marker (for non human gloved hands!). Your girls would probably love pin trading (mine did & me & dh really got into it too!) & it was too hot to wear the lanyards all the time so that ended up in the backpack too. I think a fanny pack for you & maybe one for your hubby would be fine!
I was actually thinking about getting DH a Fannypack. We wore them on our honeymoon walking around WDW! I'm sure he'd wear one.
I think I have a weird back. When I use a fannypack, no matter if it has very little in it, I wind up with a backache. It's just something about that strap coming across the small of my back that does it. :confused:


I like to use a backpack with about 3 different compartments that will keep items separated but, mainly, it comes in handy to stuff light jackets or sweatshirts in. I don't like having them tied around my waist or shoulders when they aren't needed for warmth; however, I sometimes need a light jacket in an air conditioned attraction (during warmer months) or a heavier sweatshirt on chilly mornings or when the sun goes down (cooler months). For me, a backpack is the best choice but not everyone likes to use one. It just depends on what works best for YOU! :flower:
This is a little off topic but hollyjoy we are going the same week as you and I'm always noticing how much your girls remind me of my girls so I went to your website and found out your girls are in kindergarten and second grade and do gymnastics, dance and daisies like mine! How funny is that! I also have a 3 year old cutie! Anyway, how do I get their pic to show up on my posts like yours? Thanks!
We always carry a small back pack, and it is perfect!

Fits everything and leaves your hands free!
Holly, I'll bet a small backpack would be just perfect for what you'll carry. My motto is to carry the smallest bag and still be practical. I carry a backpack that is just a little larger than a "mini."

Sometimes I'll go pack/bag-shopping, and will actually transfer stuff from my purse to a backpack (or other bag) to see how everything will fit, then wear it around the store, adjust straps for comfort, etc. (there's only one store I actually do this in, and we're regular customers, so they know I'm not trying to shoplift).

It's a great way to see how easy (or not) it's going to be to dig around in the bag for stuff once you're in the parks. Or how quickly/easily I can get in on/off (as in "Mom, take a picture of that character for me! Quick, before he's gone!") Sometimes the one bag that looks just PERFECT will end up being the biggest hassle to deal with in a real-life situation such as at WDW! (and vice-versa)

DH and I have always said we need to work for a company that tests products, as we are always trying things out, looking for features that work or don't work (not to mention finding just the right color....).
Small to mid-sized back pack here. But I only have back pack type purses now too. ;) Got to love the back pack. ::yes::

Tip: Use a couple to small (see through, for security) cosmetic bags for the small things. {towelletts, tickets, tissues, reciepts, ressies,} I even put some extra change purses to divided up the cash. ;) This keeps stuff water tight if rains, and not loose roaming around. ;) When you get to security just unzip and he looks, no problems. :yo-yo: Also I use one of the clasp key ring clasp things, they sell (all over) like the ones used for climbing. I "lock" my back pack with it. just hook your zippers togther with it, so they stay secure on rides and "in line" ;) your not worrying about it. pirate:

I use the mid-size for "rain days" you can put your poncho's in your backpack, and also carry a mickey unbrella in there if needed.

mky princess:
When we were in our 2 kids/no stroller days, I found that a fanny pack worked best for me. You never had to worry about taking it off for rides, bathroom trips or just sitting down. Both me and DH got ours at Disney, and mine has a zipper pocket in the back that goes against you, and thats where I keep my tickets since I dont need to get those back out. I stick my money and fast passes in the front zipper pocket, and the main pocket is big enough for some smaller items ( gum, lipgloss, purell, bandaids & even my smaller sized digital camera and extra batterie) and its still not bulky or heavy. My youngest DD used to carry a very small CInderella back pack on her back that was just big enough for their autograph book and pens. Now that we have DS and use a stroller for him. we stick the autograph books in the netting pocket on the stroller. I still use the fanny back, but I clip it to the stroller most of the time. Its easy to grab and put on if we leave the stroller anywhere!!
I got a large waist pack to use at WDW. I carry my video and digital cameras in it, spare batteries, autograph book and pen, snacks for my 2 yr old, any small souvenirs I pick up (ie pins), tylenol, etc. I tossed a few diapers and a carry case of wipes in a walmart bag and left that in the stoller, along with his sippy cup. The waist pack was easier to deal with, but a bit bulky. Since I got smaller cameras now, I may get a smaller pack this time.

If my DS (4) was a little older, I would not carry a back pack. I would make everyone carry their own fanny pack or just carry a very small back pack.

Luckily, DH and my dad will take turns carrying the backpack so we each get a break from it.

I will only be taking the backpack this trip because DS is still at the age where he needs an extra change of clothes (just in case). Otherwise, I believe a mini backpack or fanny pack for each person should suffice for most families.

Make your kids carry their own stuff, including water bottles. Lighten your load as much as possible and save your back!:)

Good luck!

Originally posted by CaseyJr

Sometimes I'll go pack/bag-shopping, and will actually transfer stuff from my purse to a backpack (or other bag) to see how everything will fit, then wear it around the store, adjust straps for comfort, etc.

I do this too!

We still bring a stroller for my 4yo, which is wonderful to carry all the stuff around in. I pack most everything in a backpack so it can br grabbed to bring on rides or into shows. I also bring a small soft sided cooler to carry water bottles, snacks, etc. I don't put that in the backpack since it's heavy and I leave it in the stroller when we go on rides. If someone really wants my drinks and snacks they need them more than we need them...

I like the idea of a small, clear cosmetic bag and will put that on my list of things to buy for my trips.

When my DH and I went last week sans children (and stroller--couldn't hardly bring the stroller w/o kids, could we ;) ) I wore a fanny pack every day and he either wore a fanny pack or a backpack, depending on how many things we needed that particular day. His fanny pack could fit a water bottle or two, along with a park map, etc.

When I go in January I'll be with my 11yo, so not only will I not have a stroller (hey, Zachary, are you sure you can't fit in the stroller??? ;) ), but I'll be the adult in charge and the official backpack wearer. Ugh!. Or we'll go light and I'll make Z wear a fanny pack and we'll skip the backpack. Probably will depend on the day, and if we need sweatshirts we'll bring the backpack.

I pack a bag of extra clothes for the kids, warmer things like jackets or sweat shirts if its supposed to get chilly at night, rain ponchos, extra diapers..etc.. and I put it in the locker. You can a ticket to get another one at a different park if we hop. Its easier than lugging it all around with us, and I personally dont mind the locker fee.I like knowing that everything is there if we need it, and I dont have to worry about keeping it all with me. We also stick our mugs from the hotel in the locker, so when we get back to the hotel, we fill them up on the way up to our room, or we have them incase we want to get something to eat at the food court! I always ask for a big locker. There are some that are bigger than the others.


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