"And what if I kill my whole family?" came out of my 4 yo today!!UPDATE


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
Can you stand it? I am beside myself. I have no idea where he got the notion to say something like this. How old does he have to be to go to military school?:eek:
And I just sent him to his room for getting ready to whack his sister over the head with a hard toy (the only thing that stopped him was that I was standing right there, thank goodness). And if he says something is STUPID one more time I don't know what I'll do!! :(

And today he threatened to kill his brother when they disagreed about something and then denied saying it.

Is this NORMAL? What should I do about it?
Well Valley Forge Military Academy accepts them at 6th grade..... ;)

Well, that is tough.. Limits are needed, and consequences for the actions are needed as well.

Good luck!
Could it be something he heard one of his friends say...or possibly something he overheard from TV?

I don't recall my boys ever saying anything quite that drastic!

I guess my best advice is to take him aside and ask him why he is saying those things, or why he feels that way. Then just watch him to see what else he comes up with!
if he even understands what it means. You could ask "What would you do if your brother was gone and didn't come back, or your Daddy or Mommy?" He may be picking it up from his friends, or even cartoons. You know, Wylie Coyote always gets "Killed" but then comes back, over and over. At 4, the concept of "Killing" is probably not the same as an adults version. But I would talk with him in a very non threatening way, and see what he tells you. And then there is all the news about the war, he may be more aware of that than you know, and may be acting out because he is scare of something.

I hope you get it worked out.
Wow, Denise, I would be besides myself. I agree with Mickeyfan, it could very well be that he doesn't understand the true meanign of what he is saying and that he more than likely picked it up from someone or something. I would definitely talk to him about this and try to get to the root of things. Lots and lots of {{{HUGS}}} for you.
It hadn't even occured to me that he might not even know what that meant! He didn't. I feel so much better. Now I just have to get him to stop saying it. He said he heard this on "spongebob" which I don't let them watch anymore. They had started to watch it regularly until I banned it. Now I'm really glad I did! He says that is where he picked up the "stupid" thing, too, which he was using constantly.
Thanks for the help!!!!:)
SpongeBob is off limits in our house also....DH thinks it is a stuipd show.....So, I don't know what the language they use is....but if that is some of it I'm glad it's banned...


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