Amber's Prep for a Healthy Pregnancy Journal

I think I have that Bob Greene book. Or maybe another one by him. I will have to look. I know it was good tho. But hard.

Do you get monday off too, or do you have to work? I dont get any off this time, but hey, I will get paid a bunch. Oh well. I am going to really try to cut back on the 6 day work weeks, I think they are just too much for me.

Dont party too hard on new years, and drive safe if you do!

(have you written your resolutions yet?)


I had to work today, but I left early just because I could. We are having the guys over tonight, but we are all going to meet up and go out for dinner first. DH got off early too.:thumbsup2 So we went to Target because he was just Dieing to buy Guitar Hero III (he played this weekend and fell in love). We also hit the Christmas isle and got a Bunch of wrapping paper, garland, and cards for CHEAP!:santa:

I have read through a good bit of the Best Life Diet book. I think that I am going to kind of use it as a guide and my minimum guidelines. I am really ready to kick it into gear and get motivated. :cool1:

The girls in my unit at work are all talking about doing a unit challenge and working together to loose weight. They are talking about regular weigh ins, taking walk breaks, and maybe taking turns bringing in a healthy lunch periodically. So, I'm hoping that will help me some. Two of them go to the gym several mornings a week. I am seriously trying to decide if that is a commitment that I can make... :scared:

I'm also going to join the Biggest Loser Challenge thread here on WISH. I think that I can use all of the push and motivation that I can get. :yay: I'm gonna start a new journal for the new year tomorrow also, just to get a fresh start.

So these are my goals/resolutions:

1. Workout a minimum of three times a week for thirty minutes each. Ultimately/Ideally get up early and workout most mornings Monday through Friday and still do a workout on the weekend.

2. Eat three well portioned meals a day and one or two healthy snacks. Eat more Fruits and Veggies. Try to get a minimum of 3 servings of veggies and 2 fruits a day.

3. Stop eating two hours before bedtime.

4. No Alcohol for at least the first month:scared: but according to the Best Life I'm supposed to cut it out for the first two phases which is at least 2 months...:scared1: we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

5. Take at least 5 yoga classes (getting a 5 class GC for a belated Christmas gift). I've been wanting to do yoga for awhile now and just haven't.:rolleyes:

6. weigh in at least once a week and measure monthly. I'll do this officially tomorrow.

Ok, I think those are enough resolutions/goals for now. I really feel like I'm ready to do this and having multiple people around me who are wanting to change also helps!

DH has agreed to exercise on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and one or both weekend days. So that should get my minimum days in. I also recorded several 25 minute workouts from Fitday and am going to try getting up and doing those in the mornings for a couple of weeks. If that goes well, then I am definitely going to join the gym that my coworkers go to. If I don't end up getting up early (hmm... I really shouldn't give myself the option:sad2: ) then I will most likely still join the gym, but I may end up having to commit to going by myself mostly. Because the girls only go in the AM and Dh has said that he doesn't want to join at this time. He has said that I can join if I want to though. I'm only reluctant because it costs twice what our last gym was. However, this one is Super nice w/ an indoor pool, walking track, and all the other usual stuff. They also have a raquetball court, which I really enjoy, but there is an extra fee for that.

For my diet, I haven't set any exact diet plan. I may go by the menus that are in the BLD bk, but I haven't decided yet.:confused3 In the first phase it really just has you eat 3 meals plus a snack daily and doesn't restrict calories or specify foods to cut or add. I think that I am mostly past that because I already eat my 3 meals. I do usually skip the healthy snack though and I know it will help to put it back and keep me from getting too hungry.

My main food goal will be to increase my fruits and veggies so that what I'm eating is healthier. Also a main component that really helps me is to plan our dinners out ahead of time. I am also going to try to make an effort to plan my lunches to give me a variety so that I'm not as likely to want to eat out. DH & I did sit down Sunday and plan enough meals for the next two weeks. We don't plan the day, but just the recipes that we want to make. Also most recipes will cover two meals which helps since we both work.

So, I think that is it for the start. I'm gonna need a lot of help to stay on track, but I feel good about this. :goodvibes

Now, it is time for me to enjoy my last day of 2007 and party hard. The diet DEFINITELY doesn't start until tomorrow! :rolleyes1 :thumbsup2

oh, yeah. I meant to post here earlier today.

I started a new journal and reposted some of my post from yesterday over there.

The new journal is called Amber's Best Life Journal. Please come join me!!

psst... I'm struggling a bit already :rolleyes1 I just didn't prepare for today really. I am getting it together though!!! I swear!!

See ya'll on the new journal!


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