Amber's Best Life Journal

Ok. I'm starting to get back on track again! :cool1:

b- kashi, milk, coffee
l- cheese tortellini w/ veggies and sauce, grapes, chocolate and nut mix
s - rest of the nut mix, 3 peanut butter/chocolate balls (leftover from our party)
d- curry chicken breast, northern beans, spicy pumpkin w/ tomatos
s- few snack size chocolate bars (also left from Halloween)
Alcohol - 3 glasses of wine
Exercise - 25 minutes of Total Body Sculpt w/ Gilad :cheer2: I actually got up at 7am by myself and did it!

So far, DH & I got up at 7am and did 25 min. of Total Body Sculpt together before he had to go to work. :cheer2:
I've had my Kashi for breakfast and the coffee is making. :thumbsup2

I am off today. I am planning to goof off on my computer for a bit and then go out window shopping. There are Tons of small business shops around the area I live, but I NEVER go to them. So today I thought I would go shop at a few of them and see if I can get some Christmas present ideas.

Well, I'll try to check in later! Have a Fabulous day!!
I did not exercise on Wednesday because I knew that I was going to be out late for work. I was anticipating being home by 10pm at latest, but ended up not getting home until 11pm :scared: But we did get up this morning and exercise. My food has been ok today and was ok Tuesday. Yesterday was not too good because I was on the road all afternoon and I tend to snack and eat bad when on the road.

8 weeks ago my administrator challenged us to do a program called "Walk Georgia" and said that who ever logged the most time/mileage she would give $25 to. Well during that 8 weeks I didn't do too well because I basically just quit exercising all together for a good bit of it. Anyway, I ended up logging 43 miles.

Well, I ended up getting 3rd PLACE!! :confused3 :cheer2: :cool1: Mostly I'm Positive it is because people didn't report their mileage at the end. But I won a Pedometer because of it! :woohoo: I'm excited because I've been wanting a new one. I have bought them in the past and they have always broken. I've been hoping that maybe if someone else bought one it would work better than one I bought :confused3 not sure the logic, but hopefully this one will work!

Anyway, I was SO Shocked when she said I had won third place! I had previously been teasing that I should win by default because it was only me and my unit member (who I reminded and drug to the "ceremony") that actually showed up for the awards ceremony. :rotfl: Then I actually won something :upsidedow

It is also very funny and ironic that now the program/competition is over and I'm exercising more than I did when it was going on :lmao:

I've just got to keep this momentum!
Last week DH and I got up 3 mornings to exercise and this week so far we have done one morning. This week has been harder because I'm off work but he is not. I'm not the keenest on getting up at 7am when I don't have to ;) Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I'm sure we won't exercise, even though we will need it after the feast.

Friday I plan to get up early and shop til I drop, so that will be enough exercise for me.

I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

I'm gonna try not to be a stranger as much and post here more often. I think when we start the new year I will start a new journal and try to visit others more often. That is going to be my resolution :goodvibes
We had a very nice Thanksgiving. There were about 20 people at my grandma's house for dinner. We had tons of good food, too. We stayed there for about 5 hours talking and looking at the ads for Black Friday sales.

Friday I got up at 2:30am so that I could hit the sales. DH and I had decided that if we could find a decent sale on laptops we would get each other one (two total) for Christmas. We have both been wanting one for a long time. So my plan was to hit Kohl's at 4am and then head over to Office Depot by 5am to get in line for a laptop. They had nice ones for $349. Well, my mom and sister went with me. We did well at Kohl's getting a lot of good deals and doing it quickly. Then we made it to Office Depot about 4:45 and got in line. There were about 16 people in line already which made me worry. Sure enough when the lady came out with the tickets we missed getting one (much less two) by about 5 people. I was disappointed, but what can you do.

Mom, sis, and I went on to Walmart and then to Target. I was able to knock out a little over half of my shopping list and got some pretty good deals in the process. I still have almost all of the men on my list to buy for though, which is the hardest part to me. However, DH has said he will help with their gifts.

My sis had to work at 3pm and wanted a nap, so we dropped her off around 10am and then mom and I hit the mall. I bought myself a couple pair of jeans and a Beautiful santa. Mom bought her gift to me (which I picked out). I'm getting a 92 piece flatware set w/ 2 bonus hostess sets. It was a really good deal and I am currently using hand me down silverware that is very mismatched. I was excited to get the set because it was a doorbuster and I figured it would be gone by the time we got there. Anyway, we ended up shopping from 4 am til about 2pm with only about an hour break in between. I was very tired and ended up napping for about 3.5 hours and then going to bed early.

Saturday, Dh had a couple of friends over to hang out since his 30th birthday is Monday. He could not decide what he wanted to do for his birthday so we kept it pretty low key. We are both off tomorrow and plan to decorate for Christmas and then take it easy. I feel kind of bad because we did the big Disney trip for my birthday and really haven't done anything special for his. I just don't know what to do though.

Well, anyway, today we looked in the sale papers and saw that Best Buy had laptops for $399. We figured that was still a pretty good deal, so we ran over and picked up two! I was so excited to be able to get them after all. Dh said that he didn't want to wait until Christmas to use them, so he pulled them out and got everything set up this afternoon. I'm using mine currently :love: DH is sitting next to me using his :thumbsup2 We had planned to get the Christmas tree up today, but spent so much time messing with the laptops that we didn't get to it. That is ok though we can do it tomorrow.

Oh, we also stopped by Micheal's and got another Santa. It is smaller than the one I got on Friday, but they are both Really pretty. One is about a foot and a half tall and the other is about a foot. They are both the old world Santa style. I am excited to have them. I asked for Christmas decorations for Christmas, but am not sure that anyone will really get me any. We have a lot of room in this house to decorate, so the more the merrier!

Anyway, just wanted to update on my weekend. I'm off tomorrow, but plan to get back to my workout routine on Tuesday.

Have a great week!!
Well, I've been REALLY off track for the last month. I haven't really gained any weight lately, but I've already gained more than enough this year!! My scale broke and I had to get a new one. It says I'm hovering between 215 and 217 :eek: :eek: So that is officially my highest weight ever! I'm not pleased.

I am not back on track yet, but I'm working on a plan. I'm going to start on New Year's day. I will start a new journal then also. I'm really motivated to get healthy in 2009. I'll also be working toward getting a Wii Fit so that should help :thumbsup2

Well, see ya in 2009!!
You can do it Amber! We just need to focus! Have a fun new year, then get busy!:goodvibes

We got a Wii today!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: I stayed home from work today because I have 10 weeks of leave saved up and I just didn't want to go :rolleyes1

Anyway, Dh had been calling around all day yesterday and couldn't find one, but he called Walmart today and they said they had some. I went straight over there Right then and got one! They didn't have any spare controllers or the two games we wanted. So, I went to Gamestop and got the rest. We got an extra remote and nunchuck, Zelda (for DH), Rayman Raving Rabbids, and the Wii Play (it came w/ the remote basically). I set everything up and have played the Sports one a little bit. I feel bad for DH because he's stuck at work, so I'm going to wait to play anything else until he is home.

I was Terrible at the tennis and the baseball!! I did pretty good at the bowling. The boxing took a bit to get used to and I still have times when I can't quite get it. The golf I apparently don't quiet understand. I hate that even in the "training" section it doesn't really do any step by step instructions. Hmm... I haven't looked at the booklet though, that might help :thumbsup2

Anyway, I did the fitness test after messing around w/ it a bit. I actually was sweating a bit before it was over. It said my fitness age was 67 :eek: :rotfl: I did miss all but one of the baseballs though :rotfl2:

So, guess what I'll be doing ALL evening long!! And we got it in time for New Year's so all of our friends can play too! That should be fun!!

I'm going to start working up my "plan" for the new year and preparing to start my new journal on Jan 1. while it's not my turn on the wii ;)
pixiedust:HAPPY NEW YEAR AMBER!pixiedust:

Time to get moving!:yay: Hope you had a nice new years eve and didnt drink too much!



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