(AKA toliet seat cover debate thread) Top ten products to take to Disney

jmminarik said:
Men don't squat over the bowl. It interferes with reading.

-Joe pirate:

Whoa- this could take this thread in a WHOLE NEW DIRECTION! :rotfl2: I love your humor!
and was anybody able to comment on the wet to dry hair straightener? i really would like to know what this is!!!
Monty - Purell is a liquid hand sanitizer that you dont need water to use

dj2 - a wet to dry straightner is a gift from God (hahaha) it straightens and dries your hair at the same time!

Hope this helps
PrincessPatty said:
dj2 - a wet to dry straightner is a gift from God (hahaha) it straightens and dries your hair at the same time!

PLEASE!!!! is there a brand name? where can we buy this?

my DD's all have thick curly hair and want it to be straight (can anyone ever be satisfied?). when they shower at night---major bed-head. when they shower in the a.m., it takes forever to dry--bad in the winter!

we've just got to try this stuff.....

Someone from the UK noted sunscreen in a "wet one" style. I purchased some of these about 8 years ago for my husband to use on the golfcourse. (He loved them and they were cool to wipe down with, so he would apply more often.) I can't locate them now, can anyone help me locate these now?
NC State said:
Someone from the UK noted sunscreen in a "wet one" style. I purchased some of these about 8 years ago for my husband to use on the golfcourse. (He loved them and they were cool to wipe down with, so he would apply more often.) I can't locate them now, can anyone help me locate these now?

I always carry these in my purse. They are awesome and can save you loads of money. If you forget to put sun screen on you can just whip one of these out and you don't have to spend $10 on a bottle of sunscreen in the park.
in no particular order...

1. ziplocs for toiletries
2. plastic/mesh shower caddy
3. digital camera & all the fixins
4. sunscreen
5. purell/generic alternative
6. pop up hamper
7. travel candles for room
8. clothes, makeup, toiletries( Duh!)
9. mini backpack from Eddie Bauer
10. $$, plastic$$, itinerary info

comment re: #2: found this at a dollar store, tried it out on an overnight trip Labor Day weekend, this was great, our toiletries were not on the tub & the maid could clean everything easily & not disturb our stuff

comment re: #6: also found at dollar store, worked great, collapable when you are done with it & takes up no space really. Only problem...DH kept putting the used towels in the hamper..he is trained too well! :love2:
dj2 said:
PLEASE!!!! is there a brand name? where can we buy this?

my DD's all have thick curly hair and want it to be straight (can anyone ever be satisfied?). when they shower at night---major bed-head. when they shower in the a.m., it takes forever to dry--bad in the winter!

we've just got to try this stuff.....


I bought the Remington brand one (Wal-Mart), here's a tip though, straighten in layers, pull up most of the hair with a ponytail holder or clip, leaving a bit down, then straighten that, then keep taking more down at a time. Hope this helps!

Someone was asking about the "wet ones -ice cool" that I take with me,

I have found them on this website as available in the US - follow the link
so at least you will know what to look for. I have no idea if the site is any good - the ice cool ones are about a 1/3 down the page

Westons - wet ones

Hope this helps

PrincessPatty said:
I bought the Remington brand one (Wal-Mart), here's a tip though, straighten in layers, pull up most of the hair with a ponytail holder or clip, leaving a bit down, then straighten that, then keep taking more down at a time. Hope this helps!

THANK YOU! Remington/Wal-Mart---I'm on it. can't wait to give it a try!

i think DD14 does her hair the way you described when she uses her straightening iron. takes forever. this sounds so much easier!!!!

thanks again
Thanks for the reply raksha2, but I'm looking for sunscreen towels that's more like "wet ones". Any luck? I purchased some about 8 years ago but haven't seen any since then.
Sunnies are made by pampers and sold over here (UK) in Boots and mothercare

about £6-7 a pack of 30 wipes (with a plastic container for storage) SPF 30 with UVA/UVB protection,Water resistant

a refill pack £5-£6

Pampers Sunnies wipes are wipes impregnated with Sun Lotion. They are SPF 30. This is not the highest, but nor the lowest.

The lotion appears white on the skin, fading after a while but this is very handy for seeing where you have applied already.

The wipes contain Panthenol Vitamin Moisturiser which helps the skin to recover from drying out and soothes dry skin. This is handy if you are spending a few days in the sun but it alsoi means they are suitable for children with sensitive skin.

The wipes are water resistant, so you do not need to constantly reapply, as they go in and out the water. But as with all lotions they will eventually wear off and need reapplying after showers etc.

I have found I can cover myself well with one sheet wellthey are flannel sized
so i would think you could do two kids with one.
Do need to seal the packet well to avoid the top one drying out before use

If you have no luck in locating them let me know and I will see if I can get them for you if you would like me to.

raksha2 said:

Someone was asking about the "wet ones -ice cool" that I take with me,

I have found them on this website as available in the US - follow the link
so at least you will know what to look for. I have no idea if the site is any good - the ice cool ones are about a 1/3 down the page

Westons - wet ones

Hope this helps


Thanks! I'll check into it. :flower:
Thank you Toni for the information. I'll look for them before we leave on Friday (9/23). I would think they would be better to carry than a bottle of sunblock!
I know I have seen the sunblock wipes in The Right Start and One Step Ahead catalogs. Can't remember prices right now, they might be pricey for the convenience. And probably still cheaper than the bottles in the parks!


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