A new focus to keep me going.....


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2019
Hi everyone,

So with the current situation we have with coronavirus and races being cancelled/postponed i have to admit, i lost focus.

I will be honest and say im not the most mentally tough person anyway but with all my races being cancelled (And up until a couple of days ago no word on Disney races) I was struggling to put the trainers on and get out.

So i decided to try something new, something to give me a reason to keep getting the training runs in.

I decided to try a go at running and vlogging. Now, im in my late 30's and I have to say im not the most technically gifted person with modern day equipment, but my wife had bought me a GoPro 8 for christmas that i still hadnt tested out and thought this would be a great opportunity.

i'll put a link here

If you get 5 minutes to take a look and let me know what you think i would be really grateful, i honestly have no idea if its ny good/bad or what other things to include in such videos. Even better, if you could subscribe (Even if you never intend to watch me again!) it would be great to see something on the account move to give some encouragement to keep trying this new adventure

Thank you everybody and any help/tips/advice is always appreciated, after all, thats how we improve right!.

Take care everyone and stay safe

Two things....

1) To quote Jude Law in the much-maligned-yet-perfectly-schmaltzy move "The Holiday"....."you're already better than you think" (video-wise and running-wise)

2) Your quotes about the gates were a hoot.

Good luck and have fun!
Hi everyone,

So with the current situation we have with coronavirus and races being cancelled/postponed i have to admit, i lost focus.

I will be honest and say im not the most mentally tough person anyway but with all my races being cancelled (And up until a couple of days ago no word on Disney races) I was struggling to put the trainers on and get out.

So i decided to try something new, something to give me a reason to keep getting the training runs in.

I decided to try a go at running and vlogging. Now, im in my late 30's and I have to say im not the most technically gifted person with modern day equipment, but my wife had bought me a GoPro 8 for christmas that i still hadnt tested out and thought this would be a great opportunity.

i'll put a link here

If you get 5 minutes to take a look and let me know what you think i would be really grateful, i honestly have no idea if its ny good/bad or what other things to include in such videos. Even better, if you could subscribe (Even if you never intend to watch me again!) it would be great to see something on the account move to give some encouragement to keep trying this new adventure

Thank you everybody and any help/tips/advice is always appreciated, after all, thats how we improve right!.

Take care everyone and stay safe

OMG Here Comes the Hotstepper! I'm in already! Saved it to watch later but already looking good! GIVE US THE CONTENT IN THESE TRYING TIMES
Hey guys,

Thank you all for the kind comments!. i really didnt know where to start with the edit, i mean.... who really would be interested in me running right?!

Your positive comments really have put a huge smile on my face right now and it has gave me a huge encouragement to grab my GoPro and go film some more!

oh and SheHulk..... so glad someone else can appreciate "Here comes the hotstepper".... classic in my book but so many people look puzzled at me when i play it!

Thanks guys. Stay safe and well everyone and hopefully enjoy a few more videos!.


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