A Gay Vent!

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I have been in a committed same sex relationship for 25 wonderful years. We live in a state that has determined that marriage is only between a man and a woman. I guess that makes us Criminals!!!

However, what marriage is is a legal contract between two individuals. There was a time when the Chruch did not allow for marriage so why is it in it now. The reason most people get married has to do with civil issues like tax breaks, health insurance, death issues surrounding property and having the right to make decision for each other in the event that the other become unable to do so. I do not see the Chruch in any of that.

I love the fact that we have made ground in that there are states now that allow for gays to share the same legal rights and benefits as others but we are a long way from ending the fear that creates the hate.

I will continue to be out and work toward helping people see that Gays are not to be feared. We just want a life like everyone else. In our relationships we fight about and enjoy the same things as others. We have some that join together and stay together and have some that go from one relationship to another just like everyone else. There is way more that is similar between us then there is that is different. If we could just look for what is common and focus on that this world just might find a way to get along!! I pray for peace daily.
I'm so sick and tired of all the news lately over gay and same sex marriage.The Boy Scouts,the Chik-Fil-a etc.Give me a D*%# BREAK!!!

I'm not or ever will be gay.I've been married to my wife for over 25yrs.
On that note,we have got some of the best freinds,male and female,that are gay and I'm PROUD to call them very close freinds.Not one has ever pushed there beliefes on my DW or I.

Fact of the matter,I prefer to hang out with them in public then some narrow minded idiot that bashes them...

Yes I'm hetero to the core,but sick and tired of the bashing!!!!

Thank you for letting me vent.I hope I do not get points over this.

Same here (but not married quite that long). That's why I'm at this thread..... may be straight but enjoy the company of those who aren't (often moreso).
The whole subject just makes me sad. I have two very close relatives that are open with me about their same-sex relationships, but keep them hidden from the rest of the family. Our family is pretty religious and they very much look down on Homosexuality. Both of my family members are deeply in love with their partners and they have
been together for years. I'm sick of the whole 'being gay is a choice' crap. I could no more chose to be a lesbian than my brother could chose to be straight. My family is also of the mind that being gay is a punishment for past generations sins. After being religious most of my life... I no longer am. They ruined it for me.

I've raised my kids to be very open minded. They
Don't look at gay relationships any different than straight ones. I'm just sort of rambling but I guess I just wanted to say that I long for the
day when someone's sexuality is no longer a defining issue. When all relationships have the same rights and people are judged only by their character.
A little off the subject, but I was at my daughter's house when my granddaughter (who we got from artificial insemination) asked how the two men next door had a baby. My granddaughter was at the time 6 and when my daughter told her about surrogacy, she was so confused that she sat on her bed and drew diagrams of both her conception and Brooklyn's (the new baby) conception and announced that she and everybody else was pretty lucky and that they all had a lot in common!
most people would say its religion that has played a big part in why people think its so wrong (at least most straight people who are pro gay that i know) that the church doesn't believe in marriage unless it's between a man and woman. which truthfully, the church has every right to say who can and can't marry. A state or country who tries to make that decision however, that's a whole nother story.

at least in the states, i can't believe we've gotten so far away from the original freedoms and rights and ideals that were fought so hard for. It's so cliche but people need to "get used to it!" why so many feel like its any business of theirs who someone wants to love is beyond me.

I totally agree OP!!! I have three boys and my oldest two are in Cubscouts. I also happen to be a den leader. I get very worried that people will think I have the same stance on gay rights as the boy scouts. I DO NOT! Our local pack has never once mentioned anything that I would even deem slightly discriminatory towards gays and if they did my boys would not be involved. I am very hopeful that the Boy Scouts stance will change because the scouts really does teach a lot of other great stuff.

I also firmly believe in what a PP said:
I am confident that things will change and everyone will have equal rights. It will be a hard road and I will fully support it!

Change will happen. Discriminating due to sexual orientation is the same as discriminating because of race.
Staight married woman here from NYC and I agree, I don't get the gay bashing or why it's such a big deal to allow gay marriages. I think it's just a way for politicians to divert people's attention from the real problems we face that they are not helping and get them heated over a subject that does not affect our daily quality of life but will get them votes.

Look, if two people love and care for eachother - no mater what their sexuality - they should be able to join together in love, marriag and be recognized as a legal couple. Period. When I married my husband we automatically gained certain legal rights with eachother just becaue we were married. Under the law he is considered my family - next of kin- and can be there whem I'm sick, help make importaant decisions, etc. Well mine and my husbands love and commitment towards eachother is not different from a gay couples love and commitment so they should have the same right and priviledges of marriage as I do. Give me a break! A married gay couple is not hurting my lifestyle, my ability to earn a living, my child, my right to pursue the American dream so why not allow it !?!?!

I'm sorry, I just find it all so ridiculous. Live and let live. We are who we are...born as we should be born...and as many who arugue against gay marriages say - God does not make a mistake...I agree - He does not make mistakes. He created all people of all colors, all sizes and all sexualties. No one is a mistake...everyone is as they should be and difference is wonderful..if everyone and everything was the same, life would be boring.
Wendybird55 said:
Staight married woman here from NYC and I agree, I don't get the gay bashing or why it's such a big deal to allow gay marriages. I think it's just a way for politicians to divert people's attention from the real problems we face that they are not helping and get them heated over a subject that does not affect our daily quality of life but will get them votes.

Look, if two people love and care for eachother - no mater what their sexuality - they should be able to join together in love, marriag and be recognized as a legal couple. Period. When I married my husband we automatically gained certain legal rights with eachother just becaue we were married. Under the law he is considered my family - next of kin- and can be there whem I'm sick, help make importaant decisions, etc. Well mine and my husbands love and commitment towards eachother is not different from a gay couples love and commitment so they should have the same right and priviledges of marriage as I do. Give me a break! A married gay couple is not hurting my lifestyle, my ability to earn a living, my child, my right to pursue the American dream so why not allow it !?!?!

I'm sorry, I just find it all so ridiculous. Live and let live. We are who we are...born as we should be born...and as many who arugue against gay marriages say - God does not make a mistake...I agree - He does not make mistakes. He created all people of all colors, all sizes and all sexualties. No one is a mistake...everyone is as they should be and difference is wonderful..if everyone and everything was the same, life would be boring.

THIS exactly!!! Very well said!
Just stumbled on this thread and noticed a few posts mentioning the church, and the use of the word marriage.

A marriage is granted by the state, the licenses are issued through the state not the church. A marriage gaurantees rights to both individuals be it man and wife, or 2 men or 2 women. These rights include property/ownership rights, hospital rights, inheritance rights, insurance coverages, a myriad of things that many people may take for granted.

A church conducts weddings. A wedding is a spiritual ceremony. This ceremony isn't what grants legal rights to the individuals.

This is a legal issue concerning the rights and freedom of American citizens. In a country where we are supposed to be free, there are still people who do not have the freedom that hetero couples have, and that is sad to me.

As a side note, I have a girl cousin who said if her son turns out to be gay she will kick his butt, I said "why? who cares?". Apparently she just can't or won't accept that possibility. In some cultures and with some religious folks, it's just taboo, it's unthinkable. I feel so sorry for people who are LGBT that come from families that won't accept them, it breaks my heart.
Change takes time and dedication to the cause.

I am confident that things will change and everyone will have equal rights. It will be a hard road and I will fully support it!

A cute story that give me hope....

My husband and I became friends with a gay couple from England while we were visiting a Mexican all inclusive resort. They approached us to take a picture of them while we were sitting in the lobby. Later they told us they felt comfortable because of our NY accents LOL! They had traveled to NY the year prior and thought the city was a very friendly place!

During the trip, DS11 asked me if they were brothers. I told him "no, they are married" (they had wedding rings on!) and his response was "oh".

About 6 months later ds10 came home from school upset that a kid on the bus told him "he looked gay" because he has longer hair and an earring. I explained to him that there is not such thing as "looking gay". "Being gay" just means that you prefer to marry a man if you are a man or marry a woman if you are a woman. (that may be a pretty dumb explanation, but I was caught off guard)

I asked him if he remembered mommy and daddy's friends from Mexico. He said "yes". I said "well they are gay, did they look it?" He was shocked "they were gay...I thought they were friends". I said "yes they are friends, but friends like mommy and daddy are". He was happy with that and I never heard him complain about that kid again.

Maybe the next generation will have much different views!

Im also happy to stumble on this thread :goodvibes Shoney, good for you!:thumbsup2 I have raised my kids with the truth since day 1. I have many gay friends, its never been a big deal to my kids. I just wish everyone could think this way.:sad1: I have a friend who's daughter was asking questions... shes 8 like my ds. My friend choose to ignore the questions of why 2 girls would kiss...her choice...
I was like why dont you just tell her the truth that some girls marry girls and some boys marry boys. and some are born a girl/boy but inside they are a boy/girl. who cares people are people we all bleed red! I have raised my kids this way (My 19 y/o and my 8 y/o) to them its normal... with the chick fil a thing my ds 8 asked me why everyone was mad at chick fil a. I told him what that guy said and my 8 y/o's response was "who cares people are people" I was like yup
Maybe in the coming years after Mark and I have moved to the Florida, we will have the rights to marry... 12 states and counting...
The sad truth about the fight over marriage is summed up in this clip.....for years they didnt want this fact to see the light of day, as it would damped the cause so to speak, but now this woman and several others have come right out and admitted what the agenda is behind the marriage movement. If you go to the 0:56 mark, her response sums up the entire clip. Many on the other side know this and that is why resistance is growing...you be the judge....
The sad truth about the fight over marriage is summed up in this clip.....for years they didnt want this fact to see the light of day, as it would damped the cause so to speak, but now this woman and several others have come right out and admitted what the agenda is behind the marriage movement. If you go to the 0:56 mark, her response sums up the entire clip. Many on the other side know this and that is why resistance is growing...you be the judge....

If someone else could come back with a well thought out and worded response, please do, because I don't even have words for this kind of post. Just... what? No.
The sad truth about the fight over marriage is summed up in this clip.....for years they didnt want this fact to see the light of day, as it would damped the cause so to speak, but now this woman and several others have come right out and admitted what the agenda is behind the marriage movement. If you go to the 0:56 mark, her response sums up the entire clip. Many on the other side know this and that is why resistance is growing...you be the judge....

I listened to the clip and it in no way reflects my thoughts and feelings. I ya be been in a committed same sexy relationship for 25 years. I have the right to have my relationship recognized just like anyone else. As a county we have made more progress than I thought I would ever see.

Anytime someone wants to present a twist to a situation they can always find a person to say what they want. That clip is only one persons view. The voters in 12 states cannot have it that wrong!!!!
I listened to the clip, and it is one person's opinion. It's like listening to some random thoughts of ONE person and then saying they speak for EVERYONE of a certain group, I think that kind of blanket generalization is clearly not logical. The real agenda to the marriage equality movement is ... marriage equality. The right to do as others do, to have the same rights under the law as other married couples do, I mentioned some of the key points previously.

In regards to the subject matter in the audio clip:
There are straight-couples that have gone through multiple divorces and the commonality here is that there is a growing number of step-families, we have already past the point where the number of step-families (both straight or gay couples, makes no difference here) has outnumbered "traditional" two parent families where the mother and father are the biological parents for all children in the household and there has been no divorce.

Despite the fact that step-families will be, or should I say, ARE statistically, the new "normal", I don't see how that should effect the ability for people to get married.

I do believe that the larger point the speaker was trying to make is that family is family, she said her kids had basically 5 parental units, that marriage doesn't necessarily mean much to HER, but it certainly does mean something to most people. I can see her point, when people get married and divorced multiple times, she may be saying why bother getting married at all perhaps? But that is a philosophical (or academic) argument, not really a legal one. I doubt that anyone would toss their legal rights aside to prove a philosophical point.

Clearly divorce happens, and it keeps happening. Statistics show 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce. That doesn't mean people do not have the right to give it their best shot at marriage/re-marriage and their own personal happiness. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, right? I believe in the Golden Rule, do unto others are you would have done unto you. Marriage equality is the right thing to do, in my humble opinion.

Shouldn't the title of this thread be "An Anti-Gay Vent"? This is clearly hateful, homophobic propaganda and it has no place on this board.
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