A Dream Come True - March 2013 Trip Report *Days 3, 4 and 5 added 30.7.13*

Looks like your dd had a Great time :).
I think our next trip in march will be our last on site stay :(.
I think we are going go down the Ap route and stay close by that way I can do more trips.
At least you got DLH such a nice memory :).

I did look at going down the AP route for my next trip in October but as its just DD and I, I wanted the security of staying on site and in my "Disney Bubble".

I will definitely look into it for future trips though, as staying on site, esp during school holidays, is getting increasingly expensive.
I know love being onsite but if it means more trips and we can go in school holiday it win hands down :thumbsup2.
Great TR Panda!
Really enjoyed it and your daughter is gorgeous! Loved all of her dresses.
Fab photos and I loved the shower cap/dressing gown combo :thumbsup2


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