A Disney Fantasy


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May 9, 2003
I want to surprise the kids with a trip to WDW in August -- DS15, DS11, DD9 and DD7. And DD17 if she wants to go but I doubt that.

Frequently, when we're out driving I tell the kids "I wish we could just keep driving to DW!" Well, on July 31 I want to actually do it. Get in the car like we're going to run errands and then just keep on driving to OKW. :wizard: :wizard: [SEE THIS IS A DVC RELATED THREAD.] For 11 hours.

The trick will be disguising the luggage in the back of the Suburban. Maybe as something we're returning to Home Depot. With our crew it's a lot of luggage.

And I have to convince DW who is not a Disney lover.
What a great idea!!!

Maybe if you get DH to agree, he can drive seperately with the luggage? (Yeah, more gas $$$, but it might have your sanity on the long drive home--I'm from a family of 5 kids; I remember those long drives! ;))
We have friends that have done similar things to their kids. They'll take them out of school early and tell them they have doctors appt's. The kids are 3 and 6. So they just sit in the back and don't really pay attention til they get on the plane.
We did a surprise trip with our DDs (ages 7 & 10) last spring break. We actually woke then up at 2 a.m. and asked if they wanted to go to school or Disney today. They had one more day before spring break. It was one of our best trips! Have fun!
Juliet25 said:
What a great idea!!!

Maybe if you get DH to agree, he can drive seperately with the luggage?

I am DH :teeth: ! I would agree to drive separately with the luggage if DW would let us go. Heck, I'd pull it in a rickshaw. I'd be living a childhood fantasy thru my kids -- and kinda thru me too but unfortunately I'm not a kid any more.
I wish I could be there to see the looks on your kids' faces!!!

We pulled a similar trick last month, except it was at the airport. My 5 and 8 yr old thought we were simply taking Grandpa to the airport. When we arrived and asked if they wanted to go along to FL they nearly fell over. In fact, I had to pull their luggage out from hiding before they believed me...then my 8 yr old reported that I "lied" about the whole 'Grandpa going on a trip thing' and should be ashamed of myself!!!

Unfortunately, NO surprises next time...I've been planning next year's trip since we returned home and I can't keep a secret that long!! :goodvibes
I know someone who did just that and it was one of their most memorable trips to Disney yet!!!
You could ship your luggage to your resort ahead of time. We've been shipping our clothing etc for several trips now and it works great.
The following slight variation may work better. It's in the same spirit, but makes the logistics of getting the luggage in the car, and the kids ready for the long trip easier.

When you get up in the morning, say something like "I feel like doing something different today. What do you say we just go to DisneyWorld?".

Then, within an hour of saying that (and assuming you have done all the major preparation beforehand), you can be on the road. It will be just as much of a surprise to them. But will give you time to get them, the car, and the luggage all ready for the long road trip. They'll burn off a bit of energy and be very excited in the house, which you'll be able to enjoy with them as you scurrry around the house.

We have done something similar to the above in the past, and it worked well. The similar was a "spontaneous" trip to see the grandparents at Christmas (a 17 hour drive!).

Good luck



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