2016 - Jennifer's January Jaunt! Semi-Live Report

It's day nine and while I've been missing my family since I left, today I really really miss them. Can't even text anyone till much later in the day because of work and school. I never thought I would miss the teen drama that is my house right now (I have three teen aged daughters and a tween son). And maybe I don't miss the drama and the bickering, but I do miss ... them.
Jennifer, again, thank you for your honesty and insights. When I first read about your trip, I thought 12 days sounded like a long first solo trip. Not sure I will ever take a solo trip (too many Disney loving members in my family and extended family who would invite themselves along!!) but if I did, I'm sure I'd keep in under a week. In fact, when I go to Disney in general I like to keep it a week or less. Any longer feels like I've fled reality for too long since when I am at Disney I keep that bubble perfectly closed!
Enjoying your trip report!
Thank you for your report. I'm thinking of going on a solo trip next year (my first one). It is so nice to hear the ups and downs of going solo. Thank you!
Had a great morning at DHS! Rode Tower of Terror, Toy Story, and Star Tours all with Fast passes. The wait times for stand-by were pretty long - I think it was more busy there than they were expecting today. I was glad for Fast Passes.

I had lunch at Backlot Express - I had the Dark Side burger or whatever it's called. It's a burger with pulled pork on it, on a pumpernickel bread. It was really good!

I've been back at the hotel for an hour or so. I have an ADR at Garden Grill for 4:30, so will head to Epcot in another hour or so. It's a nice day to go swimming!
Loved Garden Grill! But it's another place that would have been less wasteful with the whole family. However - it's great to scout these places out for future trips.

I hung around for Illuminations and it was great - I was questioning the decision around 8 because at that point I had parked myself on a bench and was reading. I'm glad I stayed - any hesitation melted immediately as soon as the show started.

After it ended I poked around in a few gift shops and then eventually planted myself on a bench in the bus area. The Pop bus stop is always a nightmare at the end of the night. It was at least 10 before I got on a bus and even still I had to stand. Finally - time to relax before my long day at Magic Kingdom tomorrow!

My days are winding down, now. Today was kind of emotional - Disney blues in advance, maybe. Going back to the real world means going back into a stressful life and I really don't want that. But maybe I've learned a few things about myself on this trip that will help me deal with some of the stress in a more positive way.
Breakfast at BOG was great! It's a foggy morning - so foggy that standing on Main Street, the castle was not visible at all!
Loved Garden Grill! But it's another place that would have been less wasteful with the whole family. However - it's great to scout these places out for future trips.

I loved garden grill too, it was such a nice surprise. We will definitely be back, I felt guilty about how much I left on the table. My daughter ate literally nothing, so I had a LOT of work to do :)

I am glad you are enjoying your trip but I bet you are tired and miss your family! I wonder why MK is so busy on a random Tuesday?
Jennifer, thank you so much for sharing your honest feelings about your solo trip. I know there are many of us who really appreciate hearing the good, the not so good, and everything in between. You worded everything so perfectly too. I remember my sister telling me that when people hit 50 years old, they become invisible. She was right. Oh, maybe not all the time, but like you said, it's there. Oh, I should clarify, being over 50 is certainly not your case, you're still a young'n, :) but it wasn't something I was expecting just the same.

Sometimes, when at Disney, I feel like I need to escape the theme park crowds and dine in the peace, comfort, and coolness of our air conditioned room, so we (or I, alone) would pick up food at the food court and take it back to our room to eat. It was relaxing. We did that with pizzas at CBR and CSR, sandwiches at BC, and even with pancakes at POR, and at other resorts too.

This is a very brave thing you did, going to Disney solo. I really admire those who do it. I have been contemplating the same thing. Maybe I will. Maybe. Probably not this year or next because I have one or two trips planned with others, but it's always in the back of my mind.

Oh, as for your feet aching. I can relate. Day 3 for me too, is when I start to feel it. I have kept notes, lol. I used to head back to the room mid-day, lay down, and put 5 pillows under my legs until they were practically straight up in the air. On my last trip, I gave myself a couple nights off... just staying in the room with my feet up or hanging out in the lobby or leisurely perusing the resort gift shop. If I pushed it, by trying to do 3 parks in one day to keep up with the family, I paid for it the next day, big time.

You're right though. I bet you really learned a lot about yourself. And even though you miss your family terribly, I think the absence is good too. My kids always appreciate me more when I have been busy with other things that don't include them. ;)

Enjoy the rest of your vacation and thanks again for sharing your feelings with us.
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I enjoyed my day out even though it was hot and more crowded than I was expecting. I got a couple of pressed pennies, played some Sorcerer's, rode a few rides, had a Mickey bar. Ate lunch at Columbia Harbor House and then headed to the Poly. I found Trader Sam's and got a kick out of the antics there. I'm not much of a drinker at all, but I did have a Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Rum and it was good.

I had reservations at California Grill tonight but I just plain don't want to go. I canceled the ADR - if they charge me the $10 then I am prepared for that.

I need to do laundry and I want to get a head start on packing, even though I don't leave until Thursday. There's a lot of stuff I'm not using at this point that could be packed away - less to do later.

For tonight, I think besides the laundry, I just want to relax and maybe get to bed earlier than I have the last few nights.
Never did laundry last night - I fell asleep reading. I finished the book The Martian this morning (haven't seen the movie) and it was fantastic.

Several big tour groups heading to animal kingdom this morning - there were three busses stacked to haul them all. So I changed plans real quick!

Headed to Disney Springs this morning for a little shopping and I might head to animal kingdom later.
I finished the book The Martian this morning (haven't seen the movie) and it was fantastic.

I finished it right before my trip! Wasn't it great?? You'll like the movie, my hubby and I watched it last week. I was glad I read the book first though :)
Hi Jennifer, I can't believe today is your last day! I hope you have a very good last day and a safe trip home. :)
Thank you! I finished packing in the morning, drove to Disney Springs and watched a movie (Revenant - it was good), and then drove off Disney property and sought out a Target, just to walk around and come back to Earth a little, lol!

Right now I'm actually sitting on my plane, waiting to push back from the terminal. Have a great night everyone!
Fairly new to the boards, enjoyed your report! We were at the MK last Tuesday also, had an early BOG which was awesome, we were surprised that we loved the quiche. What room did you dine in? We were one of first ones in so we sat in main room in the center. The west wing was very dark, and they kept the other room blocked off until the first two rooms filled up. We were a bit bummed that we couldn't see the castle thru the fog.. But we got two quick 7dmt rides in so can't beat that. We also ate lunch at the Columbia House.. What a great find that turned out to be. I thought the park was very busy..but that was our only day at MK during our trip so nothing to compare it to, we booked slow season on purpose but it sure felt crazy busy. How many days did you visit MK? The dole whip and Nutella sandwich snacks were so good, glad we read about them here on the boards. We noticed that a good percentage of people pay zero attention where they're going. They suddenly stop, or are texting, or just start walking backwards like they are clueless other people are around!! Greesh..


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