2 Way Radios in WDW-Worth it???


Jan 4, 2003
These seem to be popular. I'd like to buy a set for our trip in August, but I've read mixed reviews. Some people say all you get is other people's conversations.

Have most of you had good or bad results with these? Please let me know the brand/model used if you know so I know what ones to consider and which to rule out.

we bought our 2 ways in the large 24 hr walmart, didn't get expensive ones as they can't be used here in the UK, because of different frequencies, but we did make sure that we got ones with sub channels, and in our 3 week holiday only heard one other person on the same frequency as us. They were a great asset as we have one son who rides everything and one who is a little more..... disearning! so either DH or my self would stay with youngest son and take him off to do something else whilst the other two enjoyed the ride and would just call each other to meet up when finished, it saved a whole lot of waiting around outside rides for them to finish, and meant that we got the most out of our days at the parks.
We use ours every trip. Our girls (15 and 20), or one of us, can go do what we want then meet back up without a lot of waiting. We use ours in the mall sometimes too. Like Snookhams said, be sure to get one with sub channels.
Thanks for responding..I'll definitely be getting a pair since we have kids of totally different ages/heights/fears(!) etc...

I always see people using the walkie talkies so I guess they must be really good and work well. They do get expensive though...
We are planning to use out t-mobile cell phones. Anyone know if there are any issues using them in the parks?



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