08 Marathon(and Half) VIP Packages Update


DIS Veteran
Jul 25, 2006
Here is the news from Disney's Marathon Monthly Email. Mark your calendars :D Remember the Marathon VIP Runner package filled in 1 day and the Half in 2 days. Don't wait after they open it up!

VIP Packages

We are pleased to announce that VIP packages will be available for the 2008 Marathon Weekend. Registration for Runner's VIP Tent and Grandstand Fan VIP Seating will open in early September. An informational e-mail will be sent to all registered runners a week before registration opens. For more information, please continue to check www.disneyworldmarathon.com.
Did ANYONE think it was worth it last year???
Did ANYONE think it was worth it last year???

Hi Anne! :wave:

To answer your question....absolutely NOT!

However, if the temp is cold like it was the year before, I think it would be worth it. Surely the race organizers got wind that it was not what it should be. I never did complain to them last year. I wonder if it's too late.

There was a VIP tent at the Little Rock Marathon this year and the admission price was $25. It was 10 TIMES BETTER than the VIP at WDW. Pizza, Beer, a band (a little loud, I could have done without this), pastries, fruits, cold drinks (Disney had drinks at room temp), bottled water, gu packs, free massages with very little wait time, and so much more than Disney's VIP. Maybe the VIP room will be a little better this year. I'll probably go for it...sucker that I am. ;)
What do you get as part of the VIP package??

Let me see if I can recall - someone help me out if I don't list everything.

One of the draws was that it was going to be a heated tent. The temp at the start of the 2006 marathon was in the high 20's/low 30's. People started gathering around at ~4:00am and standing around for two hours in low temps was miserable...from what I understand. However, it was rather warm this year so the heat was not needed.

There were food and drinks available before the race but most people didn't seem to be taking advantage of the offerings. The flooring was astroturf so you could do some stretches before the race - I guess that was nice. Tables and chairs were available as well. ALso, you could drop off your personal belongings in the tent. The VIP tent offered private port-o-potties (I think only 2 of them) but the line seemed longer than the regular lines outside (although I later heard the lines moved faster at the VIP tent.) I also heard that there were supposed to be Disney characters in the tent but the only characters I saw were those of us that paid $50 dollars to get in. ;)

After the race the VIP tent still had the same foods (fruits and some other things (I can't remember) available but they were also available outside the tent to everyone else - nothing different. Free massages were available but the wait was at least an hour and a half by the time I got there. Who wants to wait around that long? :confused3

I really didn't think the VIP tent was worth the $50. However, it might be this next time if the temp is really cold like it was two years ago. :cold:
This is from Disney's email about it from last Dec:

By purchasing the Runner's VIP Lounge Package, you will receive exclusive pre and post race access to the Runner's VIP Lounge which will include:

Heated tent
Pre-race hot and cold beverages, fruit and bagels
Post-race beverages and snacks
Carpeted area for stretching
Exclusive baggage check
On-site restroom facilities
Post-race massage
Special character greetings.

The Runner's VIP lounge will be open on Saturday, January 6 from 3:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and on Sunday from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A limited number of of packages will be sold for the Marathon and Half Marathon, so register today to ensure your spot.
Heated tent = I think the tent was cooler than the outdoor temps so I thought they had done something.

Pre-race hot and cold beverages, fruit and bagels = not knowing what to expect still brought my own PB bagel and granola. But I DID grab a banana and water. Toss the remaining water in my checked bag LOL

Post-race beverages and snacks = I was feeling sick afterwards so didn't take anything besides not knowing what I'd find after walking across Tent City I decided to grab a bottle at the finish line and a muffin there instead.

Carpeted area for stretching = this was nice. We didn't spot team members and the tables were taken so Susan and I sat on the ground and stretched.

Exclusive baggage check = This was nice though I wish they had something to clip the plastic thingy I used to secure my bag shut. In the future I will just attach it to one of the strings rather that around the neck of the bag. Had I riped my bag I would have been juggling more than a bag, water and my space blanket thingy..

On-site restroom facilities = there was a line up as they were calling for everyone to move to the staging area in the Porta-Potty area. BUT they did have a water thingy, soap and paper towels. BUT here was only 2 or 3 porta potties.

Post-race massage = the wait for me was horrible and I had wanted to try this and when I asked Anne and she told me how long she'd heard the wait was we went back to the room.

Special character greetings. = I agree. The only characters I saw were those of us who paid. I saw Donald out by the stage so possibly he had moved out there before I came in.

Worth it? At the time I said no. I will give it some thought some more and decide again when it opens. It was the 1st year so like others have said could they have looked elsewhere, listened to suggestions and maybe make it better for 2008? I'd be interested in hearing. On the flip side I was a wreck sitting in there because I prefer to be in the staging area waiting. The whole time I sat in the VIP Tent and then waiting in line for the porta potty I kept picturing I'd be the last one squeezed into staging and therefore the last one to cross the start. For me that was too much pressure. Hmmm I might have just answered my own question on if I will do it again or not :laughing:

but I agree with Robert. If this IS something you want to do be prepared. Susan called me as I was driving home from work that day and she signed up, I flew into the house and signed up. I believe we pretty much signed up as they opened it, within the hour of it opening. It was sold out in a flash. If you want it, be ready and watch the site the day it's schedule to open.

Happy training and regardless we'll see you in the parks, expo, pre-race and post-race. Do what's best for you to have the best race you possibly can. You'll be able to spot me pre-race, turning green at the smell of Susan's PB bagel LOL
I'll be the party pooper here.

I think the weather, good, bad or somewhere in between is part of the challange and the memory. If it's cold I'll wear warmer clothes cause guess what you have to go out in it anyway when it's time to race.

I spent the pre race hours with some wonderful WISH team members, we had a Prayer Service and lots of good luck hugs. Then we went to our corrals and watched the special effects.

Erica and I are there for the adventure, I think it takes away from the experience sitting in a tent and watching a part of it.

The other part is I want to have everything under control myself not rely on others to provide anything.,

As for post race, the welcome is open to all, beer and good conversation at the Rose and Crown Pub in Epcot with Robert, Linda, Erica and I.

I'll be the party pooper here.

I think the weather, good, bad or somewhere in between is part of the challange and the memory. If it's cold I'll wear warmer clothes cause guess what you have to go out in it anyway when it's time to race.

I spent the pre race hours with some wonderful WISH team members, we had a Prayer Service and lots of good luck hugs. Then we went to our corrals and watched the special effects.

Erica and I are there for the adventure, I think it takes away from the experience sitting in a tent and watching a part of it.

The other part is I want to have everything under control myself not rely on others to provide anything.,

As for post race, the welcome is open to all, beer and good conversation at the Rose and Crown Pub in Epcot with Robert, Linda, Erica and I.


If I knew it would rain, I would do it otherwise like Dave said hot or cold is part of the experience. I did the 06 Goofy and it was cold but just have to layer up.

We are all in for the post marathon celebration at R&C:banana:
OK, NOW I'll chime in..
We did pay the money for the VIP tent..thinking it would be cold..and anything to make it more comfortable for DH.
To be fair, I am a back of the packer half marathoner. So, those who are faster may have had a different experience arriving earlier.
The main thing is, you are isolated from the WISH group. I don't know what I was thinking..as this was my first WDW half..Maybe I thought I could pop into the VIP tent whenever and back out..No way..The tent was waaaaaay away from everything else. So, we didn't go in at the beginning. I was mostly interested in the post race massage, for my money. The camaraderie with WISHers far trumps any VIP tent, IMO.
After the race, I was heat stressed, and upset when told there were no more medals. Walked waaaayyy over to the tent where there were two people to check that you had a wristband before letting you enter. Once inside, the only event people were stressed masseurs. Bottled water was hot, oranges were not sliced, and the massage list was into hours. getnthiner/Wendy was the only bright spot..and she got the worst of me. Just my experience....


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