PACKING TIPS-- Post yours here!

Don't know if this was mentioned already but I will post it anyway.

A few days before packing I put a good smelling dryer sheet or two in our siutcases. That way our suitcases smell nice and our clothes will too :)
LindsayDunn228 said:
Don't know if this was mentioned already but I will post it anyway.

A few days before packing I put a good smelling dryer sheet or two in our siutcases. That way our suitcases smell nice and our clothes will too :)

Oh I love this idea!!! Thanks for sharing it!!
Oh i guess i should start packing some time soon, since we are leaving in 6 days and i have nothing packed at all... well i do have all my kitchen stuff together in the pantry, breakfast stuff, travel snacks, cooking basics, ect. but not clothes haven't even emptied my suitcases out of the storage stuff that's in them in my closets... these are all great tips!!!
DisneyObsessive said:
my mom always taught me to roll the clothes to make room... and they WONT get wrinkled if you just roll them up like you would a beach towel... NOT bunch them in a ball lol.

i have a small toiletries bag, its like the size of a small handbag, i carry it on in a backpack. i tend to do the bag within a bag thing for my carry on and atleast the airports here (JFK and LGA) dont care.

Great picture from the Tower of Terror! :rotfl: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I TRY to make a list but I don't always get that far. I DO pack all undergarments and toiletries in Ziploc's. I can't even imagine packing individual outfits. My DH would really think I filpped! My DH's philosophy is "if we forgot it we'll just buy it." I know that could be pricey, depending on what we forgot, but so far we've only forgotten toothpaste and nail clippers. (The nail clippers were to cut the zip ties off our luggage.) I wonder if he would go for..."Honey, umm, I seemed to have forgotten my wedding ring...I'll just run out and buy a new one."???:rotfl2:
LindsayDunn228 said:
Don't know if this was mentioned already but I will post it anyway.

A few days before packing I put a good smelling dryer sheet or two in our siutcases. That way our suitcases smell nice and our clothes will too :)

I like that idea. I have an "issue" with things that smell :crazy2: . Don't ya love the many uses of dryer sheets :)
4fireworks said:
I like that idea. I have an "issue" with things that smell :crazy2: . Don't ya love the many uses of dryer sheets :)

2 more ways to use dryer sheets
- if you have a camper, when your winterizing it, put dryer sheets in some of the nooks and cranies and it will keep out any mice who want to live there for the winter out. Sorry.....I am ALL ABOUT MM, just not his tiny cousins ::MickeyMo :confused3 !
-if you tuck some in your pocket when you are outside, they will keep the mosquitos away.Two different people told me that? I haven't tried it yet, and don't think I will this season.*west nile virus found in a few birds in my town :scared1: , think I'll stick to the strong stuff!!
monarchsfan16 said:
Open drawer. Pull out all pairs of shorts I own (about 4 pair). Set on chair. Pull out all swim suits I own. Set those on chair. Pull out 8 or 9 shirts (depending on length of trip). Set those on chair. Close drawer. Move to next one. Open it. Pull out 10 pair of underwear (mom always taught me to pack extra :confused3 and ten's a nice round number). Pull out about 10 pair of socks too. Also as many bras as I own. Next drawer. Pull out 4 or 5 pairs of pajamas. One pair for every two nights. Next drawer. Grab a big t-shirt for hiking to the pool. All this stuff gets stacked on the chair.
Now. Start rolling everything like beach towels like someone else suggested. I'm an ace suitcase stuffer. You'd be shocked at what I can put into a little suitcase if you give me enough time. Put all those rolled up things in the suitcase.
Next pull out the flip flops. For Disney I mostly wear sneakers so I only need one or 2 pair of flip flops. Those go in the outside pocket of the suitcase.
Toiletries: any shower stuff goes in plastic bags then gets thrown into the top of the suitcase. Toothbrush, razor blades, toothpaste, deoderant, etc gets put in my little toiletry bag than thrown into the suitcase.
Oh, I do generally place a change of clothes, a swim suit, and pair of pj's in my carryon. Also put the retainers and the meds in my carry on.

I pack like you. I start out with good intentions of organizing and so on but end up with old faitful way.

It always seems to work too!! Don't usually forget anything, but I do tend to overpack clothes.
SnowyPrincesses:) said:
In order to save money on snacks and stuff we line our suitcases w/pop cans and tubes of pringles, plus as we use them up we have room for anything we buy.

I did the same....I packed dried fruit, chips, oreos, etc into one full size suitcase....saved alot of money on snacks on the trip and had a whole suitcase for all the stuff we bought......BUT:I was still one suitcase short (needed two suitcase for the things we bought)...BRIGHT SIDE: Gave me an excuse to buy a piece of Disney luggage
weluvdizknee said:
On our last flight, my nail polish leaked on the way to Florida. I carried on, had it in my make-up bag which was luckily also inside a ziplock bag. The smell was strong during the entire flight, and the mess it made was a lasting one. The airline assistant said that was quit common, mostly with new/never opened jars, because the polish expands during the flight and breaks the jar/lid seal. My tip: never pack nail polish on a flight!

That's great information! Never occurred to me that a nail polish bottle would break during flight because of the expansion. Yikes!
don't have a suitcase each. if a group of you are going, share your clothes between eachothers suitcases. that way if a case goes missing/gets delayed, you won't be without anything to waer. we made the mistake of having a suitcase each a few years ago. my case did not make the connectiong flight from miami, and turned up two days later. its not much fun when your left with nothing to wear
lsteadman said:
Don't take all of the stuff list on the packing list flotting around these boards you won't use half of it.
Be sure to take and use deodorant :rotfl: We all know when someone standing in front of us does not. Especially when doing the wave (yucky stinky) :rotfl2:
We always take a suitcase that is almost empty, so we have room for the return trip home. It is also worth it to us to pay the shipping if something is fragile. We just have the store ship it home for us. We always include some plastic hangers and clothes pins in our extra bag. When clothes get wet, we just hang them up to dry. Because they are really cheap, if we need the space, we can just leave them.
Suscribing....Less than 12 days!!!!!!!! (The ticker's wrong)
Oh awesome. There are some really good tips in here. And yes, I just got done reading all 11 pages. haha. Wrote down all the tips I liked it. :)
We bought an expandable duffle bag. It starts off the size of a small purse (all zipped up). When you unzip it, it expands out to a 26" duffle bag for souveniers. We got it at WalMart for about $9.50. We always take it so that we have an entire bag for souveniers!
my tips:

- you can wear a pair of jeans twice (unless you have bad odors haha)
- roll your clothes
- if you're taking more than 1 pair of shoes, say a pair of flip-flops and some tennis shoes, wear the tennis shoes to the airport since flip-flops take up a really small space
- ziploc bags are a must for any toiletries you don't want to spill; SHARE shampoo with people so you don't have to take up suitcase space with big bottles
- always take a garbage bag or a plastic bag for dirty laundry


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