Parks dress code?

Some religions have much higher standards for dress and how much skin can be shown. So logically people of those religious beliefs will be offended by those who are dressed very provocatively. I am only trying to gauge if there is a standard that can be set and enforced that would allow for all to be comfortable in the parks.
Well, since some religions believe that none of a woman's skin can be shown, I guess you're suggesting that women need to wear a burqa?

To put it bluntly, those who believe a woman should be covered need to just get over it that not all hold those beliefs and there will be women with varying amounts of skin showing. Conversely, those who do not believe in a woman covering up need to get over the fact that some people do and those women will be wearing coverings. That's how it's comfortable for everyone in the parks (or anywhere)...a simple acceptance that not everyone shares the same set of beliefs and we all need to respect that.
Some religions have much higher standards for dress and how much skin can be shown. So logically people of those religious beliefs will be offended by those who are dressed very provocatively. I am only trying to gauge if there is a standard that can be set and enforced that would allow for all to be comfortable in the parks.
In today's wacky, divisive society, where we can't even agree on the most basic, common sense things, park leadership will NEVER...I repeat NEVER... successfully identify any standard allowing "all to be comfortable" - i.e. for guests to feel the culture/atmosphere is acceptable.

I personally dislike most organized religions and certain political leanings. I see many wearing shirts and hats with slogans touting the superiority of their beliefs - some quite insulting or dismissive in tone towards others who don't share those beliefs. This could offend me. But I support their right to wear those tshirts and am not offended. Because I know it's a slippery slope.
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What are your thoughts on the WDW Parks dress code? I may be in the minority, but I think it needs to be enforced more often than it does. I have seen young ladies that have less than 20% of their overall body covered. This is not proper attire for a family resort. Not everyone shares the same tastes and some depending on religion have much higher standards when it comes to modesty. I have seen the trend where it seems that young ladies dress as provocatively as possible and then take to tic tok to complain when they are removed from the parks or asked to cover up. Woman have worked for years to level the playing fields and I feel this sets that effort back. I know the opposing argument will be that a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants and not get ogled, or talked about. In a perfect world this is correct, but it will never truly happen. There will always be those, both men and women who stare, take pictures, talk about and sometimes even confront a very scantily clad young lady. This is human nature and as I said is due to the very diverse cultures and varying religious beliefs of those in the parks. Just as someone would feel they are entitled to dress in any manner they choose, others have an equal right to be offended by the way they dress.

Just wondering what the thoughts of others are.

I mind my own business.
As an older male who has viewed many conversations like this over the years, I find it interesting and sad that a common theme around a thread like this is it's about how the women dress. Almost always about the outrage of women wearing this or wearing that, or not wearing this and that. I find it a bit naive and insulting.

I'm wondering how many pools they have at Disney? Way more than they have parks. Lots and lots of kids and family time at the pools...... Do folks not take their kids to the pools in the summer heat because women are wearing 2-piece swim suits? The whole conversation seems to slanted to individual perceptions of what other people should be doing or wearing. If someone at the park is wearing something you don't like, keep walking or leave. It's not likely to be different at Universal or the Tampa Zoo or Legoland......
I care more that some guests stink. I could care less what they are wearing.
Right? I am also greatly offended by men in tank tops and flip flops who haven't groomed, showered or cared for their feet in months - maybe years. I vote we worry far less about what women wear and focus a lot more on MEN. Let's dissect their poor dress and personal care. :rotfl:
Do I also get to complain about guys going shirtless and/or wearing their shorts/pants with the waistband precariously balanced below their hipbones? I can live without facing hundreds of butt-cracks and droopy love-handles whilst standing in a ride queue.
I saw a custom Disney shirt with a curse word in Spanish. I thought they made you turn those inside out? I guess nobody cared enough to do anything about it.

That's the closest thing I've come to anybody's clothes "offending" me, and I thought it was funny.

Nobody is making you go to WDW, and if you're offended by other humans wearing clothes, there's plenty of other places in the world to go. Or go when it's freezing. Problem solved.

I recommend you also avoid public pools anywhere in FL if park attire is problematic.
For anyone curious, these are the official WDW Dress Guidelines:

Inappropriate Attire

Disney reserves the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that is considered inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other Guests. Attire that is not appropriate for the parks—and which may result in refusal of admittance—includes but is not limited to:

  • Costumes and costume masks, which may not be worn by Guests 14 years of age or older.
  1. Specific Halloween and Christmas events. See below.
  2. Some outfits inspired by Star Wars. Learn more
  • Clothing with objectionable material, including obscene language or graphics
  • Excessively torn clothing
  • Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family environment
  • Clothing that touches or drags on the ground
  • Clothing with multiple layers is subject to search upon entry
  • Objectionable tattoos
As an older male who has viewed many conversations like this over the years, I find it interesting and sad that a common theme around a thread like this is it's about how the women dress. Almost always about the outrage of women wearing this or wearing that, or not wearing this and that. I find it a bit naive and insulting.
Exactly. The issue with dress codes at schools for instance is that they almost always punish the girls/women. Honestly just not fair or okay.

Personally I have more of an issue with men wearing tank tops. I don't really want to see that but you know what I can just turn away and stop looking.
I have more issues with people wearing shirts with NSFW words/imagery on it (which I see all the time, especially at Epcot for whatever reason) than anything else. I'm all for enforcing the established dress code but I don't agree with having people dress to other people's religious standards.
Maybe they should hire some international cultural exchange workers from some of the conservative countries. We could require all women to be checked out by the Taliban prior to entering the park.

That seems a tad on the Extreme.
Exactly. The issue with dress codes at schools for instance is that they almost always punish the girls/women. Honestly just not fair or okay.

Personally I have more of an issue with men wearing tank tops. I don't really want to see that but you know what I can just turn away and stop looking.

One time I saw a funny interaction. There was a guy with the sleeves of his t-shirt rolled up over his shoulders in the group waiting for Gaston to come out. Gaston came out and greeted the ladies, then he spotted this guy, walked over, shook his head, and pulled his sleeves down! 🤣 Nope, Gaston was not having it!
Some religions have much higher standards for dress and how much skin can be shown. So logically people of those religious beliefs will be offended by those who are dressed very provocatively. I am only trying to gauge if there is a standard that can be set and enforced that would allow for all to be comfortable in the parks.
No. You can’t please everyone, as the song says.


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