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That would be a perfect second contract for me.
I am torn about buying another SSR contract or having my second contract be a different resort. Either AKV, BRV or BLT.
All are my favorite resorts.
BLT has a longer expiration and I think is worth the investment with the variety of rooms available and proximity to MK, Monorail.

AKV also has amazing rooms and is only a few years behind BLT. And prices may drop on resale even more right now since Disney is currently running a direct promo on AKV.

BRV has captured my attention recently too. The Wilderness Lodge is one of the best themed resorts at Disney. The ability to buy it a low enough price during this time would make it so in the end it wouldn't matter to sell because I would have gotten what I paid for and still saved on Disney trips. Bonus: this resort is only a boat ride away from MK.

Right now I think all 3 are very tempting choices, you just have to decide which better suits your vacation style and needs.

Buying into another resort does give you the option for the 11month booking window. You could do the 2 or 3 year banking trick at the new resort at the 11 month window. You would need it for standard rooms at BLT and Kilmanjaro and Value rooms at AK.
As long as you look for the same UY, combining points is easier at the 7 month window.
Disney actually makes more money by selling it at new pricing and giving owners only 42 years like they did with VGF2. They can flip it and sell it again faster - $217/42 is more $ for them than $217/50 😊 and people are eating VGF2 up. Timing will be similar on poly - 42ish years left there too when it becomes available. Speculation is our entertainment as we sit here waiting for news on VDH 😂

Except that leaves out the restrictions which was part of the game plan prior to the pandemic. That is a pretty big concept for them.

Yes, they did add the resort studios to VGF, but to me, as I have said, that doesn't seem like something that would sell well as its own association and was done as stop gap before VDH and the Poly tower would go on sale.

If VDH has restrictions...and yes, I know that its different...then DVD has not abandoned the concept and leads one to think that Poly tower has a good chance of having them as well. If VDH does not, then there is no need for Poly tower not to be part of PVB.

Also, there is nothing to say that DVD has to make Poly tower 50 can be 42 to match PVB, and still be a new association with restrictionsnothing would surprise me at this point.
Update on my quest to get that record setting BCV contract- Can't get anyone to dip below 130. Trying again today 😁. Also sellers take forever to get these papers back in notarized!
How many points you looking for as a few listings in $130’s at about 200pts
Chanes---$90-$12000-120-SSR-Mar-0/22, 240/23, 120/24-We pay maintenance23- sent 3/21 passed 3/27

we will have 470 points in total and we bought our first contract last September 🫣😅
Update: it was actually sent to ROFR on the 21. Not sure what happened, but no biggie.
Just heard back we passed ROFR today!!
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The first real litmus test will probably be after 2042, when a handful of resorts expire. Especially the two most popular in crescent lake. After that, 11 month booking advantage will become much more important. But as I’ve said, it’s still 19 years away and people are still more interested in buying the cheapest points possible like SSR to use on the network. Can’t say that I blame them at all.loop

Update on my quest to get that record setting BCV contract- Can't get anyone to dip below 130. Trying again today 😁. Also sellers take

Update on my quest to get that record setting BCV contract- Can't get anyone to dip below 130. Trying again today 😁. Also sellers take forever to get these papers back in notarized!
I bought BCV at $145 and $150pp a year ago with loaded contracts. I would not touch any BCV over $125. The money does not make sense higher than that. BCV are effectively booked solid through 2023,so it is an 18 year contact. I think most of those BCV owners thinking those contracts are worth $140 and up are in lala land.
I bought BCV at $145 and $150pp a year ago with loaded contracts. I would not touch any BCV over $125. The money does not make sense higher than that. BCV are effectively booked solid through 2023,so it is an 18 year contact. I think most of those BCV owners thinking those contracts are worth $140 and up are in lala land.
The board sponsor has a 250 point BCV contract on sale for $185 pp. It's been on the market for 10 months. Every time I see that one I just shake my head. I can understand sellers not in a hurry to sell waiting out this market, but the clock is ticking on the 2042 resorts.
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Did anybody notice the 100pt RIV resale last week listed for $110? It’s gone already. The true test is coming these next few years. Up to now the little resale that spilled out was scooped up by Direct owners happily interested in some extra points at a discount or the very limited crowd who only wants RIV. As inventory surpasses that niche demand it’ll become more competitive. I think that is starting soon, around 50 contracts out there currently.

After considering all the conversations here pro/con to keep restrictions, I think they’ll move on to a different strategy. Just my guess. At minimum they are obviously keeping their foot in the door to swing either way with VGF2 unrestricted and waiting so long to confirm DHV.

Do they really want to change the product that much? A huge selling point to DVC direct and resale was one big happy family for the most part where all owners could envision trips in all resorts. To me that seems core to the brand For having immense perceived value. Having some complicated system with strings of asterisks is definitely not as inviting. Sure maybe resale prices don’t phase DVC much but it’s still part of the brand’s image. Not everyone is 100% emotional buyer. Watching new restricted resorts lose more value much quicker than traditional is concerning along with trying to wrap your head around how restrictions may play out during the contract’s future. It’s deviating too much from what made DVC such a beloved brand.
They shouldn't be irritated....that's what they bought... I hope nobody is buying Poly with the expectation there would eventually be 1 and 2 BR units available.
Well, as a VGF1 owner, I thought that VGF1 was what I bought too. I didn't want or need VGF2, but DVC added it to the existing association anyway. I really wish they would have kept it 2 separate associations.
Alright quick advice is appreciated. How do other members feel on AKL at $100.00 per point? I just had an accepted offer and I was hoping to get a little better of a deal with closing or dues paid by the seller but no luck. It is a smaller contract but will increase my AKL points up. We fell in love the resort after our last stay there. Plus I think when the rooms get redone it will be even better. Thanks all!!
Well, as a VGF1 owner, I thought that VGF1 was what I bought too. I didn't want or need VGF2, but DVC added it to the existing association anyway. I really wish they would have kept it 2 separate associations.
Whats the advantage of keeping it separate for an owner?
Whats the advantage of keeping it separate for an owner?
It means that my probability of getting a Deluxe Studio (in the original building with a proper kitchenette, and more importantly, 2 showers) is much greater. The DLX studios go much faster than the hotel rooms...
I bought BCV at $145 and $150pp a year ago with loaded contracts. I would not touch any BCV over $125. The money does not make sense higher than that. BCV are effectively booked solid through 2023,so it is an 18 year contact. I think most of those BCV owners thinking those contracts are worth $140 and up are in lala land.
Totally agree. They are not budging either. They do not make sense to buy until the low $100s. Just like these BWVs.
Alright quick advice is appreciated. How do other members feel on AKL at $100.00 per point? I just had an accepted offer and I was hoping to get a little better of a deal with closing or dues paid by the seller but no luck. It is a smaller contract but will increase my AKL points up. We fell in love the resort after our last stay there. Plus I think when the rooms get redone it will be even better. Thanks all!!
I’d say that’s most likely a good price on any AKV contract but depending on the points situation it could make it a more/less great price. Like I said though, that’s pretty low for what I’ve seen.
I’d say that’s most likely a good price on any AKV contract but depending on the points situation it could make it a more/less great price. Like I said though, that’s pretty low for what I’ve seen.
great thanks! It is for a 40 point contract, so it isn't breaking the bank getting the points. Even with closing costs factored it is around $114.00 per point. I have a small 25 point contract currently there (I paid 120 per point for these AKL a few years ago) , so adding these points will help get some of the club level rooms sometimes for a few days with the family! I appreciate your feedback.
great thanks! It is for a 40 point contract, so it isn't breaking the bank getting the points. Even with closing costs factored it is around $114.00 per point. I have a small 25 point contract currently there (I paid 120 per point for these AKL a few years ago) , so adding these points will help get some of the club level rooms sometimes for a few days with the family! I appreciate your feedback.
Wow I think that’s an awesome deal for that small of a contract! I had been looking for a small contract and couldn’t get most sellers to budge under $130 so I just offered on a larger contract instead. Nice work!
Whats the advantage of keeping it separate for an owner?
In the case of VGF2 it was a downgrade for a prior owner. Now all those people buying VGF points aren’t all buying for those resort studios. They want the deluxe studios with the 2 showers and kitchenette and also some want the 1&2br. 2br standard was already a challenge to get at certain times and gets even harder with a bigger pool of owners and no more 2BR standards added 😊 on the flip side a poly 2 would be upside for current owners - giving 1 and 2br options and a bigger pool to consume those overpriced bungalows 😂 So as an owner of both, I’m salty about VGF2 but rooting for Poly2 😂😂😂
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