The Running Thread -- 2022

I don't know if any of you ever listened to the podcast not real runners, but Sarah's husband was in a very bad bicycle accident, multiple broken vertebrae, sternum and more. Her and John (the co host) made awesome costumes, and use to participate in many run disney and rock n roll races. I ran into once at a Joanne's and they were very kind and encouraging.

Here is a link to a go fund me,
Triathlon Esprit Montréal- My first triathlon super-sprint race report

At the beginning of summer 2021, when the nth race was being canceled, DD found a triathlon, learned to swim better than for survival and raced it a month later. It was an interesting process, learning about marking, transitioning and managing the whole thing. So I said that if she ever was doing a second one, I would join her.

Early August 2022, she asked me to register her to the Triathlon Esprit Montréal and we both did! Initiation for me and U15 participation for her, same start and distances.

We had access to our community pool for another month so I went about twice a week. Total pool training sessions: About 8x400m

I also tried to swim in open water. My first attempt was terrible but I learned a lot: The darkness of the water and the white trail left by my hands, the algae, the fear of fish (why did someone had to tell me they got bitten once), the lack of spacial references, the waves… Everything required an adaptation. I managed to squeeze in four sessions in open water.

I have a city bike and I had used it in June for the Tour de l’Île. Then to go to the pool (500m each way) during summer. I added two 10k in the last week before the triathlon for good figure.

Running wise, I am trained for a marathon.

The organization
A big bravo to the Triathlon Esprit Montréal for preparing the athletes: Clear participant guide, recorded FB presentation, rapid answers to questions, packet’s pickup, swim practice at the venue and presale of parking passes. But the one particularly awesome thing was their clinic My first triathlon! It was not just a course walk-through, it was tricks of how and what to do. Real coaching for beginners.

Race day
Sunny and 28°C to 30°C. Water temperature: A welcoming 22°C!

We were ready but shuffled a bit when we realized that we had to leave earlier than planned due to road delays. Montreal is known for its construction orange cones.

We made it to the transition zone 20 minutes before the start and even had a minute to test the water. Silver swim cap were offered to everyone who wanted to be monitored closely due to being less comfortable in water.

🏁The rolling starts, waves of six participants spaced by 10 sec, was a bit awkward due to the fact that “go” meant ok to cross the running path, try to stop before the official starting mat to then restart with the whistle. The Olympic Bassin, typically used for the canoe, kayak, dragon boat competitions, was well attended with safety personnel including scuba divers! 🏊🏻‍♀️ I swam the 375m U in less than 10 minutes using more backstroke, my favourite, than planned. DD did it in less than 7 minutes, cutting her last year time by half.

I took my sweet time in the transition, given that I did not have any particular objective. 🚴🏻 My bike chain fell off on the first pedal stroke so I learned to replace it on the gear. With greasy hands I finally took some speed on the Gilles Villeneuve F1 Circuit. If we remove two minutes for the chain, we can say that both DD and I completed the 9.4km in about 20 minutes.

The second transition was faster. 🏃🏼‍♀️Volunteers cheered me up until one finally told me that I had my bike helmet still on. I decided not to go back and ran the 2.5km with it 🤦🏻‍♀️ I still finished first in my AG for that portion, at a 5:12min/km average speed. My triathlon total finish time is 50:23. DD also ran to her HM pace at 4:08min/km for a total finish time of 40:26.

We gathered our stuff and grabbed a lunch/snack bag: Montréal bagel, humus, fruits, juice, candy, granola bar and chocolates.

I was surprised throughout the day to meet familiar faces and friends. It made me realize how close I am to that community and I liked it. I also enjoyed the opportunity to cross train during summer without it being a burden. DD and I wholeheartedly agreed that, if possible, we would attempt the Sprint next year (she will be considered in the 16+ AG). We can see how much fun we had in the free pictures!

Volunteers cheered me up until one finally told me that I had my bike helmet still on. I decided not to go back and ran the 2.5km with it 🤦🏻‍♀️
Way to go! And this is so funny to me. I especially love it because one of my costumes this year may or may not have me wearing a helmet… haha.
Anyone having problems with the weather widget on the Garmin watches? In the past couple of days the weather has stopped showing correctly on my Garmin. Either it doesn't display at all or the weather is behind (it is 72 outside right now but its showing 64). I have tried to power down and reboot both the watch and phone. Disconnected my watch and repaired it to the Connect app. So far can't get it to correct itself. I think there may have been an update recently as the Connect app has asked me a couple of times over the past few days to connect a device even though my watch is connected.
Anyone having problems with the weather widget on the Garmin watches? In the past couple of days the weather has stopped showing correctly on my Garmin. Either it doesn't display at all or the weather is behind (it is 72 outside right now but its showing 64). I have tried to power down and reboot both the watch and phone. Disconnected my watch and repaired it to the Connect app. So far can't get it to correct itself. I think there may have been an update recently as the Connect app has asked me a couple of times over the past few days to connect a device even though my watch is connected.
Whenever this happens with my watch, I force quit the Connect app. Once it syncs again, the weather widget updates as it should.
Anyone having problems with the weather widget on the Garmin watches? In the past couple of days the weather has stopped showing correctly on my Garmin. Either it doesn't display at all or the weather is behind (it is 72 outside right now but its showing 64). I have tried to power down and reboot both the watch and phone. Disconnected my watch and repaired it to the Connect app. So far can't get it to correct itself. I think there may have been an update recently as the Connect app has asked me a couple of times over the past few days to connect a device even though my watch is connected.

I gave up using weather on my VA3. Was having the same issues as you, pretty much. Got sick of constantly having to deal with fixing it (can't remember what I did--clearly nothing that was a permanent fix!)
Silver circle is scrambling to put together a marathon on Oct 2nd. Probably will have a HM as well. They have a good relationship with Oconomowoc so I would say the odds are good they can put something together quickly for that date. I’ve run with them tons of times and they put on a quality race. The Madison HM/M is Nov 13th if that’s an option as well.
I am feeling incredibly frustrated and angry with my city today. I was supposed to run a half marathon on 10/2, but today it was announced that the event is cancelled. The race organizers had to plan a new course due to major construction and got verbal approval on it a few months ago, but now they’re saying they were unable to get the permits from the city. This is not the first time this has happened - another event here had the same problem with trying to work with city but not being able to get the necessary permits. That race organization was silent for months about the status of the event, which was a red flag, and then officially cancelled relatively last minute. I don’t know what the problem is, but it’s clear it’s coming from the city and it’s so aggravating that they obviously don’t want to work with race organizers to make these races happen. Other cities are hosting large running events but not here. We’re losing so many great ones. :(
I received an email from Silver Circle that they are putting on both a Marathon and a Half Marathon on October 2nd in Oconomowoc. All permits are in hand. The cost is only $25-$30 with all proceeds going to charity. Silver Circle has stepped up big time and I hope many of the M and HM runners that got hosed by the other race organizers will support Silver Circle and race on the day they trained for.

@*DisneyDreamer , DM me if you are interested and cannot find the registration info.
Race recap: Air Force Half Marathon
Saturday September 17, 2022
Where: Wright Patterson Airforce Base near Dayton, OH

Before the race started, multiple Air Force parachuters jumped and landed next to the start line. It was really cool! Start line fireworks were really good too. The half and full started at the same time and shared portions of the course.

This was the hilliest half marathon we've ever done. I hate hills! I really need to start checking elevation charts before signing up for races. I did a hilly half in May and fell apart on the hills. My goal for this race was to not walk on the hills. And to find more joy in the race itself regardless of my time.

On the hills I kept repeating in my head "I am in control, I am in control." This mantra really helped me avoid the negativty that crept in my head on hills in the past. I was in control and accomplished my goals! I finished in 2:18, which is fine given the hills and weather (red flag conditions).

They had lots of aircraft lining the last .2 miles on the course. It was one of the most unique and memorable finish lines.

Overall, we really enjoyed this race, especially the strong patriotic vibe. Logistics were a bit annoying given its size, but we'd do it again in a few years.
QOTD: (Inspired by my a.m. run and by @gosalyn_mallard 's hill challenge)

Do you have any running mantras? I mean, the things you tell yourself while you're out there getting it done, not the "inspirational posters" that you hang on your wall about running in general.

I have a couple, one of which I used today. It is "Breath, Buns, Bhandas" --usually said while going up a hill, it's my way of reminding myself to breathe to support the effort, let those big glute muscles do the major work, and keep a solid core (don't lean over)

Another one I tell myself--usually during a training run that isn't going all that great is "This is why we train". In other words, it may be ugly now, and it takes time to get to where you need/want to be.
Do you have any running mantras? I mean, the things you tell yourself while you're out there getting it done, not the "inspirational posters" that you hang on your wall about running in general.
Sometime I talk to myself like I am encouraging someone else. Like, “You got this” or “You’re doing great”. I read somewhere a while back that self talk saying “you” rather than “I” was more effective. Usually I use this during hard efforts like intervals.
One I recently heard that has stuck with me is “We are the lucky ones”. I’m sure most of you know who Tommy Rivs Puzey is and his amazing story. Anyway, this was part of his IG post from Boston marathon this year. It puts any discomfort or struggle I am having in perspective and confirms to me that I am doing this because I want to and I can. I’m grateful that I can.
ATTQOTD: Breathe, smile, you can do this.

The smile part is particularly important. The first guided run I listened to was mentioning how Kipchoge was always smiling during his first sub two hours marathon attempt. That forcing yourself to smile when a run was difficult was sending your body into a positive retroaction loop. I confirmed that it does help me during hard intervals and races. My body seems to remember this and starts smiling on its own when running fast 😁


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