Sister Wives

And I'm agreeing with you for almost all other circumstances. I believe Christine bears some of the responsibility to explain because she *chose* this life in which to raise her kids. She *chose* to parent with only a fraction of a spouse. But in this circumstance, I believe almost anyone else would have found a way to be there. So in this case, I would not run interference and cover for him.

Christine apparently did explain. So I was wrong in my post anyway.

I caught the last five minutes again and she said she explained and Ysabel was fine and understood. But Ysabel was not fine and did not understand. Do not know if Christine was just playing nice or that neither parent realized Ysabel herself was not letting out her truth, well except to production.

Something seems off to me somewhere, beyond Kody being an ***.

To me, and I understand I am alone in this viewpoint - it has nothing to do with running interference or excuses at all. I too think with testing to make sure Ysabel was okay going into surgery, and testing when home for the group a middle ground was there.
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Christine to Ysabel - your dad can’t come with you to support you during your surgery because he can’t stand the thought of being away from Robyn for 6 weeks. But, he is totally cool with being away from you for 6 weeks. No real good way to sugarcoat that fact.

Got it. But I do not think it was 100% a Robyn issue. And I see I was wrong anyway as I noted above, Christine said she did explain and she said Ysabel understood it all.

I do struggle with the saying one thing to Kody and another to the camera. That is very separate issue to Kody being an *** and making poor decisions, which is a given even when I question others.
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This has been touched on previously but I will say it again. They seemed like so much more of a functional family in the first season.

I am several seasons behind, I initially watched for a glimpse into another culture and I found the family fascinating and could see aspects of myself in each of the wives but as time went on I found them tiresome. I don't know if it was Robyn coming into the family, being on the show, or the move to Nevada but something changed. They stopped being one family as opposed to 4 separate families and I got sick of houses and weddings.

I miss the first season Browns. I totally get why Christine wanted to move back to Utah.
I've watched every season and there is definitely more relationship issues this season. Although, Christine indicated things were not good for her and Kody in Nevada, which is news to me. At this point his relationship with Robyn seems to be the strongest. Meri seems to always be hoping things for her and Kody will change. And I don't think Janelle really cares either way and just enjoys the lifestyle. But...she made it very clear she would not move back to Utah.
New episode last night. Kody is ranting about 2 of his wives "traveling". Christine is taking care of HIS DAUGHTER's serious spinal issue. And Janel was helping out while HIS DAUGHTER had her own daughter's limb amputated. Just when I didn't think it was possible to hate him any more.

It was heartbreaking to see the scenes for next week with Ysabel in pain asking about Kody and saying to "tell him I miss him". That poor girl. Then Robyn crying and saying she wishes they could circle around Izzy. Well Robyn, they can't. And it's not Covid's fault. It's YOUR FAULT. YOU are the one keeping Kody from his daughter in her hour of need.

So Kody now says the 5th house is a rental house? LOL, that's hysterical. We all know it's his escape hatch.

And Meri, I have some advice. If you're meeting someone in an attempt to reconnect with a better relationship, don't wear a shirt that says "only kinda care".

Kody says Covid has revealed them. Well, it certainly has. But I don't think it's in the way he thinks. He's not the head of the family any more. And it's not Covid's fault. It's because he's an *** and has left the wives no other choice but to make decisions without him.
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I was going to say the same about Meri's shirt.

Agree it isn't covid that's to blame for the family dynamic. It just revealed the truth that #4 has done all she can to get Kody to herself. And he went along with it willingly.
I also found the discussion of their living arrangements in Lehi very interesting. Leads me to think the "good old days" weren't really all that good. I 100% get someone not wanting extra people tramping through their quarters all day long. But these aren't just "people". These are your sister wives and your communal kids. Would you lock your babysitter and kids out of your home while you were gone? They just spouted the praises of plural marriage for so many years, but never quite lived like the big happy family they purported to be. Besides, if Meri didn't like it, she should have traded quarters with one of the other wives. But we know she never would have done that since she had the prime spot.
I also found the discussion of their living arrangements in Lehi very interesting. Leads me to think the "good old days" weren't really all that good. I 100% get someone not wanting extra people tramping through their quarters all day long. But these aren't just "people". These are your sister wives and your communal kids. Would you lock your babysitter and kids out of your home while you were gone? They just spouted the praises of plural marriage for so many years, but never quite lived like the big happy family they purported to be. Besides, if Meri didn't like it, she should have traded quarters with one of the other wives. But we know she never would have done that since she had the prime spot.
I too thought she should have been in that basement apartment that Christine had. So interesting that she kept her dominant wifey spot with those 2 wives but gave it up for Robin. Very telling (since it must have been that Kody wanted it but didn't care with Janelle and Christine).
So I'm a bit behind but.... My goodness. Christine and Kody. They both have some issues that they need to work through with one another, but I think Kody is responding in the wrong way. Christine needs to accept that moving to Utah with Kody is not an option, and not keep acting like she doesn't understand why it's not an option. But for Kody to be so... callous before Ysabel's surgery. I mean.... I kind of get his decision. Kind of. But as others have said, he could have gone up just for the surgery, even if he couldn't be actually AT the hospital... (if, for example, the hospital only allowed one parent to be there) He would have been able to see her as soon as she was discharged, and that would have been a big comfort. But for him to say to her that he couldn't even HUG her before this huge surgery? REALLY??? And then when she was getting him to sign the consent paperwork, and his "You aren't 6 feet apart." I had thought he was finally starting to understand the timing, but then did you catch his line right before they left? He said something along the lines of "I still don't see why they had to do this without me." Uh.... no. It's the other way around. YOU'RE doing it without THEM. Do NOT blame them.

Also, anyone else think that Kody thinks that Ysabel is exaggerating the pain? I got that sense as I watched one of the recent episodes. (I don't think it was the last one.)
A really interesting episode, in terms of revealing where they all are mentally with Covid and plural marriage in general.

I'm so sick of everyone saying Kody "couldn’t" go to NJ for the surgery. He CHOSE not to go.

Fascinating comment from Christine about how they started looking for insurance as soon as Ysabel said she was in pain every day. I guess it's a good thing she wasn't in an accident that required immediate treatment. That certainly reveals that plural marriage is not a viable lifestyle. If you can't afford to insure your children, you can't afford your lifestyle.

The whole discussion with Janelle about wanting Garrison to move out just rubbed me the wrong way. Janelle makes a very good point about how they actually made changes in the house to allow Kaleb and Madison to move in with them for a while. Now he wants to kick Garrison out in a pandemic. Not a good look. And Kody telling her she's letting her baby run her household was just awful. No Kody. You're just mad she isn't letting YOU make all the decisions and she has an opinion of her own. But all of her comments about being so close to her kids because she's a plural wife are very telling about what she gets out of the arrangement.

LOVED that Aspen, Mitch and Hunter went to visit Ysabel when Kody wouldn't. So hard to see her crying out for Kody. Just sad.

The stuff with Meri is just hard to watch. I've never been a big Meri fan, but she's better than this. She needs to grow a spine. Maybe seeing Christine happy after leaving will light the path for her.

Next week's episode looks fun. Kody and Robyn have a freaking nanny! WTH? And she comes and goes? WHAT? He can't be exposed to his daughter having surgery but he can be exposed to a NANNY? And what on earth does she do with 2 adults and a couple teens already there to "help" with the 6 and 10 year olds? SERIOUSLY?
Kody acts like the kids are each wife’s responsibility and only his when he wants to have fun or claim that he’s such a great dad.

He won’t help Garrison but also doesn’t want him working outside the house if he’s living with his mother. There are necessary Covid precautions, but he seems to think that everyone can completely stop working/living. If everyone lived to his standards, they wouldn’t have groceries or a cistern installed or anything.

He claims he couldn’t support Ysabel through surgery, but it’s really that he wouldn’t spend the amount of time necessary away from Robyn to quarantine. He didn’t need to be gone the entire 6 weeks. Robyn should have encouraged him to go instead of whining.

And now we hear that Robyn has a nanny who comes and goes? Sol is 10, and Ari isn’t an infant, how much help does she need? Kody says he basically lives there. Are the three older kids at home? And, again, if this nanny lived the way Kody expects his adult children to live, they wouldn’t have a nanny right now. So, in his view, his family needs to stop working and having contact with others, but anyone providing goods/services to him should be working and putting their own families at risk.

I can’t believe that Meri stays with him when he straight out says that there will never be anything between them again and that she’s not worth talking to every day. I applaud Christine for seeing the big picture and getting out (even though I think she is unreasonable about thinking the entire family should pick up and move to Utah at this point.)
He won’t help Garrison but also doesn’t want him working outside the house if he’s living with his mother. There are necessary Covid precautions, but he seems to think that everyone can completely stop working/living. If everyone lived to his standards, they wouldn’t have groceries or a cistern installed or anything.
They uprooted Garrison with the move to an expensive tourist area and Kody seems surprised that Garrison needs a little more time to be able to afford to move out. I bet in LV he'd be out already.

He claims he couldn’t support Ysabel through surgery, but it’s really that he wouldn’t spend the amount of time necessary away from Robyn to quarantine. He didn’t need to be gone the entire 6 weeks. Robyn should have encouraged him to go instead of whining.

And now we hear that Robyn has a nanny who comes and goes? Sol is 10, and Ari isn’t an infant, how much help does she need? Kody says he basically lives there. Are the three older kids at home? And, again, if this nanny lived the way Kody expects his adult children to live, they wouldn’t have a nanny right now. So, in his view, his family needs to stop working and having contact with others, but anyone providing goods/services to him should be working and putting their own families at risk.
I was literally screaming at the TV over this!

I can’t believe that Meri stays with him when he straight out says that there will never be anything between them again and that she’s not worth talking to every day. I applaud Christine for seeing the big picture and getting out (even though I think she is unreasonable about thinking the entire family should pick up and move to Utah at this point.)
Seriously. Meri is looking so weak right now.
I posted on my other forum (Primtimer) because it allows cursing and man did I have some words for the dastardly duo (fat neck Robyn Brown and balding Kody Brown...insert other not so nice words). Man what a pair they are. Her being the most conniving evil you know what and him being a worthless absentee parent. He basically ditched his former family to live out a normal monogamous marriage with queen eyebrows. Like he ran off from one family and abandoned them to just live the life with the chosen one. It's almost as if he used polygamy to sample around until he found the thing he liked most. He is just gross! Good on Christine for running for the hills. Now Meri needs to cowboy up and do the same. Janelle too. Although would be nice to keep one lady around to put the pins to Mrs Fat Neck.
Garrison wouldn’t be out on his own in Vegas. Rent is huge now in Vegas. A one bedroom is $1400-$1700 a month. A 2 bedroom is $1700-$2000 per month. A 3 bedroom is now $1700-$2800 per month. There’s a rental shortage along with a housing shortage. Houses are being built, yet it’s 7-12 months wait with no guarantees.

Kody is not plugged-in thinking today’s young adult can afford to move out on their own. Heck our Oldest is an adult and their friends, everyone single one of them are still living at home because rent isn’t $600 for a 1 bedroom in a great neighborhood like it was 20 years ago. I’m truly convinced Kody has absolutely no concept of money. The reason they sold their Vegas homes was they did very creative financing to get into them in the first place and the show was going to be cancelled.

Oh and Kody’s a deadbeat dad for not being there for his daughter’s surgery, yet can have a freaking nanny thinking he’s like The Kardashians. By way Kody, you had no problem being in the Hospital ER waiting room with Janelle when one of her kids was there. I saw you both years back. So your Covid excuse for not being there for your daughter’s surgery is pure bull💩.

Kody is so toxic. Glad Christine finally saw it. All the kids have been seeing it for years. Looking back on their interviews, they don’t say it loud, yet they admitted when things weren’t right and it was said often.
I thought I was hearing things when someone said Robyn has a nanny! She doesn’t work and has tons of help in the home. How hypercritical then that Janelle’s teens are ostracized for having a work ethic and jobs outside the home! You go Christine you deserve better. I guess Meri is just staying for the show then because it’s obvious Kody is now only husband to one woman.
I posted on my other forum (Primtimer) because it allows cursing and man did I have some words for the dastardly duo (fat neck Robyn Brown and balding Kody Brown...insert other not so nice words). Man what a pair they are. Her being the most conniving evil you know what and him being a worthless absentee parent. He basically ditched his former family to live out a normal monogamous marriage with queen eyebrows. Like he ran off from one family and abandoned them to just live the life with the chosen one. It's almost as if he used polygamy to sample around until he found the thing he liked most. He is just gross! Good on Christine for running for the hills. Now Meri needs to cowboy up and do the same. Janelle too. Although would be nice to keep one lady around to put the pins to Mrs Fat Neck.
I just love you and your words!


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