Has anyone gone to Epcot prior to opening? I see it opens at 11AM, but my daughter's nap time is 12. I am wondering if it actually opens earlier so we could get 2 hrs in before nap...
Just went a couple of weeks ago and I was ready for a 12:00 nap. Not my best experience at EPCOT.
:rotfl: Yes even us adults need a break! Any tips to make it better? I was going to go straight to Frozen ever after (her max wait time in a line is about 15 min before meltdown), then to Nemo, then maybe let her just look at everything and run around... then back to room for nap.
I'm really glad to read about good experiences with hiring a private car for pick-up. We're planning to go at the end of the year so this will be good news. Also anyone with experience, do you need to negotiate a grocery stop when you hire the car?
I'm really glad to read about good experiences with hiring a private car for pick-up. We're planning to go at the end of the year so this will be good news. Also anyone with experience, do you need to negotiate a grocery stop when you hire the car?

In my experience, most of the places will tell you if they include a grocery stop. The drivers know the best stores to go to (I know that we stop at the same Publix every time we go to Universal, the plaza also has a liquor store adjacent to the Publix as well), but will work with you if you want to go some place specific.
One more quick note about transportation from MCO: I priced it from the airport, while there, to the Contemporary where we were staying and it was $71, one way. On the flip side, Tuesday AM for my husband and son was $31 from Boardwalk to MCO.
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Thank you!! This is great news. We can probably get in Frozen & Nemo
Keep in mind rides may or may not be running by then. I was there this past Wednesday and while the gates were open, Soarin', for instance, wasn't running until closer to 11 am. Hopefully your rides are!
That's a bummer. You weren't successful at 7am and 1pm on both days? Did you read up on the process and practice before your trip?

Good question. I read that the 1:00 opening was much more likely so didn't try at 7. Not sure if it would have made a difference. Yes, I read up on the process (which is how I knew 1:00 was theoretically more likely, etc.). I'm wondering if my phone was part of the problem. I was able to see wait times, fortunately, just not mobile order.

I was sitting outside Sci-Fi Dine-In waiting and then trying at 1:00 when a roar went up from the crowd, which I believe was people getting in. One man said to someone else near him that spaces are gone within 4 seconds. I believe it!!!
Interesting that was our same experience in March...odd that the same ride was the only one with a lower wait than posted. In Sept. most were lower than posted, but in March they were all pretty accurate, some longer, except BTM, which was less.
Strange! I even said to my husband at one point it's like they can't pay people to ride BTRM. It regularly showed a 15-30 minute wait but was pretty much a straight walk on.
I’ve been here since Sunday and nothing but positive cast member interactions and excellent service across the board. I’m sorry your experience hasn’t been the same but I wholeheartedly disagree that cast member joy isn’t present.
Cool. Most of our direct encounters with CMs found them stressed/high strung/overwhelmed. I was commenting on the fact that who could blame them? Working with the public right now is a lot of pressure/stress. Safety has to come first and sometimes that replaces the usual cheer.
I arrive in a few days and weather looks consistent from now to then. I am wondering what evening weather is like--did you/are you wearing a light sweater --or does 68 with humidity feel warm for t-shirts?
I live an hour away and we’re wearing T-shirts and shorts all day long. The nights are still warm enough imo
Not intended to start a mask debate, just my observations and wondering if others have noticed this on recent trips or if it's always been this way.

We just got back from 17-22. Heard a lot leading up to the trip about how strict the CMs were with proper mask wearing but never saw even one instance of a CM asking someone to put their mask on correctly or not walking around eating/drinking. Didn't bother me much as we are vaccinated but was just interesting that they no longer care or are getting sick of correcting people or were never strict to begin with. I would also get sick of doing it if I worked there.

There were multiple occasions of people in front of us in the skyliner queues with the chin strap mask eating/drinking all the way through the queue and to the cast member who assigned them a skyliner and didn't say anything to them. There was a clearly very drunk couple at the end of the night at Epcot without a mask visible anywhere on them that walked out of International Gateway and into the skyliner queue behind us for about a half hour without a word from anyone. Earlier that night we were waiting for a mobile order outside the BBQ quick service and a group of 3 came up to the CM all with the chin strap mask and he just looked at their mobile order and let them inside without saying anything and then they stood inside waiting the same way. There were plenty of people in kiosk lines eating/drinking all the way through ordering. Also saw multiple people get their food from the window, pull their mask down and start eating right at the window while they waited for the rest of their order.

We spent 1 night at Disney Springs and 2 at Epcot and I'd say about 25% or more of the people there were walking around with the chin strap mask. Even in the Magic Kingdom during the middle of the day we saw a lot of families walking around eating or some not even eating, just masks pulled down. Wonder if they got a message recently to not bother correcting people anymore.
Not intended to start a mask debate, just my observations and wondering if others have noticed this on recent trips or if it's always been this way.

We just got back from 17-22. Heard a lot leading up to the trip about how strict the CMs were with proper mask wearing but never saw even one instance of a CM asking someone to put their mask on correctly or not walking around eating/drinking. Didn't bother me much as we are vaccinated but was just interesting that they no longer care or are getting sick of correcting people or were never strict to begin with. I would also get sick of doing it if I worked there.

There were multiple occasions of people in front of us in the skyliner queues with the chin strap mask eating/drinking all the way through the queue and to the cast member who assigned them a skyliner and didn't say anything to them. There was a clearly very drunk couple at the end of the night at Epcot without a mask visible anywhere on them that walked out of International Gateway and into the skyliner queue behind us for about a half hour without a word from anyone. Earlier that night we were waiting for a mobile order outside the BBQ quick service and a group of 3 came up to the CM all with the chin strap mask and he just looked at their mobile order and let them inside without saying anything and then they stood inside waiting the same way. There were plenty of people in kiosk lines eating/drinking all the way through ordering. Also saw multiple people get their food from the window, pull their mask down and start eating right at the window while they waited for the rest of their order.

We spent 1 night at Disney Springs and 2 at Epcot and I'd say about 25% or more of the people there were walking around with the chin strap mask. Even in the Magic Kingdom during the middle of the day we saw a lot of families walking around eating or some not even eating, just masks pulled down. Wonder if they got a message recently to not bother correcting people anymore.
Thanks for this report. I pulled the plug and booked a summer trip after such a good time last August. I know the parks are more crowded but I didn't know the stopped enforcing proper mask wearing. The adults in the trip are fully vaccinated but my teen is not and dont know if her age group would be allowed by july. If not we probably just have to skip the parks if Disney relax mask enforcement
Thanks for this report. I pulled the plug and booked a summer trip after such a good time last August. I know the parks are more crowded but I didn't know the stopped enforcing proper mask wearing. The adults in the trip are fully vaccinated but my teen is not and dont know if her age group would be allowed by july. If not we probably just have to skip the parks if Disney relax mask enforcement
I wouldn't make your vacation decision just based on my one data point. I could have just somehow happened to be in spots where certain CMs weren't following the rules they are supposed to impose. That's why I wanted to see if others have noticed a similar relaxing of enforcement or if it's been this way the whole time. I just came in with the expectation that even if a nose is hanging out that a CM is there right away to correct them based on posts I saw here and from some podcasts. That just wasn't the case in my experience, but could be different for you.
I’m here now, and it’s been chilly in the evenings for sure (and the mornings too, especially if you’re in the shade). I’ve been wearing a thin hoodie (really a glorified long-sleeve t-shirt), and it’s been great for those chilly times.

Thank you--super helpful!!
I know this has been posted before but couldn't find it in my search. How early does parking open for MK (8am open)? Trying to decide which is worse- dealing with TTC or getting to the bus at 6:30am. And does the BWV bus still hit YC and BC? TIA!
The BWV bus doesn’t go to any other resorts. :)
Can you explain “experience marijuana”? Like you actually witnessed people smoking it? ...or you smelled it on someone(s).

it is definitely not something I want to smell or see while anywhere on Disney property

While there is no way to be certain, a lot of times it isn't marijuana. It's CBD vapes. Many people use them for pain and stress. Most strands have a strong odor that smells the same as marijuana.


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