Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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That is another one of my thoughts - I was SOOOO incredibly sick in Dec 2019, 2 days after getting back from WDW. I have never been that sick. I wish I could test if I had antibodies already before getting the shot..

I hope your arm is doing better. My DH had his shot last week and the next morning he couldn't lift it but just enough to wash his pit in the shower, ha!

My BFF had her 2nd dose last week and then ended up in the hospital 2 days later...it was suspected a stroke at first. How scary! They are saying "not related to the vaccine", but she isn't sure. She said it felt like a panic attack mixed with a migraine. Not sure what the final dx was.

Sigh. I hate second guessing all this stuff. I never used to overthink everything.

Thanks for that makes me feel a little better about others having had it. My arm is now able to lift to about 8 oclock position from 7 oclock yesterday, two days after shot, about an inch or so better. A relative of my husband's who is about 50 years old, had a super bad headache from his first shot but got the second and ended up in the hospital with an embolism of some sort. I also get very bad migraines with aura and was worrying about something like that, but had no headache and no fever, just my arm was kind of locked up. I got the Phizer. I'll keep trying to stretch it lol.
That is another one of my thoughts - I was SOOOO incredibly sick in Dec 2019, 2 days after getting back from WDW. I have never been that sick. I wish I could test if I had antibodies already before getting the shot..

I hope your arm is doing better. My DH had his shot last week and the next morning he couldn't lift it but just enough to wash his pit in the shower, ha!

My BFF had her 2nd dose last week and then ended up in the hospital 2 days later...it was suspected a stroke at first. How scary! They are saying "not related to the vaccine", but she isn't sure. She said it felt like a panic attack mixed with a migraine. Final dx was stress? She's a teacher, teaching in a pandemic, with all the tension of the world on his back...but, ya know. Oof.

Sigh. I hate second guessing all this stuff. I never used to overthink everything.

Sometimes, it is just the final straw breaking...I wouldn't be surprised that stress over and after getting the shot could have been what took her system "over the top" into an emergency.

She probably was sitting at a very high long term stress level already (with everything you mentioned)...

My brother had the same happen to him a decade ago - he went in thinking he had a heart attack, and it was diagnosed (after 1000 tests) as a panic attack. He had been under a lot of work and family stress and finally his body physically gave out on him from the mental stress...after the event, he destressed, and it's never happened again...
I got my 2nd Pfizer shot on Friday and had very little symptoms! on Saturday my arm was hurting but actually less than with shot #1 and I was tired feeling during the day, but it didnt really stop me from doing my regular Saturday stuff - DH and I took the dogs for a 4 mile walk and then I went to the grocery stores. I did have a pretty good headache all day which could be allergy related since pollen has arrived in NC but I couldnt get rid of the headache so I think it was more than just allergies.

The headache also affected me in such a way that I did a load of laundry and realized that I forgot to add laundry detergent.. :rolleyes1

Was back to 100% by Sunday!

My 19 yr old son also got shot #2 on Friday and was a little tired on Saturday but that didn't affect him too bad!

Now my family is fully vaccinated (well, give us 2 more weeks) and I've scheduled our first family dinner in over a year for mid-May!!
Starting yesterday the lymph nodes under my right arm (shot arm) are really swollen and tender. I think that is a side effect of the shot. I read that can happen usually 2-4 days post vaccine. Yesterday was +4 for me. Hopefully it goes away soon.
I had this and it mostly went away about a week after the vaccine dose. I read it can last for several weeks though.
DH and I got our second Pfizer dose yesterday (mine in the early morning, him in the afternoon) from a drive through Mass Vax site in MD. I was wiped out once I got home, but it was the hour long drive in the rain each way plus an hour at the site (they do 400/hour there). By the evening I was pretty tired, went to bed at 7, slept (woke a few times) until after 7 this morning. Today I am staying in bed; very, very tired. Had a bad headache during the night, so took Motrin twice.

Some have mentioned anxiety; I developed severe debilitating anxiety last fall. Am now on Viibryd and Trazodone, and during the night my anxiety a couple times was really bad (I considered taking another Trazodone as I’m on a low dose, but decided not to). I wonder if the shot can produce some anxiety (I’m well over 24 past my dose and now it’s fine).

DH has a very sore arm but seems okay for now; he went into work.

Very happy to be done with this! Kids (health issues) get their second doses of Moderna at the end of the week, so we’ll all be done.
My left shoulder was frozen about 2 years ago. But I've been having different issues with my right shoulder for the past year. It's the worst of the 2 so I had them inject my left arm. For the first day post injection, both times, my arm was really bad off. Worse than any other injection I've had, including tetanus injections. Severe pain for a day, then poof. Gone. Thank heaven. I'm 2 weeks post second Moderna vaccine and back to just my normal levels of shoulder pain. I hope yours passes quickly as well.

Hoping to move forward on some shoulder PT now that I'm fully vaccinated.

A frozen shoulder is so painful and it feels exactly like that but next time for second shot I am going to ask for my right arm even tho that is my dominant hand. Glad to know you're better!
Okay so here's our update 48 hours after:

A day after my husband and I made our appointments for the locations outside of our county my husband was checking his e-mail and saw one from 4 mins prior that a hospital system in our county was opening up appointments for their weekly Saturday mass clinic for phases 1-4. He went ahead and signed up then messaged me and made an appointment for me. This place was about 20ish mins from our house but we could go together and he wouldn't have to drive 30mins in the middle of a workday and me 1 hour in the early afternoon and it was only 2 days later. We cancelled our other appointments for 3/25. The entire day's worth of appointments for 3/27 for this clinic was filled in about 20-25mins.

The process was quite smooth really. I don't know how many people they do on a given Saturday but it must be a decent amount. After you finished with your shot you were sent to a different area to actually make your 2nd appointment. They start your 15mins observation time from when you get your shot so once you make your 2nd appointment (which for us is April 16th) you may only be sitting in the socially distance chairs for a short time.

Both my husband and I signed up for v-safe.

Okay onto the side effects. We both got Pfizer.

For me:
~minor headache for 30mins after
~hot flashes on and off for several hours. No fever (I checked multiple times) just hot flashes
~very very minor fatigue
~arm was heavy
~soreness of the muscle area where the shot happened got progressively worse as the day went on and by dinner time it was pretty sore. If I didn't move the arm it was fine, moving it hurt but it still wasn't really really bad. Went to sleep and by morning the soreness ebbed again and just felt heavy again. Today no soreness just a tinge of heaviness leftover

For my husband:
~very very minor fatigue
~soreness of the muscle area where the shot happened got progressively worse as the day went on and by dinner time it was pretty sore. Went to sleep and by morning the soreness ebbed again. Today no soreness.
So, I got my first Pfizer shot about 10 days ago. I've been noticeably more tired during the day ever since. Has anyone else experienced this? The timing of my shot coincided with the start of my monthly cycle, so that explained the fatigue at first, but by this point, it should have gone away, right? I wake up and about an hour later, am exhausted again and I fight through it, but it's like all I want to do several times a day is take a nap (but then when I try, I can't fall asleep). It's starting to get annoying. I am sleeping well at night and waking up naturally around 7:30am.
Hey ladies, have any of you experienced any other swollen lymph nodes (besides under the arm) post vaccine?
Hey ladies, have any of you experienced any other swollen lymph nodes (besides under the arm) post vaccine?

My best friend has one on her upper chest, same side where she got the vaccine. She is going in for a mammogram/ultrasound soon because it is technically in her breast tissue at this point.
My best friend has one on her upper chest, same side where she got the vaccine. She is going in for a mammogram/ultrasound soon because it is technically in her breast tissue at this point.
I thought I read that delaying mammograms for several weeks after vaccination is recommended so there is no confusion about lymph node swelling being from vaccination vs. disease since ultrasound or mammography can’t tell if a lymph node is reactive vs, neoplastic (unless there is another mass present).
Hey ladies, have any of you experienced any other swollen lymph nodes (besides under the arm) post vaccine?
Not swollen, but I had lymph node pain in my neck on the same side where I got the vaccine after Moderna #2.
Hey ladies, have any of you experienced any other swollen lymph nodes (besides under the arm) post vaccine?

My co-worker had the one in her neck swell.

Got an appointment for Friday. Getting the pfizer vaccine. Wondering if I should take the afternoon off or keep working the rest of the day. I’m remote.

My mom and husband both got Pfizer. My mom had hers around 8 in the morning and she said she was fine until after in the afternoon and then just felt crummy. DH got his at about 11 on Saturday and has been fine until today. He is just really tired but feels fine.
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